News Scrapbook 1989
West Co vina, CA , (Los Ang les Co .) n Gabriel V,1llcy Duily T rtbune (Cir . D. 40,2!.iO) (Sat . 63 ,606) (Sun . GG,164)
La Jolla, CA (San Diego Co.) La Jolla Light (Cir. W. 9,336)
Escondido CA (San Diego' Co.) Times Advocate (Cir. D. 45 900) (Cir, S. 47,000) SEP 2 o 1989 Jllle, , . c. B
SEP 1 7 19
...All,11 ',
I' C. I
Voet ensive player was t~:~f le~~,~~, top rusher leading a team in both rushing and College tackling. But check out San Diego
Library dedication The ~J ~JY Pomona Library, which~ in 1938 a., a one- . room facility wtlh a few hundred booka, will be dedicated Monday ,nth the addition of it.s 500,000th volwn. TIie event marks completion of a $7,4 million addition to the library, whlch now contaln,s more than 2.2 mlll.lon r source maten- als on Its su; noors. • Temple City Ubrary Temple City Library will be dosed Tu sday through ThllrlJday as alaff lralJl.9 for imp! mentatlon or the library's new automated circulation system, For in!onnalion call (818) za:;. 2136. • Business women "Women with the Entrepreneu- rial Spirit" wtU be discussed at dinner meeting or the Greater Pomona Valley Business and Pro- re 1onal Women on Tuesday, 6 p.m., at La Cheminee Restaurant, Ontario. Cost IS $12. For r rvat1ons call (714) 593-6362. • Phonograph society A display and discussion or antique phonographs will high- light a meeting of the San Gabnel Valley Collectors Club on Wednes- day, 7:30 p.m., at Glendale Feder- al Savings in Monrovia. Meetings are open to all collec- tors. For information call (818) 5~1697. • Steakfry
ceeeds . to support , hospital projects. For re,iervations call (818) 814-2421.
group call (818) 35M963, • Golf tournament '
State's John Wesselman. In the 28-25 loss to UCLA, the senior safety not only ran for a 73- yard touchdown, but also notched a game-high 15 tackles (11 unas• Wesselman's touchdown was from a fake punt, in which he took a misdirected snap and shocked the Bruins with the first touch- down of the game. Wesselman juked UCLA punt returner, Shawn Wills, at the Bruin 45, then out- raced Mark McGill to the end zone.. "When I took off, a huge hole parted and all J saw was green," said We selman, who started at outside linebacker last season. "When I saw Wills moving up, I just put a little move on him.• Was Wesselman surprised at Coach Al Luginbill's call? "John told (defensive line Coach) Eddie Schmidt that he wasn't sure if I knew where the ball was," said Luginbill. "I don't think he's sure if I have all my facilities." Actually, Luginbill had run a good study of the Bruin defensive scheme for punts. •Jt wasn't as risky as you might expect," he said.•And we work that sucker every day.• Does Luginbill have any more surprises? "We've got some other wrinkles in there," he laughed. Desert gloom: Palomar College opened its season with a shocking 21-14 lo s to College of the Desert. •when you get close to 500 yards total offense and hold the other team to 275, you expect to win," said Palomar Coach Tom Craft. "We just didn't play well at critical times and things magnified." Quarterback Scott Barrick com- pleted 36 of 56 passes for 411 yards and two touchdowns for the Com- ets. Wide receiver Chris Chiarappa had 10 catches for 205 yards and one touchdown. However, Palomar had three fumbles and lost them all. "We kept having little break- downs," said Craft. "The heat was very evident. We didn't overcome the elements, the officiating, the mistakes." The Comets play their home opener Saturday against Long Beach City College. The kickoff is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. at San Marcos High School. Long Beach {1-0) is ranked ninth in the state. Quick setter: USIU volleyball player Jennifer Castillo, a fresh- man out of Mt. Carmel High School, had an outstanding perfor- sisted).
