News Scrapbook 1989
PAGE 20 c:: z
ES AND UNIVERSITI 1989 Fall Enrollment)
(Ranked by
Total Op.ming Budget 1989-90 SMilllon1 285
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Business Journal (Cir. W. 7,500) SEP 18 19 J/,f/rr,~ P C. B
Year Founded Locally 1897
Degrees Dffersdand Areuof focus
President/ Director of Admlsslona
Type of lnstltullon
Raldonl Resident Tuition Tulllon and fNI ond foN
F ocully: Ful Time P11Hlme 1.187 587
Ervollmtnt Fall 1919 35,107
ThomasB Day Nancy Sprotte
• and doctoral Bachelor's, mast~~'areas of study programs ,n ewer
Four-year public un,versIty
$444plus $189 per un,1 1 2.890
J.W,ll1am Wenrich Willetta Tomlinson George A Boggs Herman C. Lee R,chardC. Atkinson Ronald Bowker lvanJoneti Jim Fenn1ngham
Camp nile Drtve • S300Dlego 112182, 594-6204
arts and sciences, Associate degree; ofte programs. transfer vocat10nal and cemrte1:with UCSD agree
public community college
473' 2,196
27 758'
/., 1888
M... College 2. nso MeaaColl
n Diego 2111 560-
1 nal training. sell- s lll more than
Assoctate of arts, voca 10
-~,public commuorty college
nt courses sem,nar 100 fields of study
94per uort
en roe me
21 000
' d sciences, master's, Bachelor s arts an fessK>nal degrees doctoral and pr
ear Public unIvers1ty
SAN DIEGO BUSI~ / 2 _.c::__ __;;:;.,F_.Y_e_I •____ Local schools offer numerous con!~~ While there's nothing new about the executives, managers and supervisors. concept of continuing education, the Participants in this three-tier approach scope and variety of subjects offered by will a'tlend different portions of the pro- local """" aod "'nioa,, app,a" almost '"m; ceoual •~o«p" "' •ho ~m, fo' limitless. each tier, while specific objectives will d1f- Catalogs from San Diego's educatio_nal fer. The process w!I! create a t~an:1 that institution offer classes in everything operates at three Cfll1cal levels within the from Afrkan archaco!o 'Y ro acer man organizauon. . I agcment in California. The pr?gram requires seven ~ull days Fil ting a continuing education class into par11c1pat1on -· one at the execu11ve level, bu. schedule is becoming easier as well. three at the management lc~el, three at the ~o, ;',; tak,, oo~day wo,hhop to hclp '""'"'ro, l<,el, pl"' a spoc~I "'"' at •ho you master the use of the microcomputer conclusion of the formal program. your employer recently inst~lled: Or you Some of the issues to discuss include; may want to invest your lime in a full vision and common purpose - inspiring semester course, such as marketing comm- the organization; the role of values and "oi", io"' ,o gi ,e yo , ao Four-y 94 589 per 2.522 per quarter quarter 754 8 17000 1961 24.8 Associate of arts and sc,ences bloc commun,ty college Two-yearpu 96 2.271 116 216 525 151166 1961 Joseph M. Conte Georgia Copeland J William Wenrich Frank Echevarria H. Deon Holt Gilbert Hermos,llo J. WiOJSm Wenrich Helen Chr ,sliansen Author E Hughes Warren Mulktr 33.9 d sciences, completK>n Associate of arts an education programs t contract cert1f1ca es. emplr,yer needs tailored to sciences vocalJonal, Assoclate of arts and transfer ~greement certificate prog~a;;:5ucso Two-year public community coflege 97 5per unit 195 263 16,000 1914 158.2' IC commuruty college Two-year 97 2890 100 473' 2196 14,748' 1934 23 nd sciences, certificates public community college Associate of artvocashonal fields '" Two-year 1.154 126 112 300 8,005 1969 158 2' rts and sciences, vocatK>nal ams transfer public community college Associate of a Two-yea, CSD and cert focate prog, 97 2 890 100 473' 2196 7,74 agreement with U 1949 69 • . aster's of business Bachelors. m ucahon arts, sciences. ar~age and family nursing, fine arts, t~a710na1 busmess; counsehng, 1n ~aster of law; doct?'ate junsdoctorate 8": educat,on leadership mnursmgan elor's master ct arts. AssOCtate. bach ling computer sc•ences'" ~'::8ment: busu,ess, SCJences, m behavior educaliOn, psyc~·!:'orare lhr~h school ot aerospace.,~.. law f educatoo and Bachelors; masters~ by the Church of . Ed.S sponsor rehgoo, the Nazarene • docloral degrees. Bachelor's. master •· t numan behav10r, Schools of managemen . internatJOnal and hospilallly managemen!, ,nearing and mtercultural eludJBS,u:;;perto,ming and appl ied science, educa ~•. v1suala,w chelor of arts, sciences; Associate of arts; ba adm1mslration, health master ot busin~ human resource adm,mstrabon, lopment; pnt mangagement/deveram with Weslern JUnsdoctorate/MBArogof Law; credential State Unrvers,ty Col ege tJOn programs ,n educa Junsdoctorate, master ofcomparabve law adm1n1strat10n, ad . Four-year pnvate university 60 same 233, 159 9.420 6.000' 10. 