
FBINAA NovDec 2019 Associate Magazine


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F E A T U R E S 8 The Immortality of a Cop – Robert Martin 10 Living a Balanced Life in Law Enforcement – John D. Hampton 12 The Family is Vital to Effective Officer Well-Being Strategies – Michael Cummins C O L U M N S 4 Association Perspective 5 Reflections from the Executive Director 14 Chapter Chat 17 Historian’s Spotlight


18 FBINAA Charitable Foundation 20 A Message from Our Chaplain 22 Staying On the Yellow Brick Road

E A C H I S S U E 6 Strategic / Academic Alliances

A D I N D E X – AMU 23 5.11 – CRI-TAC – JFCU



EXECUTIVE BOARD Association President, Section I / KEVIN WINGERSON Assistant Chief, Pasadena Police Dept. (TX), kwingerson@fbinaa.org

Representative, Section IV / BILL CARBONE Lieutenant, New York City Police Department (NY), bcarbone@fbinaa.org

Representative, Section I / JIM GALLAGHER Commander, Phoenix Police Department (AZ), jgallagher@fbinaa.org

Past President / JOHNNIE ADAMS Chief, Santa Monica College (CA), jadams@fbinaa.org

Chaplain / JEFF KRUITHOFF Chief, City of Springboro (OH), jkruithoff@fbinaa.org

1st Vice President, Section III / JOE HELLEBRAND Chief, Brevard County Sheriff’s Office (FL), jhellebrand@fbinaa.org

Historian / CINDY REED Washington State Gambling Commission (ret.) creed@fbinaa.org

2nd Vice President, Section IV / KEN TRUVER Chief, Borough of Castle Shannon (PA), ktruver@fbinaa.org

FBI Assistant Director / RENAE MCDERMOTT FBI Training Division (VA)

3rd Vice President, Section I / TIM BRANIFF Undersheriff, Thurston County Sheriff’s Office (WA), tbraniff@fbinaa.org Representative, Section II / SCOTT RHOAD Chief/Director of Public Safety, University of Central Missouri (MO), srhoad@fbinaa.org Representative, Section III / GRADY SANFORD Chief Deputy, Forsyth County Sheriff's Office (GA), gsanford@fbinaa.org

Executive Director / HOWARD COOK FBINAA, Inc. National Office (VA), hcook@fbinaa.org






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November/December 2019 | Volume 21/Number 6 The National Academy Associate is a publication of the FBI National Academy Associates, Inc.

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Howard Cook / Executive Director, Managing Editor Suzy Kelly / Editor

© Copyright 2019, the FBI National Academy Associates, Inc. Reproduction of any part of this magazine without express written permission is strictly prohibited.

The National Academy Associate is published bi-monthly by the FBI National Academy Associates, Inc., National Office, FBI Academy, Quantico, VA 22135.

Get your job posting in front of the strongest law enforcement leadership network in the world. FBI National Academy Associate members are active in our network, engaged in their careers, and open to new opportunities. Our network gives you the opportunity to reach senior law enforcement executives with an abundance of talent and experience. Our NEW Job Posting Board allows you to match your organization's position to the most qualified profession- als in the industry. REACH QUALIFIED LAW ENFORCEMENT EXECUTIVES TO JOIN YOUR TEAM

The FBI National Academy Associates, Inc. is a private, non-profit organization and is not part of the Federal Bureau of Investigation or acting on the FBI’s behalf. Email editorial submissions to Suzy Kelly: skelly@fbinaa.org. Submissions may vary in length from 500-2000 words, and shall not be submitted simultaneously to other publications. Email Chapter Chat submissions to Susan Naragon: snaragon@fbinaa.org by the 1st of every even month. The FBI National Academy Associates, Inc., the Executive Board and the editors of the National Academy Associate neither endorse nor guarantee completeness or accuracy of material used that is obtained from sources considered reliable, nor accept liability resulting from the adoption or use of any methods, procedures, recommendations, or statements recommended or implied.

Photographs are obtained from stock for enhancement of editorial content, but do not necessarily represent the editorial content within.





























