News Scrapbook 1989

San Diego, CA. (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) {Cir. S. 341,840) MAY Z 8 1989

JllkJt '•

P. C. B fat. I 888 T~os ~nd Dawg days in Athens Athens, Ga., the ~~wn of rock ------------ groups R.E.M. and the B-52s, has pro- LOCAL TENNIS cruiting year," he said. duced a _fair am_ount of popular and TOM KRASOVIC progressive music. --- -"--'"-'-'-'----

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.I Evening Tribune (Cir. 0. 123,064)

Among the new Aztecs will be Ri- cardo Herrera of Odessa Community College m Texas, ranked No. 3 in the nation; left-hander Matt Rivera of Las Vegas' Bishop Gorman High, the top-ranked player in the Inter-Moun- tain Region and a rival of USD sig- nee Bradley; and Dax Peterson of Santa Ana Mater Dei. Bream also has received a verbal commitment from one of the top three community college players m Southern Califor- nia. "We should have a very deep team next year," said Bream, whose top three players return (Joe McDo• nough, Tole Marinkovic and Woody Yocum). "We're hoping to be where USO 1s next year, and that's the NCAA Championships." Plunkett and Bream have sched- uled four one-week camps for June 19-23 and 26-30, and July 10-14 and 17-21. The fee is $140 for advanced juniors rn the 10-17 age bracket and $110 for adults or Juniors in the be- ginner and intermediate divisions. Participants can reduce the price by $10 if they register by Thursday. To do so, call 594-6505 or write Bream at San Diego State, 92182. Zuniga back - St Augustine sen- ior Marco Zuniga, who has been both- ered by back problems mo t of this season, missed the City Central League championships two weeks ago, but said h will compete in the section singles tournament on Wednesday. He 1s eeded No. 1. Teammate Ignacio Martinez, a jun- ior and the league champion. is the No. 2 seed. Although he 1s seeded sev- enth, Mt. Carmel senior Gene Cars- well could make a run for the title. He lost in three sets to Zuniga at Ojai and led the Sundevils to the 3A team title Thursday.

AY 3 1 tQ89

,. C. 8


Some even say the sound of 5,000 Georgians screaming "Dawgs," "Choke," or, "Woof . . . Woof ... Woof," is music to their ears, that such enthusiasm enlivens college tennis. Since 1977, the NCAA men's team tennis championships have been in Athens, at the University of Georgia. That 12-year streak ends next year, when Indian Wells will host the tour- nament. To say Dick Leach will be happy is to ay Donald Trump has an ego. Leach hates Athens. Athens hates Leach. The fun started in 1987, when top- eedtd US -wa all bu a hoo-in for its ninth national title and first under Leach. Then came the semifinals, when USC put its 30-0 record on the line against Georgia, one of USC's previous victims. Leach not only endured the hooting of Dawgs fans, who considered the Trojans spoiled, prettified Yankees, but he watched his team lose, 5-4. Further, Leach's son, Rick, lost to Furman's Ned.Caswell as the Georg- ia fans yelled for their fellow South• erner. In the parking lot afterward. Rick Leach snapped. He jumped on the car of a heckler, brandished a racket and yelled "Come on, you want me to kill you?" Said Dick Leach. whose words appeared in Sports Illustrated: 'We've been taking this crap for five days. You're all a bunch of sickos. All Southerners can go tQ hell." The mutual ennuty still was pres- ent earlier this month, said Ed Col- lins, the coach at USO and a friend of Leach.

F.11. 1888 ---'---=========-=====

When the USO team, making its first appearance in the tournament, walked into an Athens hotel lobby, a stranger wanted to know where the players were from. "The guy thought we said USC in- stead oHJiD, and he started cussing us out," said Collins, chuckling with wonderment. No doubt that fan was at Georgia's match, when the Bulldogs beat USC, 5-1 The end of a legacy year's OSD team the best he's coached in his 11 seasons, but next year the Tor r could be as good, he said. The three players who won sin- gles matches in their second-round loss to UC Irvine - freshman Jose Luis Noriega and jumors Chris Toomey and Dan Mattera - return. Kevin Bradley, a left-hander from Las Vegas who won the Nevada state title last year, has signed a scholar- ship agreement with USO. And Tommy Phanco, last year's CIF-San Diego Section runner-up from The Bishop's School, has obtained his re- lease from Miami, where he was the No. 5 player, and has applied at USO, Collins said. Aztec, update - San Diego State women·s coach Carol Plunkett quick- ly removed the sting of losing her top two players, Sondra Mitchell and Kristen Hill, by signing Samantha Ewart of Sydney, who is Australia' No. 2 player m the 18 age group. Hugh Bream, the first-year men's coach whose team went 14-18 and finished third in the Western Athletic Conference, had "an exceptional re- Add USO - Collins rated this