• Escalante honored Th
La Verne Chamber of Com- merce will hold a golf tournmanet Sept. 25 at the Sierra La Verne Country Club. Hole-in-one prize is $1,000, Cost ls $70 per golfer. To regis- ter call (714) 593-5265. Covina classes CoVUla Recreation Services is accepting registration for adult lei.sure classes including clowning around, dog obedience, golfing, puppy kindergarten, baton twirl- ing, karate and bowling, For scheduling details call (818) 331--0111, Ext. 271. • Recreation leaders El Monte Parks and Recreation l.s taking applications for recrea- tion leaders in the after-school sports program. Applicants may apply at 3130 N. Tyler Ave. or call (818) 580-2200 for information. • Glr1 Scouts Girls of all ages are being sought for membership in one of 25 Girl Scout troops now getting under way in the San Gabriel Valley. For information on local groups call Spanish Trails Girls Scout Council. (818) 333-732.5. • Dog obedience
I Poly Pomona Hispanic Alumni A.ssoctation will honor ed- ucator Jaime E3calante at Its second annual luncheon Wednes- day at Kellogg We ton campus. Al the event, which will also feature actor Tony Plana, Esca- lante will be recognized for his outstanding contnbutlons to the field of education. ~·or re~ rvalion.s or information call (714) 869-2989. • Babbitt to speak Bruce 811bb1tt, former governor of Arizona, will lecture on "Amer- ica's Agenda in the 1990's" on Wedn sday, 8 p.m., at the Garn- son Theater In Claremont. Babbitt wtll meet with Clare- mont Democrats for dessert and coffee at a private home at 6:30. For details call (714) 624-2442. • Bridge classes Two beginnnlng bridge classes will be offered ln September at the Bridge Center ln Arcadia, starting Wednesday, 6:45 p.m., and Saturday, 10 a.m. Fee for each eight-week class ls $28. For reservations call (818) 44:>-3797, • Mio-Valley Arts League Art1st Martha Underwood will demonstrate watercolor painting , techniques for the Mid-Valley Arts League on Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., at Church of the Good Shepherd in Arcadia. For informallon about the - --
TA Sportswriter
mance as the Gulls defeated Cal State Fullerton. Castillo, a 5-foot 7 setter, had 56 assi ts as she ran the USIU of- fense. Kira back: Approximately 400 runners will converge on Morley Field Saturday morning for the 4 7th Aztec Invitational Cross Country Meet. There will he 21 colleges, with Arizona favored in the men's division and UCLA in the women's. Kira ,Jorgensen, the UCLA frehhman from Rancho Buena Vis- ta High School, won the recent Fullerton Invitational. New team in town: For the first time, San Diego State is field- mg a women's soccer team. The Aztecs played their first match this past weekend, plastering Whittier 6-0. The Aztecs outshot Whittier 48-0. Magic Monty: Aztec wide re- ceiver Monty Gilbreath 's seven catches against UCLA extended his consecutive game reception streak to 27 games. Gilbreath also passed Webster Slaughter (cur- rently with the Cleveland Browns) into fifth place on the Aztec career reception list with 124 catches. Gilbreath could move to third this week, ahead of Darius Dur- ham (127) and Craig Scoggins (129). Tim Delaney is the all-time leader with 180 catches. Gary Gar- rison is second with 148. Add: USD junior midfielder Torn Crane ,s the West Coast Con- ference Player of the Week after scoring two goals and an assist as the Toreros beat Nevada-Las Ve- gas 4-1 in soccer ... The USD foot- ball team is 2-0 after blanking Whittier 19-0 •.• Aztec running back Darrin Wagner scored two touchdowns against UCLA, but his coach was not pleased with his end zone celebration. "He can dance when they pay him, but not here," said Luginbill ... With the addi- tion of the Crab Bowl and Cactus Bowl, there are now 20 postseason
Staff photo by Hayne Palmour
th Oct 5 fas Ion !ilaow for the e tecl Helen Fe•• and from left,
Preparing for C est Chic,
~ta~~::nd Molly Manchester 11 ~ael's; - i.:el's fashions~ be featured In the show. For more n orma- tlon, see Datebook llstlnas. _ . for the North County Entert,ainer Art will be by Mimi Levinson, graduate of C~rnegie. Mello_n University; her pnmary_mterest IS hand-dyed textiles. Athina Cr_anq will sing. For more information, call Jean at 459-8523. J ~,< • Oct. 5, the 32n annil~ Fund Raising Fashi ow will USD building to be ------· be sponsored by f e USD Aux- renamed at dedi..9ation LCALA PARK,,,J~ecognition of their service to " a~d support of the It 5 _. iliaH, for the of ~ he University of~iego Finan- cial Aid Program. San Diego, Calif. Southern Cross (Cir. W. 27,500) SEP 2 11 .Jlflen '• P c. B / ,. 1888 Marrell Cosmat, columm
Universit o ~go, the University Center will b~ renamed the Ernest andjean Hahn University Center Sept, 22, 4 p.m. The dedicauon will take place in from ofthe three-year-old building. Through personal gifts and fundraising efforts the Hahns have contributed almost S7 million of the estimated SJ I million that financed the t-onstruction of the center Hahn has been vice chairman of the USD Board of Trustees for three years and becomes its chairperson next summer. San Diego, CA /2
Set for the Town and Country Hotel Atlas Ballroom, the social hour will begin at 11 a.m., followed by lunch. Several stores and shops will provide the fashions; and the emphasis will be on men. Forty businessmen in black tie will serve as chevaliers or hosts; more will volunteer as celebrity modcl5 - including USD president Author Hughes and trustee Kim Fletcher. Participating will be Lael's of La Jolla and Brooks Brothers. Cost is $35. For information II 2 29.
