News Scrapbook 1989
Oceanside, CA (San Diego Co.) North County Blade Tribune ! Cir. D. 29,089) Cir. S. 30,498)
Jlll•rt '1
I'. C. II I 6 U Em roiled in scandal, Garvey quits as USD trustee 1:,r
no r a on for his departure. r c ptioni t t rvey' of- ftC(: in La J ol!a aid he was out of town Thur day and unavailable for comm nt, and no one involved in the resignation would say if G rvey ¼11 asked to resign or why he did o. Dan l'ctr1e, a ·poke ·man for Roman C thohc B1 hop Leo lahcr, who i chairman of lhe umvcr i y' board of trustees, aid Garvt•y . ubmittcd his res-
igna lion last weekend after talk- ing with the bishop during the board' annual retreat at La Quinta resort near Palm Springs. Maher citing his "pastoral role," declined to elaborate on Garvey's resignation after four years on the USD board, Petrie aid. Garvey, 40, a 10-lime All Star, played first base for the Los Angeles Dodgers and San Diego Padres during a 17-year major
league career. He was thrust into the national spotlight again last week, but as the possible father of two il- legitmate children allegedly conceived during Garvey's ad- mitted involvement with several women simultaneously. One baby was born 1''eb. 15 in San Diego to an unidentified woman Also claiming to be pregnant by Garvey is Rebecka Mendenhall of Atlanta. who
works for the Cable News Net- work. Garvey recently broke his engagement with Mendenhall and began a whirlwind court hip of Candace Thomas, 30, whom he married in Deer Valley, Utah, in mid-February. Mendenhall contends she in- formed Garvey of her pregnancy Jan. 23, the same day he called her to break their three-week engagement.
Garvey has said if either child proves to he his that he would accept financial responsibility - for their support His new bnde also has said that if either woman was unwilling to raise the children, she would take them. Also involved in the tangled affair is Judith Ross, a longtime girlfriend of Garvey's who has said she was seeing him while he was involved in the other rela- ,? tionships. ..---
Escondido, CA (San Diego Co.I Times Advocate (Cir. o. 45,900) (Cir. s. 47 ,000)
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Dieg__o Union (Cir . D . 217 ,089) (Cir . S. 341 ,840)
Salinas, CA (Monterey Co,) c 111ornlan (Cir. 6xW. 23 ,602) R
1 3 I>. C. B E~s~•-~1!_8~88~--------------~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~:::~-7
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Fragile heroes s~ Cr.~l y do they always ~s, and just whose fault 1s it. subject our heroes to. By Divina lnfusino "E~ryone has failings when Arts Writer viewed up close," says Larry Before there was Steve Gar- Moffitt, executive dire<;tor of t~e vey, there was Jimmy s-:vaggart. World Media Association 1~ Jim Bakker, Bruce Springsteen, Washington, D.C. "I don't know if Gary Hart, John F. Kennedy, anyone can uphold the standards Richard Nixon and countless we have put forth." other square-jawed heroes. And perhaps we look for he- They were all modern Lan- roes in the wrong places.. . celots who stood for right, fought "We confuse celebrities with the good fight - and proved to heroes," says Gary Edwar~, ex- be all-too-human. ecutive director of the Eth~cs Re-- It's hard to be a hero. These source Center in Washmgton, days, experts say, it's close to im- D.C. "People become heroes, not possible. . because of their moral accom- "We are becoming a society plishment, but for some ace en- bereft of heroes," says Kirk 0 . tal feature _ because they are Hanson, who is developing an good entertainers _or have athlet- American hero research center ic abilities or simply because at the Claremont Graduate they're famous. Often they have School in Pomona. "We are in an a great deal of ~nd money, age of cynicism. We have low es- but little self-d1sc1pline and re- teem for ourselves as ~ple. So sponsibility . Consequently, when we see a hero, we unmedt- they're not prepared to be he-- ately try to find their faults to roes. f justify our cynicism." "We all have our collections o Garvey is just the most rece~t vices and virtues. What it takes example of the fallen hero. HIS to be a hero is a continuing effort resignation Thursday from th e to cultivate the virtues in your-
:;qs" W'A~IV!nnan Willard Scott hints he may leave 'Today' shoW over memo
!Vi ·al •re try ed the 1is- ua- " .ky, hat 1 a By Jro- 1, a last de- ves on ; its
News Network. Garvey recently broke his en- gagement with Mendenhall and began a whirlwind courtship of Candace Thomas, 30, whom he married in Deer Valley, Utah, in mid-February. Mendenhall contends she in- formed Garvey of her pregnancy Jan. 23, the same day he called her to break their three-week engage- ment. Garvey has said if either child proves to be his that he would ac- cept financial responsibility for their support. His new bride also has said that if either woman was unwilling to raise the children, she would take them. Also involved in the tangled af- fair is Judith Ross, a longtime girl- friend of Garvey's who has said she was seeing him while he was in- volved in the other relationships.