.2.'tP~Wine Happenings ;in th.tpt: i~ e Hue, at 7:30 p.m. Friday at Glenn Fine Foods 264 Tb" d Ave., Chula Vista. Shepard will discuss the bes Values and 'offer~- m of the fastest grow10g red WlOes on the maket. Cuts of roast beef will be offe ed. The cost i:. $16. For reservationscal! 422-6947. T lxtb annual Wi;ne and Ros~s charity ta Ilg WilJ be held Satur. !~fi: the Cammo patio of the U11,ye~n liego. A debut tasting b Id fro~!: :r~~ 03 to 5 p.m. at $40 per person. Apneral tasting will be be t J O p.m. at_ S25 per person. Procees from the event will n tin! ors of Social Service for Camp Oker in Descanso For mor orm U n, call 756-4755. · T Colorado Rockies Is tbe ettmg for a tbr&day food and wine I ival sch duled for July 1-3 at Snowmass Res

Santa Ana, CA (Orange Co.) . Orange Co. Register (Morning Ed.) ) (Cir. D. 263,099 (Cir. S. 280,000)

MAY 2 8 1989

Jll~n'• , . c. a far . 11u v.:' • ~1'.1~.~~ a__Universjty or _, ~n t,t"egl)!Q,a~rmty nave issued a .lllibftrrletter of apology for ille- gally burning a IO-foot wooden cross at Torrey Pines States Re- ~erve. Rangers caught 29 Sigma Chi members as they burned the cross on a bluff May 20. Authorities say they plan to prosecute at least two of the 29 f?r allegedly starting an illegal / fire m the park, a misdemeanov , • Scott Martin Williams, ac-

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Daily Transcript (Cir. D. 10,000J MAY 3 1 1989

..Alie. ~ '°

I ,, 1816

C 8

Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles Co) Times (San Diego Ed.) (Cir. D 50,010) (Cir. S 55,573)

, Retired California Judges To Meet In Coronado R tlrt-d alifornla Jud will A . ociation Retired M .. be •t th Hot J dt') Coron do thi Court J d . unic1pal We kencl for their ccond annual \'1 t u ge ,_~aymond Ha)J of SAN DIEGO DAILY TRANSCRIPT WEDNESDAY.MAY 31, 1989


1 8

9'• P. C. B



/J-A Baseball

Of the 130 cases set for trial in June, July and August, 24 were heard by a panel which consisted of one judge and two attorneys. Of tl¥>se, 17 were actually settled, or 71 percent. The time estimate was 93 court da,vs, and since the cases were heard in only four that's II savings oC89 court days It costs an e ·t1mated '$7,000 a day to run a courtroom. which in- cludes overhead. Multiply 89 by $7,000 and you come up with the $623,000 figure. In January, 23 of the 130 cases :H for trial were heard with 12 of tho.,e 23 settling or 53 percent. Gardner attributed the July in crease in the number of cases settl- ing to "some improvements" made since January, In January there were "notic• iug" problems and II mixture on the panel of business, real estate

k h

and personal inJury attorneys. In the future, he said, they'll try to have only personal injury attor- neys

.11 a mem~r

BASEBAL~ Con;?u~ ?r:r:.,e 13A ock immediately argued that Bovee should be ruled out at first because Hause had interfered at second, even though there was no relay throw. The umpires concurred. "It was blatant," Blalock said. "The kid went over and past the base. The rule is there to protect kids, and I told the umpire I've seen it called this year even when there was no contact. Until Blalock's appearance, which sent Mira Mesa Coach Mike Prosser into a rage. But there was nothing he could do, and Mira Mesa's potential big inning was scotched. Champoux fhed·to center field to officially finish the top of the inning. There was no controversy in the second game, which basically served as batting practice for Helix (24-5). The Highlanders banged out 14 hits and scored in each of the first five innings, and Tom Hall was three for four with six runs batted in. Still, Helix's four errors prevent- ed it from being a laugher. Helix scored three first-inning runs but made fielding errors against two r~~) ""'1e pm•, fuot th,e, batt,,/ j