1971 JerryC. Lee JueyCarte wnd fit ~n,versity olfenng a -month format Pnvate, non pro 92.5 same 4 785 49 one-cour11&-per 3412 4 11. 1902 Jim L Bond Wdliam J Young 18 Four-year prrvate fiberal arts college 84 same 6,288 95 :JO 2,000' w iamC Rust JosephA. Merante 1952 ·12. 25 Four-year independent un versl1y 60 same 8,61()11 105 70 t 900' 13. 1861 Kathleen Chapman Ken Stohler Chuck Ban ks" 1 5 liege of four-year private hours: $3,740 Single/Extra Scats; $260-$420 UCSD Extension 80 Extended campus same 4,740 18-20 50-60 hberal arts co 1,800 If you're interested in pursuing a per- sona! interest, updating your knowledge on advancements or discoveries in Y?Ur field or studying subjects in a related field to your own, contact the ~arious colleges and universities in San Diego tha_t offer continuing education to request their cata- logues. Here's a brief sampler of the course available: UCSO Extension Course: Biotechnology for the Educated Layman underlying modern biotechnology and will discuss how these principles are applied in the biotech industry. The course is intended for nontechnical individuals such as lawyers, accountants and investors wh? wish to have a basic understanding of sci- entific principles. Meets; Friday, Oct. 27, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Marrio11 Hotel, 333 Harbor Drive Fee: $195, includes lunch and materials University of San Diego Progra~ip for Superior Service An alternative to traditional "quick fix" leadership seminars, which fail to provide follow-up support for implementation, this program calls for involvement of per- ,' I This course will examine, in layman's terms the basic scientific principles College San Diego Chor:;,: ~xcelencla. Suite C 14. &nDiego9212e.54~n1 Course: Industrial Trame Management This introduction to distribution a~d traffic management will acquaint you With the logistics of in-bound and out-bound freight movement. The course will hi~h- light carrier regulation an~ deregulation and its effect upon your fre1gh t rates. You will learn how to analyze and reduce your transportation costs while improving car- rier service. University of Phoenix l Course; Certifica1e Program in Materials Management . This program is designed for wor~ing professionals involved in the concep11on, design, implementation and ?Perallon of any segment of manufactunn 1 g anfd setr- vice. It covers the complete eye e o ma e- r i a J flow from the business plan, purchase, manufacturing and control _of materials, through the warehousing, ship- ping and distribution of products ~r ser- vices. It provides a comprehensive view of established management practices and examrnes the role of the materials man- ager in corporate strategic planning. . Meets; Six 3-credit classes. Each course 1s ,i, w«k~ io l 1925 Michael H. Dessent Nancy Ramsayer John C Monks Jennifer Kell"' 11 Pnvate school of law same 32 10 900 35 15 700 1969 15. 360 c.dar 61 1 n Diego 92101, 239-039 wnd Junsdoctorate, bachelor of saence ,n law Independent proprietary college of law 90 same 8.500 12 21 455 6•-ie University College Wntem 16. ol Law Ave 21~1D5.;, 92i,o. 297-9700 e<9ltv of Aecllands 17 • Urw Mmston een,,.., Road su:;-D::O 1121oe. 2116-8211 Unfve1'911y ol Phoenl•Road 18. 3870 Murphy Cany23 5';'6-7469 San Diego 921 . Di 1975 J Waddell Judy Myers wnd ISCJ8nCe 1 n business Bachelor ~nd Information systems: of private hberal acceterated -•n- 100 aarne Extended campus arts unJVersl1y offenng 235per Unit IJon 0 100 admin, 250 management,~- masl <'s o .._,_. 