News Scrapbook 1989
San Diego, ~A) (San DiegoBuo~lnass San Diego Journal 00) (Cir. W. 7,S SEP 18 1989
PAGE 20 z ~--~-.:--:~
- Offt ... °'"'~ .... Admlul '"' - (Ranked Y - .... ,..., ... Calf. - ... 87 AREA COI..:LEGE? 198 g Fall Enrollment) Tobi Op,m"9 ...... 1989-90 SM.illlon1 285 San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Business Journal (Cir. W. 7,500) .SEP 18 198g ..A/1,n Yu, Fouoded LOCllly 1897 Type ., ,,_ • • nublic university Non- .,_,rt Tuhlon ... ,_ $444plus $189per unit 1 2.890 ..... umt Faculty: Fun Time P-1Tlme 1,187 587 Enrollment Flll1919 35,107 Thomas BOay Nanci Sprotte andooctoral of study Bache!Or's, masters, , • Four-ye '.,... ·n over 100 areas programsI $444' San°'OFStalelJnlvofatty 5300 C&mpan1le o,,,.,. 204 • S.....0~92182,594-5 2. ~Col'-Ve MMe College Drive ~O,ego 92111, 560-2t!OO 50 • San MNtm92119. 744--tl UnfvfiMty ol C.11romla. San 4. Ol 1 1964 J.William Wenrich Willetta Tomlinson Geo,ge R. Boggs HennanC L~ AichardC. Atkinson Ronald Bowker Ivan Jones Jim Fenningham 158.23 f rts and sciences, Associate degree~ 0 ,: programs, transfer vocational 8 " d cer1ifica th UCSD agreement wi bl 'A community college .., Two-year pu 97 100 473' 2,196 27,7582 , c. a ,., "" 1946 33.5 rts vocatlOOaltraining. self• sem•nars in more than Two-year public community colklge .. , Associate of a enr1ehment 92.6 helds of study 100 28' 75" 21,000 • Bae~~:: 1960 -- 759 d sciences, mastet's, -~ WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 18, 1989 , :'otessional degrees Foor-year public university 94 SAN DIEGO BUSJI 2,522 589 per quarte, 754 8 , 17.000 __ z = quart F.Y.I. Local schools offer numerous con~~ .. While 1here's nolhing new abou1 •he execuiives, managers and supervisors. concep1 of con1inuing educa1ion, •he Panicipan,s in lhis 1hree-1ier approach scope and varie1y of subjecis offered by will a11end different POrlions of the pro- local courses and seminars appears almost gram; cen1ral concep,s ar_e lhe same for limi1less. each lier, while specific 0bJec11ves will d1f- Catalogs from San Diego's educatio.naJ fer. The process will crea1e a learn that insti1u1ions offer classes in everything opera1es a1 lhree cru,cal levels wnhrn the from African archaeoJogy to water man- organization. I agemen, in California. The program requires seven full days filling a con11nuing education class in10 par1icipation - one a, lhe execu11ve level, a busy schedu le is becoming easier as well. three at lhe managemen1 le~el, three a1 •he You can lake a one-day workshop 10 help supervisor level, plus a special even, al the you masier the use of lhe microcompu1er conclusion of the formal program. your employer recenily installed: Or you Some of lhe issues lo discuss include: may wan, 10 invest your lime 111 a full vision and common purpose - inspiring semester course, such as marke1mg comm- the organization; 1he role of values and unications, lo give you an edge_ for a eihics in corpora,e strategy; leadership by career move you've been planmng 10 example; sysiems for creating a service make. cullure; rewarding superior service. The cosis of classes vary as well, usually Meets: Fall session, Oc1ober 10 Novem- depending upon the length of the .co_urse. ber Bui often employers will foo1 lhe b,111f1he Fee: full membership, 496 program class or certificate program will enha~ce hours: S6, 700 lhe employee's performance or product,v- Associa1e membership, 256 program · hours: $3,740 •~ · · s20 If you're 1n1ereS1ed 1n pursuing a per- Single/Exira Seals: $260- 4 I 1981 24.8 Associate or arts and sciences bl ie community COiiege Two-year pu 96 2,271 118 216 525 15,886 O..IY8 1961 Joseph M. Conte Georgia Copeland J. William Wenrich Frank Echevarria 33.9 sciences, completion Associate ol arts and education programs ' ' es contract cert, cataiio'red 10 employer needs lences vocatJOnal. Associate of arts af'ld ~ansrer~greemen1 certt1ica1e prog,:.r;:tCSD Two-year pu bl. community college ic 97 88pe, 5pe, IJM 195 2£3 15,000 ,Wthwtttem Col~ 90()0t,y l.lkNAoed Chula V15ta 92010. 