Mt. CarmelHasVictory in Ha£d; Helix Is Next By SC~ 1f ER M!!· (~~5~~iii~~~ijl ;;~la~~; SAN DIEGO-A victory was if not for the key seventh inning hidden somewhere in the seven plays by Cornblum and Van ~el- mnings of baseball Mt. Carmel styn. With second baseman ~tcky second baseman Ed Cornblum Hastey batting, Mt. Carmel pitcher played Saturday at the University Byron Klemaske attempted unsuc- ~n Diego. cessfully to pick off pinch-runner Itcoilid have been in Cornblum's Mike Gerardi, who was brought up third inning throw to the plate that from the Junior varsity just in time barely caught Mira Mesa's Beau for the playoffs. Next thing you Champoux. Or maybe in Corn- knew, Klemaske was on the mcund b!um's third-inning, two-run home staring in at Hasley, short..~top John run, or his being hit by a pitch m Tejcek was saying something to the fifth inning. Somewhere, a ticket to umpire, and then there was some Thursday's San Diego Section 3-A movement at second. Then the charr• was waiting. umpire was st.rking his thumb in Turned out. however, that a big the air. part of the victory was hidden in "I asked the runner if he would Cornblum's glove when he execut- mind getting off the base," Corn- ed of the hidden ball trick in the top blum said. "I said, Tm going to of the seventh. It took the gas right clean off the bag.' So he stepped off, out of Mira Mesa and sent Mt. and I tagged him." . Carmel toward a 5-4 semifinal Twice Mira Mesa led, and twice victory. Mt. Carmel tied it. But a turning Cornblum made the play with point came with Mira Mesa ahead, the one out, men on first and 4-3, in the fifth. One run had second and the score tied, 4-4. already scored, and Brendan Hause Then, m the bottom of the seventh, was on first when Mike Bovee Mark Van Aelstyn doubled Corn- grounded to Tejcek. The shortstop blum home with the winning run. fielded it and threw to second, No. 3 Helix defeated fifth-ranked where Hause slid hard into Cf n- Castle Park, 13-7, in the second blum. Mt. Carmel Coach Sam lal- semifinal. Please see BASEBALL, Page 38

the 8.10_ret1red Judges in Cali

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fornm 638 be!

onterE>y last





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lton drew about 90 Jud1w und the grou~ e~Pt-ct to h Vt• "clo ,. to thut 1 n Snn Diego,"

onme Dove

t•xecut1ve director ofC JA ' accor mg to






CJA' •

incoming President, Sup .


II r •t

Spurg on Av kJan


, rior Court Judge John WooUe ourt JUclgc from Alumeda Orange County, will select ~hoe t ir u


LawBriefs by Martin Kruming

II mcmher of the

County nnd

for 1990

committee cha1rpcr on and new m mbers.

work hop comnuttt•c f'h.. work hop get. undl'r way Frid Y .,ft rnoon with a welcome hy Miriam Wolff, chair of the R tirt•d ,JudgeH ommittce Ill.Jc, und a retired Mun1c1p·1l

Avak1an him. elf retired in 1980 and incc then has been active in teaching, Judicial Council as ign- ment • pri,ate judging and travel- Ing A vi,ry substantial percentage of rHircd Judges are continuing to do part-time work," he. aid. late Judges in Reno, Nev., the Califor- nia ,Judges College at Berkeley and the National Center for Stat: Courts in Williamsburg, Va, and D•nver. The R~C will meet .tgain during tht• CJA s annual meeting here in Sc·ptembe1 • • • Thl• North County Superior Court will continue its three.judge Sl•ttlem1•nt panels in July, which by ,ill accounts. o far have proved a grt•d.t succe~ •. Teaching possibilities the National College for include

nta Clara Fol- ,.~ions on tht•

ourt Judge lrom lowing that will be imp.,ct of retired Judge



Superior Court

court sy tern

,Judi:e Judith McConnell 8 mt•mber of th, panl'I _ financial planning after ret1rem,•nt. On Saturd y there arc panpJ on t.' 11 • Truck, pr, vate Judg 1 ng, 1 htrd ureer and Greent'r P11 ture :• the a. ignmcnt ystcm and trial .ind. ttlem •nts. The workshop winds up Sunday morning with a hreakfa ·t ym pos1um. . "111 tor1c111ly, the primary func tion (of th RJCi has been to react to matters thnt directly ITl'ct retired juclg ,'' like Jud1c1aJ I< signmcnt and Jegi. lation, aid Avak1 n. Th!' 24,member group 1s actually eparate committee of tht• 2,,1.58-memb r California Judge 18 a

Accrndmg to court administrator Kt-n Gardner, the most recent panel in April saved taxpayers a total of$62.3,000. Hl•re's how he came up with the figun•