On the Cover: This issue is dedicated to today’s Peace Officer and what it takes to keep them safe and effective.

To learn more about the FBINAA Job Posting Board, visit www.fbinaa.org .



Kevin Wingerson

A s we celebrate this holiday season, it’s a time for celebra- tion, reflection, and giving. Thank you for serving our membership and your community so very well. As I travel visit- ing our Chapters and representing the FBINAA at various law enforcement events, I am always so proud of your commitment and dedication to your fellow NA grads and your communities. You bring our vision of “Continuous development of the world's strongest law enforcement leadership network” to life and repre- sent our core values of “Knowledge, Courage, and Integrity” in all your activities, on and off-the-job. Let’s reflect on the oath we all swore to when we committed to a career in law enforcement. We swore to serve our constitu- tion, our communities, and the agencies we serve. Let us not forgot we have a duty to serve and protect our brothers and sisters whom we have the honor of service with. For most of us, the holiday season is a time to celebrate with our loved ones and friends but for some of us, it can be an isolating and discourag- ing season of the year. Some of your colleagues may be going through difficult times and may have a small circle of friends and family or lack opportunities to spend time with loved ones. This is the opportunity to bring our focus on resiliency, safety, and wellness to action in your respective agencies. Law enforcement is a profession of inclusion. Let’s demonstrate this by helping those colleagues that need our friendship and support during this holiday season. During this season and throughout 2020, let’s make resil- iency, safety, and wellness a priority for peace officers by focus- ing on the four domains of a person’s life that capture how they experience and relate to others and themselves that will lead to a more resilient individual. These tenets are the key characteristics in an individual that foster resilience: • Mental – the ability to effectively cope with unique mental stressors and challenges • Physical – the ability to adopt and sustain healthy behaviors needed to enhance health and wellbeing • Social – the ability to engage in healthy social networks that promote overall wellbeing and optimal performance • Spiritual – the ability to strengthen a set of beliefs, principles, or values that sustain an individual’s sense of wellbeing and purpose Police officers and first responders experience more trauma in a month than most people do in a lifetime, yet many aren’t getting the help they need largely because of the stigma sur- rounding mental health and the fear that their badges – and thereby, their identities – will be taken away if they ask for help. We have the tools necessary to help you make this issue a prior- ity within your agency. Reach out to us and let us help. This is also a time of giving back and remembering those who may not be as fortunate as others. Please consider "Giving Back" to an area of the FBINAA you feel most passionate in sup- porting. Donations are accepted for the following:

• Youth Leadership Program • FBINAA Charitable Foundation • FBINAA General Fund

As a non-profit organization, your donation to the FBINAA is tax deductible. For more information on supporting your As- sociation, please visit www.fbinaa.org. Our hope is that through your support, understanding, and action this holiday season, we can make it a time of joy and celebration for all we serve. On behalf of your Executive Board, wishing you a holiday season filled with happiness and fond memories and a prosper- ous 2020!

Kevin Wingerson, President FBINAA Assistant Chief, Pasadena Police Deptartment

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Liberty University 800.424.9595 | liberty.edu/FBINAA  PLATINUM ACADEMIC ALLIANCES

5.11 TACTICAL SERIES 209.527.4511 | 511tactical.com JUSTICE FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 800.550.JFCU | jfcu.org VERIZON WIRELESS 800.295.1614 | verizonwireless.com

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American Military University 703.396.6437 | PublicSafetyatAMU.com

ecoATM 858.324.4111 | ecoatm.com AXON 800.978.2737 | axon.com

Bethel University 855.202.6385 | BethelSuccess.net


Columbia College 803.786.3582 | columbiacollegesc.edu


University of Oklahoma 800.522.4389 | pacs.ou.edu

University of New Hampshire 603.513.5144 | law.unh.edu

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California University of Pennsylvania 724.938.4000 | calu.edu/golegalstudies


Columbia Southern University 800.977.8449 | columbiasouthern.edu

Faulkner University 800.879.9816 | faulkner.edu

Northcentral University 844.628.8943 | ncu.edu/fbinaa

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Trident University 714.816.0366 x2019 | Trident.edu/FBINAA