421-6700 s.n _c.., College 1313 T,,....mllAve 230-2..00 SanDiego92101. MlraCoatll One Barnar~~757-2121 009anslde -.v..~, M,:r1m• Con•v• urrtaln Road 10440 Blar.k Mo San Dle\,io 12126, e8J -6800 un11 &. 1914 158.21 bl ie community college 97 Two-yearpu 2.800 100 4731- 2,196 1,.1 48' 7. 1934 23 and sciences, certificates community colleg& Associate oli~'!cational fields Two-year public 1,154 128 112 JOO 8.005 ', 8. 1969 J. William Woonch H- Christiansen Author E Hughes Warren Muller 158.2:1 l8l"ICeG vocational Associate o1 arls and .scrams t~anslet and certificate prog UCSO agreement with ,oo bhc commurnty college 97 Two-yearpu 2.990 473:1 2,196 7.7492 9. 1949 69 , . mastet'sof business ans sciences, administration, educat10an~iage' and family nursing, fine arts, t~~al business; counseling, in easter of law; doctorate JUrisdoctorate::::~ucalion leadership tn nursmg helo(s master of arts. Assooate: bee · computer eocea in engIneenng, &el gement. busmes~': sciences, mana behavlQf. education. psychOlogy, =orate thrD1Jgh school of aer0$pace; JU law . doctoral degrees. Bachelor's. maS1er s, t humanbehav10,. Schools of managernen t, lntamatl008l and hOSpitailty managemerie' ineering and inlercuNural stuefies, 1 ng ~ing and educat on,~,,...,,,, appliedseience.lliSUalerts bachelor of arts, sciences Associate ot arts; adm1nistralion. health master of busrness human resource admmtstrallorl, lopmem· join! mangagemeordeve ram with Western jurisdoctorate/MB rog of Law; credential State Umvef'Srty~~ ~ucallon - JuriSdoc'totate, ma&te, of oomparabvtt laW Jurisdoctorate,_ bachelor of scitt008 in law Bachelors, • f educallOrl and helot's· master s 0 ch of Bae • eel by the Chut ,eiigoo; Ed.S 1-::'~:irene private umversIty same 60 9,420 233• 159 6,000' 10. 1971 JerryC Lee Tuey Cane wod rrt univer s ty ottering a month format ,.me 92 5 Pr1vale, nonpro 4 785 49 • 9t 3412 ()n&-('X)llts&-pel· National Unlv..-.tty 11. lno del At0 S oe 553.1100 , ""'' earn t;an Diego 921 .. 1902 Jim L.Bond WilliamJ. Young 18 Foor-year prl\fate liberal arts college • ame .. 8.288 95 30 2.000' Colioue ·12. Point Loma Naur• 3900 l.OIY,alat'ld Or,ve 1952 William C. Aust JosephA Merante 25 ,,,. San Otego 92106. 221.2200 Unlt.d Statn lntematlonel Unlvaraity Road 10-455 Pomerado e93 • m San Diego 92131. Four-year independen1 university 60 8.81()11 106 70 1.900' . 13. 1861 Kathleen Chapma n Ken Sloh le< Chuck Bein "" 1.5 cled campus ol four-year private liberal arts eoHege 80 same -4,740 18-20 '°"' EX1en 1,800 legeS.nDlego ChllpmanE~ &.lite C 9682V1,1 ,c S-49-3n1 San[)iego92126, 14. sonal imerest. updating your knowledge on advancements or discoveries in Y?ur field or studying subjects in a related field to your own, contact the various colleges and universities in San Diego tha.t offer continuing education to request lhe1r cata~ Jogues. Here's a brief sampler of the courses available: UCSO Extension Course: Biofechnology for lhe Educafed Layman underl~ing modern biotechnology and wiJJ discuss how these principles are applied in the biotech induscry, The course is intended for nontechnical individuals such as lawyers, accountanrs and investors who wish to have a basic understanding of sci- entific principles. Meeis: Friday, Oc1. 