8YPf\!ng programs 1988 Fred Huber BobBarl wnd business; bachelor of Bachek>r of SC ence 1n t master of arts _m ans in man~~n ' and organizational bu ·ness administration s1 management . nee and master's m Bachelor ol """'electrical eng nearing. oomputer ~e11ce.01sition and contract master s in acQ t in lormatJon management; m~gemenl, systems; progr ment· technical engineering manage c,; systems management; aerospa f business admin,stratJOn, th Masler o ment finaroce, heal business, manage t ~puter resource ·ces managemen • seM management · ers,ty offenng J rograms for 100 Proprietary unrv accelerated degreedplts workings u same 175per unit 0 31 150 1978 RoberlM.L Baker Jr Jay G Frost wnd of nonpro~t Los- Exte~mversity offer1ng Angel ams tor wortcing adutls ...enmgprog, . 95 same 4 05(). 5400 0 " 26 125 19. 1979 Leigh Gerd ne Pat Jeffress 2 C:::ege pus of lour-year hberal 75 same 531 per 3 unit course 10 St Louis 0 40 Exten~ 95 20. nd Would nol dlSCloee fable er 11111 time w ty College D1st11cl. •Per me fall 1989 f,ouree not ava, al for San Diego Commun, 11188, rank . . u,IJon graduate tu,too _,..,,,_ ·s s,ze or numenca/ •An eetimate imply that a ~_,,.. •Aenecta underg, duate t D ..,;,. County centers ol the three San Iv..-, legee and unlverSltoes. Source, T:=;,~., ,ntenl of th,s list to endorse Note II uaJ ty of ,,.,rv,ce IOO,C./116 1/S Q I 'Ovoctor / the parric,panrs nor o San (S., S; (' n . t ,::>UUJ SEP l 8 1989 ,..., 11 • Jlll~" 1888 p C B I
~'"""' '"' ..,'"' se,o,, REPORT, EDUCAT.;;;; ------------- ----uc s p plans new international business program >ioa,1 "''"""'°" """"""· "'~«hiog fo,o,, '""""i"; Md a PAGE 21 Capitalizing on the local business sec- tors' growing interest in foreign trade, the UCSD program would be offered through lls Extended Studies program. Courses would focus on international business, WJlh an emphasis on the Pacific Rim. The UnQersjty of Diego starred a certificate program in international busi- ness last spring. "I'm perhaps a little biased bel:ause of my International interest , but it's a global economy," said Gregory Gazda, profe - \or of marketing and coordinator of the mas1er of international business program at USO. "But companies that know very li1tle about international competition are going to have to learn about it in order to surv1\·eand make a profit " Barbara Bry, direc1or of special pro1ects for UCSD' Fx1ended Studies program, agreed thar local businesses should broader their knowledge of international affair . " an Diego 1s be oming a major Pacific Rim gar way," aid Bry, who is conduct- ing re carch for and organizing UCSD's new cenificak• program. "Japane com. pani Me openrng up maq"1ladoras in Me,;ico. lot of bu inesse are dep ndent upon what goc on in the Pacific. Rim." "Real e,tatc developer re ra1 og money Intcrn,uionaUy," she added. " av. ings and loan .ire elhng rili Qver- 1oreC'h compan1e are developing strategic partners/ups with the Japanc,e. Any high-tech or biotech company has to ompere in a l a exporting strategies, importing strategies, '"""""iooaJ enity l, C ' Ink· Bob Babich, San D1egana linebacker, retu~ned the ex-Chargersoon trip to Hawau from a h:ne~hls new bride, the la t w w1 Ca lor Babich, who fonn r B~t[,: Gr~nt;ille branch manages . t been nommated th days, ha JUS f the National by the SD Char~ro~ for induction Football FounHa II of Fame. He'll be mto the NFL a Ca!State on the ballo~ ncxtni;~-p~inted f!rsl San Mar l'C<;e makes his first pr 1d nt, Bill public forum appcaran~ aUnjyenuty Center. Oct 4 at lie e H 'II Jorn other ~o a g nel discuss~on admmlStratorsf i~gh: education m of the future oTom Hughes, the San Diego . nal liaison before FBI' congr 10 ears ago to coming h re three "t SD's top G- G ry Penr1th as . replace a become pec1al man. IS I avmg tof the FBI's Boston ag nt in charge o office ,, Bnan Phelos Jackie Freiberg, manager of corporate and professional programs at USO )
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