Upper Iowa University (888) 877-3742 | uiu.edu/fbinaa


Wilmington University 302.356.6766 | wilmu.edu

NATIONWIDE 877.669.6877 | nationwide.com

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Howard Cook

T he holidays are once again upon us. While we know they come around the same time each year, it still comes as a bit of a surprise that yet another year is coming to an end. It's at this time of year that we gather with our families and friends and immerse ourselves in fellowship and our long-held traditions. It Is also a time of reflection. So let's reflect on 2019. As an Association, we have accom- plished much. We have continued


to live up to our Mission of "Impacting communities by providing and promoting law enforcement leadership through training and networking" by holding many Chapter retrainers and social events for our members and the law enforcement community. Thousands of attendees gathered at our national training conference and leadership forums and also joined us digitally through our train- ing webinars. Additionally, we continue to be on the forefront of providing resources for officer resiliency with our Comprehensive Officer Resilience Program and relationship with Below 100 . We grew and became stronger through the sharing of ideas in this incredible network of law enforcement leaders. I have said numerous times when I joined with you at Chapter events that membership is the lifeblood of the FBINAA. I would like to take this moment to thank all of you for your involvement in the FBI National Academy Associates and your numerous contribu- tions to our Association as a whole and to your Chapter. Whatever this time of year means to you and your families, I wish you peace, prosperity and all the blessings this season has to offer as we leave 2019 and move toward all the possibilities of 2020.

April 15-17, 2020 New York, NY To LEARN MORE about this Program, please visit www.fbinaa.org.

Wishing you a healthy and prosperous New Year.


Howard M. Cook FBINAA Executive Director FBINA #224

Please contact John Kennedy at jkennedy@fbinaa.org for additional information.



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The immortality of a cop is the imprint on people’s lives that a police officer leaves behind when they have finished their careers. Whether good or bad, all officers leave a lasting impression that outlives them for years. How then can an officer ensure that the impression he or she leaves, their legacy, is one of excellence and dedica- tion to this, the most noble of professions? They can do this by understanding the side of police work that no one talks about, their own mental and emotional health. E very cop desires to leave their mark on the community they serve. It is, after all, why we got into the business in the first place. For some, however, their impression is not so much an everlasting mark as it is an everlasting stain. They lose sight along the way of what legacy they will leave behind. We all know someone in our departments who everyone cannot wait until they retire. We also know someone whom we cannot imagine doing the job with- out. How then do we ensure we are one of those officers that people cannot live without; versus one that cannot leave fast enough? What I’m referring to is something I learned when I became an instructor for the Blue Courage course. Blue Courage is a learning experience designed to get officers engaged in what we neglect far more than anything else as cops; our emotional and mental well- ness. In one of the modules I teach as an instructor of Blue Courage called “ The Immortal Cop,” I ask the toughest question of all to offi- cers. I ask them to take a look at their career, an honest look at what they have accomplished, what they have done and what they think their legacy will be when they leave this most noble of professions. For some it is a realization that they are on the right path, that they are moving towards not only a successful career, but a meaning- ful one as well. For others however, it is a punch to the gut. The real- ization everyone is waiting for THEM to leave. Inevitably this leads to questioning how they got to this point and what they can do to fix it.