27, 8 a.m. 10 5 P,m., Marriott Hotel, 333 Harbor Drive Fee: $195, includes lunch and materials University of San Diego Progra~7Leadersliip for Superior Service An alternative to traditional "quick fix" leadership seminars, which fail to provide follow-up suppon for implementation, this program caJJs for invo/vemenr of per- ,' J This course will examine, in layman's terms lhe basic scientific principles - UCSO Extension Course: lridustriaJ Traffic Managemenr This introduction 10 distribution and traffic management will acquaint you with the logistics of in-bound and ou~-bo.und freight movement. The course will h1~h- light carrier regulation and deregulation and its effect upon your freight rates. You will learn how to analyze and reduce your transportation costs while improving car- Course: Cerlificace Program in Materials Management . This program is designed for wor~ing professionals involved in the concept1on, design, implementation and ?Perat1on of any segment of manufactunn 1 g anfd se 1 r- vice. It covers the coniplete eye e o ma e- ri al flow from the business plan, purchase, manufacturing and c~:rn1rol _of materials, through the warehousing, ship- ping and distribution of prod~cts ~r ser- vices. ft provides a comprehensive view of established management practices and examines the role of the materials man- ager in corporate strategic planning. . Meers: Six 3-credil classes. Each course 1s six weeks in leng1h_ / Fee: Varies L_ rier service. University of Phoenix 1925 Michael H Oessent Nancy Aamsayer John C Mooks Jennrler Keller II Pnvate school ot law 32 10.900 35 15 7()() CattfofNa w..-ern S<:hool ot Lb, 350~,St t SanO1ego92101, 239-039 Wntem si.te Unlveratty C 15. 1989 wnd pendent proprietary college ol 90 law ,ame 8,500 12 21 Incle 455 16. 1975 J. Waddel JudyMyef'S of weooe in business Bachelof and information systems: wod ...,,. ........... ,_,.....,. .., of private liberal accelerated Exte,...,_,,,._,..,...,. rts umver.utyoffenng a 100 I 235pe< 0 100 250 UM e¥ening p,ograms • 17. "'"" 1 Fred Huber Bob- wod nee in buSiness; baeh~ Of 1_ master ol arts In arts m managemen ' and 0tganiz.abonal bu ness adm,mstration s1 managemen1 . and master's In Bachelor of ~cal engmeermg; oompu1er ~oce.uiSit10n and contract mas,er s III acq t informa\101'1 management; manage=gement; 8achelcic'of sCie ..,.. - ietary university offering P,op, _, degree programs for accelerat.... working adults 100 175per unit 0 31 150 18. 1978 Robert ML BakerJ, Jay G. Frost wnd of nonprofil Los- • .050- 5,400 . 95 W••~ Countyc.iter ~ViaE.:ce!onda Jan Diego 92126, 695-2844 0 28 125 ,.___. Unl~ty.S.n Dlttg0 19. I gernent; techrncal °""""' systems; program ,og,,,_,ng mana 1979 syS1ems Pat JeHr8$6 Leigh Gerdine adminislrahon. Master of busi~nt finance. health rvices manageme , management. 891' management business, manage;m;com~·;:p:u1•~•=::::="::_'•L___ L_____ ·2 s of foor-year liberal r--- 20. WebsterUnlv•r•lly ~.. Weathers Place, ~x.11te 92121 458-9310 San Diego ' 6480 sam, 75 EX1ended ~~legepu ,n SI Lows ar!Su.,, 531 pe, Jumt cou,se 0 40 95 104 L____ / se ___L___ .. x • ' nd Would not d1sclolle w et full time ble 'Per ~fall t969 tiguree not~l!unityCollege District ~ned total for San O,ego -----.. ,to;, A",{! 4 An eettma~oractuate lu 1 tl0f'I. •Aenecu u three San Oegi •O•rlC10rs of lhe and unr,,,e Source: The colth:J!:ent of lh1s I AW.. It 1$ not ;ce s Its quality of !#NV hed by LI~ Th:•• numencaJ rank 1 college's Size or •~:::::::::::.___________________,::R:e.:.:.:se•_rc~--- San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Business Journal (Cir. W. 7,500) SEP ... o ,:JB9 San Diego, CA. (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840) SEP 1 7 191ll ..All,.'• p C. • Lt. lR~S ._Al{.,,•• p C B '" "" / SPECIAL REPORT, EDUCATION program PAGE 21
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