Continued from page A 1 Maher citing his "pastoral role," declined to elaborate on Garvey's resignation after four years on the USD board, Petrie said. Garvey, 40, a 10-time All Star, played first base for the Los An- geles Dodgers and San Diego Pa- dres during a 17-year major league career. He was thrust into the national spotlight again last week, but as the possible father of two illegiti- mate children allegedly conceived during Garvey's admitted involve- ment with several women simulta- neously. One baby was born Feb. 15 in San Diego to an unidentified wom- an. Also claiming to be pregnant by Garvey is Rebecka Mendenhall of Atlanta. who works for the Cable
oes ,aJ- on. hat
Univwity o£ Sao Oiei:o board of trust~me after revelations former fiancee is p~eg- nant and another woman clauns she recently had his baby . But perhaps no on~ can with- stand the media scrutiny that we that hi
See Heroes on Page D- 3
Steve Garvey is the most recent example of the fall- en hero.
San Diego CA (San Drego Co.) San D1eg_o Unron / C,r . D. 217,089) Cir . S. 341 ,840)
Anaheim CA (Orange Co .) Anaheim Bulletin (Cir . D. 14,405) MR
San Jose, CA (Santa Clara Co.) Mercury-News (AM Ed.) (Cir. D. 268,700)
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P. C. R
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P C 8
f' • The Institute for Christian Ministries at the University of San D~II begin offering a master of arts in pastoral care and counseling next fall. According to institute di- rector, the Rev. Ron Pachence, the 36-unit degree will be earned through an inter-disciplinary program to meet the needs of part-time and full- time students who will take courses in thr~ areas: practical theology, counseling and pastoral counseling. The program is open to people of all religious traditions. For information contact the Office of Graduate Ad- missions at 260-4524. • Richard C. Atkinson, chancellor of UCSD, will speak at 4 p.m. tomor- row at St. James by-the-Sea Episco- pal Church in La Jolla. Requested donation is $5. • Mission Hills First Congrega- tiooal Church will present an organ concert by John Pagett of First Con- gregational Church in Berkeley at 4 p.m. tomorrow. This is the first con- cert in a music series planned by the congregation. • Steve Garvey Former baseball star Steve Garvey, embroiled in a paternity scandal involving two former lovers who say he got them pregnant, has resigned as a University ct ~an Diego trustee: school officials said. A short statement released - ignalion would say if Garvey was asked to resign or why he did so. Dan Petrie, a spokesman for Roman Catholic Bishop Leo Maher, who is chairman of the university's board of trustees, said Garvey submit- ted his resignation last week- end. - Associated Press Thursday by the private Cath- olic university, which con- firmed Garvey's resignation from the board of trustees, gave no reason for his depar- ture. A receptionist at Garvey's office in La Jolla said he was out of town Thursday and un- available for comment, and no one involved in the res- MARi.-1 .Jl.lfrrr P C 9 / , /811 t rney o~e r n ng ten • ea Loyola Maryrnount is averaging an NCAA record 114 7 pomt ancl 1 · led hy W A pluyer of the year II n Gathers, who a\eragmg 3 5 poml and 13 7 rebound to le d the country m both d •part m n The Lion al o have been aid ,J by the return of iumor for- ward Bo Klrnhl • (15 8 poml . 2 r bound~). \\ho m1 ed 13 gam after undergoing, rthro eop1c kneu urgerv m Dcc·ember Santa Maria, CA (Santa Barbara Co.) Santa Maria Times (Cir . D. 18,683) ...Al~n'• ,. C. I fJt. ,,,, •.., a~Ysf#Y resigns as unive sity trustee SAN DIEGO (AP) - Former baseball star weekend and turned in his resignation after a with ~endenhall and began a whirlwind St h · d u · ·ty of talk wi·th the bishop courtship of Candace Thomas, 30, whom he eve rvey as res1gne as a mvers1 · . • v II h • h F b San Diego trustee in the aftermath of publiet• The bishop, citing his "pastoral role," m18 a 1 r 9 ried ikn Ddeer a ey, Uta durmg t e e · .....,.,,..,.;-;j--..-....,.,, d 1 · 1 · t - wee en ty about a patern ty scan a mvo vmg wo won't discuss the motivation behind the M d nh 11 · 1 • h • f d G I en e a c aims s e m orme arvey forme~ _overs. . . . . resignation, Petrie said. of her pregnancy on Jan. 23, the same day he Off1c1als at the private Catholic umve~sity Garvey, 40, a IO-time All Star who played called her to break their three-week engage- released a short statement Thursday confirm- first base for the Los Angeles Dodgers and ment ing Garvey's resignation from th e ? 0 a rd of San Diego Padres during a 17-year career, G~rvey has said if either Mendenhall's or trustees. They gave no reason for his depar- was thrust into the national spotlight again the other woman's baby proves to be his, he ture. . last week as the possible father of two would accept financial responsibility for their A receptionist at Gar~ey's La Jolla office illegitmate children. support. His new bride also has said that if said Garvey was unavailable for comment One baby was born in San Diego to an either woman was unwilling to raise the Thursday. unidentified woman on Feb. 15. Also claiming children, she would take them. Dan Petrie, a spokesman for Bishop Leo a pregnancy by Garvey is Rebecka Menden- Also involved in the tangled affair is Maher, who is chairman of the university's hall of Atlanta, who works for the Cable News Judith Ross, a longtime girlfriend of Garvey board of trustees, said Garvey attended the Network. who said she had been seeing him while he board's annual retreat at La Quinta last Garvey recently broke his engagement was involved in the other relationships. L~---.:....~----------------- -----· •-rv.-, •
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