What causes great officers to become the burden of their agency, and sometimes even their community, is losing sight of the reason they became a cop to begin with. As time goes on, cyni- cism sets in. As Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) once said in his book Beyond Good and Evil , “Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back at you.” So, how then do we ensure that as we stare into the dark abyss of emotional stressors, violence and seemingly endless amounts of heartache, that we do not allow the abyss to do more than stare back at us? The answer lies within our original desire to become a peace keeper. We must return to our roots and re- member why we took the oath of office, why we swore to protect complete strangers even to the point of giving our lives for others. It happens to some of the best of us. We all know or have heard stories of fantastic Officers who allow the abyss to grab a hold of their very being and drag them into the darkness. They lose their way and lose sight of what it means to be a Peace Of- ficer. The end results are generally not pretty, and in some cases, absolutely life changing and devastating at the same time. To become the officer that no one can picture doing the job without, we must first remember why we became officers in the first place. We must remember the responsibilities we have accepted and understand that each time we come in contact with someone, we are leaving our legacy behind. We are imprinting something of ourselves onto everyone we meet no matter what the cause for the interaction. Due to this, we cannot lose sight of what we represent or who we are, not even for a brief moment. If we have lost our way, we must acknowledge that we are on the wrong path and that we need help finding our way back. We must seek out the assistance of loved ones, fellow officers and mental health professionals. We must strive to acknowledge our emotional and mental health and learn ways in which we can have a staring contest with the abyss, and win. References Nila, M. (2016) Blue Courage Facilitator Guidebook: The Immortal Cop pp145-152. Nietzsche, F. (1886) Beyond Good and Evil, 146

About the Author: Robert “Bobby” Martin joined the Snowflake-Taylor Police Department in 2007 and has severed in many positions within the department including Dispatcher, Patrol Officer, Detective, Detective Sergeant, Lieutenant, Public Information Officer and is the current Chief of Police. He has worked with the Na- vajo County Drug Task Force as an Undercover Narcotics Detective and is a certified General Instructor for NALETA as well as a certified Sniper with Utah County. Lt. Martin is a graduate of the FBI National Academy Program.



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Historically we in law enforcement have been trained to be tough and different from other people. Police officers see things on a daily basis that affect their way of life in ways the normal person cannot understand. We have always realized that very traumatic incidents can cause issues, but we must now understand that the day to day job can cause issues. Everyday calls like breaking up fights and dealing with criminals over time can build up in an officer’s mind. There has to be preven- tive measures put into place to assist officers in dealing with these issues early in their career to alleviate negative, long-term problems. We have to find ways to cre- ate positive pillars of wellness in our lives.

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L aw enforcement officials need to find ways to live a spiritually balanced life. This does not mean they must be Christians, but that is the way the majority of officers believe. There are alterna- tive religions and practices that can help the officer be spiritually balanced. For instance, meditation or mindfulness practices are beneficial in clearing the mind and relaxing. These can be used in addition to Church life as well. Physical wellness is also very important for law enforcement officials. Obviously it is important to be in good physical shape to allow us to protect ourselves from assaults, and to make arrests on resistant suspects. Also, officers need to exercise and keep ourselves in good physical shape simply for the benefit of prepar- ing us to live longer, healthier lives. Police officers have an average lifespan of about ten years lower than that of an average person. Law enforcement executives and managers need to realize that officers need to have a positive environment to work in. The job itself is stressful enough without adding additional stressors from inside the workplace. We must find ways to create a “safe place” for officers to escape from all of the negative we deal with constantly. Though there are instances which call for disciplinary issues and other difficult tasks we face internally, they will be ac- cepted and respected if they are handled in the proper manner. We must encourage officers to be socially active outside of the job. We all have tendencies to stay to ourselves and only socialize with each other. Most police officers have enough in common with each other to bond quickly and to feel comfortable together. Officers need to build relationships with citizens as well. Activities like coaching little league recreation teams and joining community social groups are excellent ways for officers to make new relationships outside of the law enforcement realm. Law enforcement officials have to maintain an emotionally healthy life. This may require managers having discussions with them individually, or a more professional approach like counsel- ing. The career puts a deep strain on family life as is evident with high divorce rates for those in this field. There are also officers who tragically take their own lives at a rate of approximately 450 per year in a three year span according to the USA Today. One

Hundred and Eight officers took their own life in 2016 according to Officer.Com. This is horrific. It is paramount for us to find ways and put actions into place to address this issue. I have learned through training at the FBI National Academy that the issues of officers leading well-balanced lives is not only the responsibility of the individual officer, but police executives and managers have to share the responsibility of helping them live healthier lives. We must explore ways to put measures in place to address these issues. I know through my 24 years in law enforcement I have had ups and downs through each of the categories I discussed. I want to help the officers who are younger in their careers to be more balanced. They deserve it!