La Mirada, CA (Los Angeles Co.) Lamplighter (Cir. 2 X W. 23,660) NAY 2 51989

rceans_ide, CA (\JSan Diego Co) 0 rth County · / Blade Tribune C!r. D. 29 089/ C1r. S. 30,498)

right-hander Dan Lennon (9-2). "Right now," said Meredith, "I'm leaning toward Gapski because he's so tenacious, such a bulldog. He's got the personality you want in the finals "We might need that Wednes- day because Carlsbad has a solid team. They have great pitching, they hit the ball, they're solid at first and second base and the catcher has a great arm." "But this is a funny team," said Pimentel. "I've never had a team like this before . The guys can be at each other's throats in prac- l!ce, calling each other names. But we come together in the games. "I'm anxious to play Wednes- day. I think we're ready for it." ••• CIF FINAL NOTES-Carlsbad hasn't been to a baseball final since 1964 when Buddy Lewis' Lancers lost to San Dieguito in the IA championship game ... In 1983, Pimentel led Army-Navy into the IA finals where the Warriors lost to Bishop's ... Grossmont has never be to a CIF baseball final.

Jl.llo.i ,. c. a


I U J 1989



,. C 1811 -------...;.;--:.._-=-~---=------------ •• seek baseball championship 1 •

rom Page • port-type ballpa k in Saturday's semifinals.



Sophomore Cady, first b third base

J • MJ\.:Cr'onner Whittier High School cheerleader, will vie for the national Sigma Chi Sweetheart title June 21 in Scottsdale, Ariz. She is one of three finalists selected out of 170 students from universities around the country. 1988 Miss San Diego and this year's U~rsity of Sap Die( Homecoming Queen, the grad ating co-ed has a deep interest in helping the elderly and says she intends to devote her profes- sional life to the study of aging and old age. Lehn credits her parents, Richard and Bernice Lehn of Fullerton, for instilling her with a strong spirit of volunteerism. After attaining her bachelors in behavioral sciences, she plans to move on to USC and work on a graduate degree in gerontolo- gy.

Among this year's local 324 scholarship award winners in the United Food and Commer- cial Workers annual competition are Whittier residents John Fo- carty Jr. receiving $1,600, Odlllla P. G nado, $750 and JennHer Be ent, $500.

The awards were distributed by the 23,000-member union, now in its 28th year. Those hon- ored for their exhibitions are employed in food, drug, dis- count, shoe, barber and cosme- tology. insurance, pharmacy and other industries.

n John Tatum - who is 8-for-9 with six RBI in the playoffs - and left fielder John Eichhorst are Grossmont's big boppers. "If we had been playing Ran- cho at our place," said Meredith, "we would have hit five homers." Grossmont will have to earn what it gets against Carlsbad because Wednesday 's game won 't be played at the Foothillers' bandbox, but at spacious USD. "1 like our chances," said Pimentel. "If we execute the way we have the last two games, we'll be OK." The Lancers will face either sidearming right-hander Mark Gapski (8-2), the man v to blank- ed Rancho in the semis, or

On Deck

have two real good ones. We just don't face that many good lefties, and that scares me. I've sent out

ta[[ Writer

SAN DIEGO _ At Gros mont High chool, the earch is on for a left-handed pitcher.

----------- a_ se~rch. party t? find one toe Wednesday's CIF 2A finals: pitch bat~mg practice to us."

Acc<;>rdmg to Carlsbad coach • Joe P1m~ntel, "!,lnless lightning s_trikes, l ll go _with Myers in the Imai. What's n~ce, though, is that if we need him, Karl will be rested ~nd ready." The hneup Mye~s will face is

Coach Jeff Meredith want his Grossmont vs. Carlsbad at USD

3 p.m.

~club _to face a lefty or two in

his fourth, eed-

practice befor

Pitching matchup: Mark Gap- ski (8-2) or Dan Lennon (9-2) vs.





li1rd sccdt•d Carl ·bad (22-9) and \e Lancer ' dynamic left-hand- tr, du~ of Jeff Myer and Scott

J ff M

yers (11-3)


CIF 2 A ------------ loaded. The Footh11Jers have hit

rl m Wedn day'








lh,eball finul

combined 16-4 (11-:J, beat Um-

four Rancho Buena


in Saturday's semifi-

he two have

"Good left-hander don 't grow V1st~ pitchers _for 11 hits, in- eluding three triples and a dou- on re , .. said Meredith, "except ble, at Grr J~nt College's air- maybe •" Ca,bbad because they • s., C1F. ..,, 1., t

ol:d, . .'ifyer

ro1ty J:J C,u·Jsbad's fir ·t playoff




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