Tbe Men's Club or_~n or the Vall~ospital will host its 19th anniial SU!ak fry Wednesday, 6 p.m., in Industry. Cost Is $30, including entertain- ment and door prizes, with pro-
Dog obedience classes are scheduled to begin in West Covi- na. For Information call the recrea- tion services office, (818) 814-M20.
Rancho Santa Fe , CA (San Diego Co .l . Rancho Santa Fe Times (Cir . W. 500) SEP 2 0 989
(San Diego Co.I Eve ning Tribune (Cir. D. 123,064)
Jlllc,. '1
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med for Hahns / ExecutiveCommit tal Campaign "th ra1grng $47.1 Iforts, the
bowl games.
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his victims to show h1S power. After sentencing Lpcas Hammes gave Lucas a_ c~ sentence of 95 y~ to l~fe l~Jd at- on charges of kidnap~mg . f- ~ti~~;!t rison
mg th ~ l~;entencin Lucas that she ::s~~;vinced he gcommitted the imes for which be was convicted. erShe said testimony by pathologists -to-ear throat-slashings \~all the victims showed that the wounds were unique. She also cited other evidence presented by the prosecution linking Lucas to th~~!:id.Lucas preferred to kill his .ctims by slashing their throats be- :use be bad a "singular and highly . es b :~~~!i
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Lucas was acquitted of the Dec. 8, 1981, murder of real estate. a~ent Gayle Garcia, 29, who was slam m a Spring Valley borne she was sh?wmg to prospective buyers, a~d .Jurors hung 11-1 in favor of_ conv1t~1n fr the Oct 23, 1984, slaymgs on Strang, 23, and Amber year-old girl Strang was a y-s1 I in her Lakeside home. The jurors recommended t~~t Lucas be sentenced to death for e Hammes had the option o overr - t be\~·ng . f ul t
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By Anne Krueger Tribune St,,ff Writer
tbeLucdasec,isfo~ s~:Seda:~o~:!::~tn tears welled up in the ey~ o mother, Patricia Katzenma1er. 21 1979, slaym·gs of Sura.nae Jacobs, 31, and her son, Colin, 3, m their Normal Hei·ghts borne; the Nov. 20. 1_984 slay- f h IS f fi~:.~:sgr:easm:~~:i:t~ ~.
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in•• dcd1cat1on c chan m., lhego Bu,ir o d r1·rustePs for three . h th l n1ver,1 v tem~ted mur,d~r t~t cht1ir- wit R I ",II b<' omc , e m ·will prcsen :d premeditated evil" in the tbroa~ lashing murders of two women an fi t 1i~t~v~r V l rces Pro!(Ta feet if Lucas , ea Shse dered him to " t-ted to JOlll I . ,ntcr yeafl' am e,ou . ·th a gift certi ica a child, a Superior Court judge today sentenced Lucas to death. . this "The court finds ootbing m record to justify sympathy or me~cy the defendant," said Superior Court Jud e Laura Palmer Hammes in formally entencing Lucas to for commuted i? lifef $1~ ~ay r_esht1tu 100_ o e r~e1v~ bms 1f to the vie- o~is,dc the thrcc-ve~~-01::;11 Fe mun next_su::~r memhcrofthc t~;d~i~i;;::: hoursofcommun a~y money while H, hn has HH\2 h wan• to honoring the Rane couple for then contr1 u ,nd i ul o u rnc\'h, Lln:,.,s,ty s C.1p1- Pt• ,;erv1ce m their name O eg stu - s!~nk!;i~; f S . hm1rd .• - ~~~toi~~~iti:!¥u~ and in prison besides bis K[1son ~:f:an the Un1vers1ty I ti inul1ons mt•rnh<•r oft t :V::!1 G the attempted murder of Jodie Santi- ago Robertson, 35, of Seattle on June Defense attorney A Through per 011 murders. _.:.:::::~~=~---~--------~-~--=~ !'lease see LUCAS: - ' . ~dea~th~~•'n~t~be~g~as~c~ba~m~be~r-~=--_:9·~1 ~984~-__________ : 1111,, San Diego, Calif. Southern Cross (Cir, W 27,500) P2 1 => La Habra, CA (Orange Co.) Da ily Star Progress (Cir. D. 6,036) SEP i 2 1989 ~UCAS Continued From Page I I' · l pleaded with Hammes not to impose I the death penalty. "Although you may have the legal authority to impose the death penal- ty, yon do not have the moral author- \ ity" be said. 'The message we must send to our children is to honor and sanctify life. Imposing the death penal~y defeats that purpose," F~ldma_n said. _ Lucas' conviction will be automat icall reviewed by the Cahf~rma Su- pre~e Court, w~ich reviews all dea~~nalty conv1cttons. , Ro rtson and relatives of Lucas victimS told Hammes that Lu~as -.lrould'rcccive the mo,, ,n-pcnttlty- ,or the brutal crimes. 1{ b.