Citations USA Today (2/8/2007 edition) Officer.Com – Police Suicides in 2016

References Leadbership: Spirituality, Wellness and Vitality (FBI NA Class – Instructor William Beersdorf) lebfbi.gov (September 8, 2015 edition): Addressing Officer Crisis and Suicide – Improving Officer Wellness

About the Author: Danny Hampton of the Waycross Police Department began his career in 1994 as a police officer. As an officer he was assigned the task of being a Field Training Officer and Accident Investigator. In 2001 he was promoted to Sergeant where he acted as a Watch Commander until 2006 when he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant over the Administrative Unit. In 2013 he was promoted to Captain over the Administrative Section. Captain Hampton is the department’s Internal Affairs Officer, State of Georgia Certification Manager, and Accreditation Manager through the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies. He

also serves the state as an assessor for the State Certification Program. He has a Bachelor’s Degree through Columbus University and is currently working toward his Master’s Degree. He is a graduate of the Professional Management Program and the Command College through Columbus University as well. He is a graduate of FBI National Academy #271.


THE FAMILY IS VITAL TO EFFECTIVE OFFICER WELL-BEING STRATEGIES Law enforcement agencies can help build an organizational culture focused on officer well-being by including family members in their approach


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T hose surrounding the affected officer at work and at home are profoundly impacted by the shift work, long hours, stress, disturbing situations, frustration, sadness, disappointment, anger and even financial hardship which can be experienced by law en- forcement officers during the course of their careers. “As the police socialization process evolves over the years and hypervigilance becomes the normal perceptual set for police officers, the police family does not go unscathed” (Gilmartin, 1990). Dealing with an officer struggling with the burdens associated with law enforce- ment work can ultimately affect the workplace performance of others and can lead to absenteeism, lost productivity and a reduc- tion in workforce resiliency as well as adverse consequences with personal relationships, including those at home. While family members of law enforcement personnel can indeed be negatively affected at times by their loved’ ones career choice, they are also uniquely situated to help prevent the exacerbation of the harmful impacts which can occur. The power of family involvement in promoting positive changes and overall employee well-being is critical since an officer’s family is usually the closest and potentially most meaningful source of support and understanding in their lives. Likewise, it is reasonable to assume that family members of law enforcement personnel who are not afforded access to information and resources related to improving their own resiliency will not be as effective in helping themselves or others when a crisis at home occurs due to the rigors and com- plexities related to their loved one’s role in law enforcement. Workforce well-being strategies should recognize and include the importance of spouses, partners, parents, children and friends as well as the impact home life and work life have on each other. Effective tools should be inclusive of the officer’s family and support network, such as communication outreach to the home regarding informational, social and benefits awareness opportunities afforded to family members of the officer. These outreach efforts should inform a law enforcement officer’s family about the availability of the agency’s employee assistance pro- gram for their own needs as well as their loved one. It is also no- table that training programs such as citizen academies, domestic violence and suicide awareness seminars as well as relationship enhancement, financial responsibility, and retirement planning courses should all be made available to an officer’s spouse or significant other. Ideally, these training and communication opportunities should be made available to family members from An effective strategy for law enforcement agencies designed to focus on the well- being of officers and promote a healthy workplace is to provide the tools, resourc- es and communication outreach which takes into account the importance of the officer’s family. The implications of the challenges associated with working in law enforcement go far beyond those associ- ated with just the individual officer.

