
What’s inside... LSLA Board members.............................................1 Annual Meeting ..................................................... 1 Plant Give Away...................................................... 1 Contact Us............................................................... 1 LSLA Dues Reminder............................................. 2 Message from The President................................... 3 I RememberWhen.................................................... 4 Little Sebago Lake Fish Stocking Reports.............. 5 LSLA Functions & Finances................................... 5 Hopkins Dam Report.............................................. 6 Boating Education Courses..................................... 7 LSLA 2016-2017 Budget........................................ 8 Treasurer’s Report................................................... 9 Membership Update................................................ 9 2017 LSLA Fund-Raiser Raffle............................ 10 Safety Patrol Program........................................... 11 Little Sebago Loonacy..................................... 12-13

LSLA Scholarships............................................... 14 Boat Ramp & Courtesy Boat Inspection............... 15 Help Wanted -Merchandise Coordinator............... 15 Need Something to Do?........................................ 15 LSLA Endowment Fund....................................... 16 Milfoil Militia Polk-A-Dot Legend...................... 16 Membership / Address Updates............................ 16 18 th Milfoil Summit............................................... 17 2016 Milfoil Militia.............................................. 18 Some Thoughts About Fireworks......................... 19 Maine Lakes Navigation Legend.......................... 19 11 th Annual Pirate Parade...................................... 20 Staying Put............................................................ 21 Thank You To Our Supporters.............................. 22 Lake Safety “Cut & Post”..................................... 23 Closing Message.................................................. 24


You all should have received a good size packet from us by now explaining the new guidelines for supporting the lake association. Included in the packet is a letter from our President Pam

As you can see from the budget which is printed in this newsletter- it takes approximately $100,000.00 to follow our mission statement each year. Please do your part to help

L i t t l e S e b a g o L a k e A s s o c i a t i o n MEMBER 2017

Wilkinson, 12 raffle tickets and a form with your member number on it. If you haven’t yet, please fill out this form, edit any information necessary and return it along with raffle stubs and your payment. Upon receipt of your payment we will mail you out a receipt for your tax records and your 2017 LSLA sticker.

us with our mission. The future of our lake depends on you to contribute – not just assuming that enough of your neighbors will take care of it. Please be a proud supporter and look for your name in next

year’s newsletter!


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