__ \ "The terror, fear and frustration that I have bad to endure for five ears is unthinkable," Robertson told ~ammes. "I was abducted, attacked and thrown away like ga~bage. : ·· Only when the punishment 1s earned out will l and my family be able to ' put this behind us." Anne Swanke's father, Jo~, a p~- losopby professor at the _Dmvers1ty of San Diego, said he forgives Lucas, but still believes Lucas rnll;'lt s~ffer the death penalty, comparing it to "excising a cancer from the human body." He talked of the emotions bis daughter must have gone through as she was abducted, stripped from the waist down, choked with a dog cham and had her throat slashed. ,/11/,,i 's P C B I r 1888 !~::": ~;o~'.:,::~::~ nd profe>sor }rr:•rat USD. Knmne Strachan re ently wrote to the Southmi Cross (Sept. 7).~o 11" her vu··ws on abonion. Her statement, I h vc nevrr felt and will never feel compelled to preach or pro lyrize" cause! me great concern. 1 can't h Ip but wonder why parents would pay thou nd, of dollars to nd their young peopl~ to a c rholic universily whose profe sors are not willing to •pre h or pro lyuze" on I ues of our fan\ an? morn!, WI tl p r,ue, USO from a ecular school. Is 11 unrcalt tic to expect Ciithulic u~1ver ines to graduate lay, cl ncal and religaou leaden. . . J l Jicve , C111holi univer 11y has the o~hgauon to piocl un ntl promote Chrinian moral, sptntual and 1digious values 10 us tudenu. The classes. '."'d programs hould op~se current trends of matenala. m .,nd Jli. h tndividuahsm and this can only be done by a f l\llty who,. tommitted to the teachings of the Gospel. jf our Catholic university cannot tand firml.y for the digniry of human life and oppo abort10n and urhana ,a, rh n wh t d it st,tnd for? . Renee Dav1d10n San Dieg1/ nrw dean ~/{...', , . c 8 Eu 1668 Q~J&J1!e!1~!~"''~~9t!E;'~~m.,c!!.aiJ,~!?.!£.,.,HWocy "Orange County Perspective" years of expansion and change, "Native Americans: Still a Pres- of Orange County " by local lecture series are no~ available i!s ethnic hi~torie~ and examina- ence in Orange County," by Paul historian and author Pamela Hal- at the San Juan Capistrano Re- tions of its literature and Apodaca, artist, anthropologist Jan Gibson focuses on Orange lional branch of the Orange architecture. Proceedings focus- and curator at the Bowers County's role in the literary County Public Library. The lee- ing on the area's expansion and Museum in Santa Ana, "Mexican world. "Linking the World's Past ture aeries was held in honor _of change include "Early Orange Villages in the Orange County with Orange County's: An the Orange County Centennial- County: One Hundred Years and Citrus Towns, 1900-1950,"by Dr. Architect's View" by Michael and. took pla_ce at the San Juan More," by Dr. Iris Engstrand, Gilbert Gonzalez, Historical Graves architect' of the award- Cap1stran? Library on Saturdays Historian at the University of Sociologist of Comparative Cul- winnin~ San Juan Capistrano from April 14 through ~ay 20. San Diego, "Pos.~nge tures at U.C._ Irvine, '.'Oran~e Library, places the building The lectures were given by County: An Anticipatory Re- Blossoms: Asian Amencans m within an historical context and noted scholars who examined glon," by Dr. Spencer Olin, the Life of Orange County," by within the context of Gr~ves' various aspects of the cultural Historian at U.C. Irvine and Dr. John Liu, Historical work. life of Oranae County since 1860. "Documenting Individual His• Sociologist of Comparative Cul- The series and proceedings were made possible in part by a grant from the California Council for the Humanities, a state program of the National Endowment for tories," by Dr. Arthur Hansen "Preserving Community History," by Lawrence deGraat, Cal State Fullerton Historians apeciallzlna in oral history and and tures at U.C. Irvine, and "Blacks In Orange County," by Dr. Emory Tolbert, Historian of Afro-Ethnic Studies at Cal State For information on obtaining copies, call (714) 493-1752 or write to: Branch Manager, San Juan Capistrano Regional Li- brary, 31495 El Camino Real, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675. Fullerton. the Human!tiea. preservation. The Proceedings• • toplc11 in- Ethnic history is the focus of "The Influence of Literature,
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