the time that an officer is hired by a law enforcement agency all the way through retirement. Another effective strategy aimed to enhance the well-being of the workforce is to create, train and leverage peer to peer support programs such as chaplaincy, peer support and critical incident response teams which include providing family support as well as officer outreach. Many law enforcement agencies have witnessed the success of these type of support programs over the years. “Police peer support teams have proven their value and have demonstrated their effectiveness for many years. They have established their place in the police mentality and have become an integral part of many law enforcement agencies” (Digilani, 2017). These peer to peer programs are primarily designed to provide properly trained and qualified support personnel to assist officers contend with the daily stressors as well as traumatic incidents encountered by law enforcement. Fortunately, these programs have helped thousands of officers with personal challenges by providing a caring and compassionate support network of fellow teammates keenly aware of the struggles which accompany law enforcement work. They have also mitigated some of the potential serious consequences of engaging in destructive behaviors through timely referrals to licensed mental health professionals. Agencies should make every effort to afford peer support and chaplaincy services to the family members of all of their officers in order to further magnify the capabilities and reach of these support programs. “Research has revealed that being a police officer comes with an unknown emotional price” (Warren, 2015). Law enforcement leaders need to acknowledge that in order to contend with the det- rimental effects of the profession, unconventional tactics need to be embraced. Accordingly, in order to effectively build an organiza- tional culture focused on officer well-being, agencies must commit to a comprehensive strategy of outreach and communication efforts designed to include the officer’s family in their approach. The stakes have never been higher for law enforcement agencies to improve their methods and tactics regarding strengthening officer wellness and resiliency. While there are multiple ways to bolster workforce vitality and morale, one of the most effective means to create a law enforcement culture centered on officer well-being is the inclusion of an officer’s family in the methodology and support mechanisms designed to provide assistance. References Gilmartin, K. (1990). The brotherhood of biochemistry: its implications for a police career. New York: Basic Books, Inc. Warren, T. (2015). The effects of frequent exposure to violence and trauma on police officers. Walden University Scholar Works. Digilani, J. (2017). Retrieved from www.jackdigliani.com. About the Author: Michael Cummins is an Assistant Chief with the U.S Border Patrol (USBP) where he serves in the Training and Traumatic Incident Management Division within the Mission Readiness Operations Directorate at USBP Headquarters in Washing- ton, DC. He most recently served as the Acting Deputy Chief of Staff for the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Office of Professional Responsibility (formerly Internal Affairs). Michael has been a member of the CBP National Resiliency Task Force and a Deputy Commander of the Traumatic Incidents and Events Response (TIER) Team. Prior to serving in these roles, Michael was an Operations Officer in the USBP Enforcement Systems Division of the Strategic Planning and Analysis Directorate at USBP Headquar- ters. He has also worked as a Border Patrol field agent and supervisor along the south- west border of the United States in the Rio Grande Valley Sector and Tucson Sector, the two busiest sectors in the USBP. Michael has also served in the capacity as a team leader of the CBP Valor Memorial Committee and the Commander of the Family Support Unit during Police Week overseeing outreach efforts to the surviving families of CBP's fallen agents and officers. Michael is an active USBP Chaplain and the former National Chaplain for USBP as well as a licensed attorney with over twenty years of legal experience.


CHAPTER CHAT The intent of this column is to announce Promotions, Retirements and Deaths for the Chapters. Please find expanded Chapter Chat on our website www.fbinaa.org under the current Associate Magazine issue to stay up-to-date on what's happening in our 48 Chapters. Submit chapter news on the Chapter Chat Submission Form by the 1st of every even month. Please attach to the email high-resolution digital .jpg or .tif photos to: Susan Naragon | snaragon@fbinaa.org.


RETIREMENTS n Chief Tony Kramer , NA Session 207, Edgewood Police Department is retiring August 1st 2019. n Lt. Richie Whitford , NA Session 210, Fort Thomas Police Depart- ment is retiring August 1st 2019. NEW ENGLAND PROMOTIONS n James Falvey , NA Session 203, was promoted to the rank of Deputy Chief of Police of the Milford, MA Police Department effective in Octo- ber 2018. PROMOTIONS n Rick Smith , NA Session 176, has retired after 46 years in policing, and 15 as the Chief of the Wakefield, MA Police Department. We wish him well in retirement. n Deputy Chief Marla St. Pierre , NA Session 186, retired from the Scarborough Maine Police Department on July 3, 2019 after serving 39 years. n John O'Malley , NA Session 234, was appointed as Deputy Chief of the Scarborough Maine Police Department on July 8, 2019. NEW YOR/EASTERN CANADA PROMOTIONS n Deputy Chief Terri Tobin , NA Session 189, New York City Police Department, was promoted to two-star chief in August, becoming the fourth female assistant chief currently on the job. NORTH CAROLINA PASSINGS n James Newmeyer , NA Session 95, passed away on June 20, 2019. He was Captain of Detectives with the East Brunswick, NJ Police Department at the time of his attendance and retired in 1987. NORTHWEST PASSINGS n Captain Haans Vitek , NA Session 227, Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office, MN, 53 years old, passed away of natural causes May 25, 2019. OHIO PROMOTIONS n Staff Lieutenant Chris Johnson , NA Session 247, The Ohio State Highway Patrol (OSHP), was recently promoted to Captain and will serve as executive officer of the Finance and Logistics section.

n Gina (Haynes) Di Napoli , NA Session 225, was sworn in as Chief of Police for the San Jose State University Police Department on July 12th, 2019. Many congratulations Gina. n James Hunt , NA Session 242, was appointed Interim Chief of Police of the Sierra Madre Police Department. He had previously retired as the Police Chief for the Monrovia Police Department. n Darrell Lowe , NA Session 249, was recently appointed as the Chief of Police for the Redmond (WA) Police Department. He was most recently a Lieutenant with the Santa Monica Police Department. n Wes Simmons , NA Session 255, was recently promoted to Chief of Police for the Chino Police Department. He was previously a Captain with the department. PASSINGS n Daniel Robbins , NA Session 132, San Bernardino Police Department (Ret.), passed away on March 17, 2019. KANSAS/WESTERN MISSOURI PROMOTIONS n AdamWeingartner , NA Session 262, was named Chief of Police for the City of Ottawa, KS in June 2019. n Jason DeVore , NA Session 234, has been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, Assistant Superintendent of the Kansas Highway Patrol effec- tive June, 2019. n Michael Butaud , NA Session 257, was named Chief of Police for the City of Olathe, KS in July 2019. n Glen Virden , NA Session 269, was promoted by the Kansas Bureau of Investigations to Special Agent in Charge, Western Region Special Operations Division. RETIREMENTS n SA Michael R. Miller, NA Session 259, officially retired after 21 years of service from the FBI on 05/31/19 after following in the footsteps of his father Thomas Miller, who retired from the Bureau in 1985. SA Walter ‘Bob” Schaefer, NA Session 275, will retire on 11/30/19 after 30 years of service. n Jeff Welch , NA Session 246, assumed the role as the full time Train- ing Coordinator for the Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office in Madisonville, Ky on July 1st. He retired from the Henderson Police Department in June of 2018. n Frank Cates , NA Session 238, will be the new School Resource Officer for West Hopkins School in Nebo Ky as of July 31st. Frank is employed by the Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office in Madisonville, Ken- tucky. Frank retired from the Henderson Police Department in August of 2017. KENTUCKY PROMOTIONS

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Who Should Attend  Law Enforcement Commanders / School Administrators School Resource Officers / Fire/EMS Officials School Security Directors SCHOOL SHOOTING PREVENTION LEADERSHIP FORUM


JAN 8-9, 2020 QUEENS, NY FEB 4-5, 2020 SEATTLE, WA FEB 20-21, 2020 ATLANTA, GA


Each day law enforcement and school districts across the United States are responsible for protecting our almost 133,000 schools and 63 million students, faculty, and staff. The FBI National Academy Associates and the School Safety Advocacy Council have partnered and announced a series of 2-day Leadership Forums for law enforce- ment executives and school administrators throughout the coun- try. The Forums will provide attendees with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to improve the overall security of their community’s schools while developing coordinated plans for a crisis response.

APR 6-7, 2020 PHOENIX, AZ

APR 13-14, 2020 SANTA MONICA, CA

CRITICAL CONCERNS: • Review of school security trends & threat concerns

• Lessons learned: A review of past incidents • The dynamics of active assailant situation • Multi-agency response: Coordinating law enforcement, fire, EMS, and schools • Understanding and conducting a school security survey & assessment • Building capacity; Conducting Drills and Exercises

MAY 13-14, 2020 COLUMBIA, SC

JUN 16-17, 2020 DETROIT, MI

L EARN MORE and REGISTER at www.fbinaa.org/FBINAA/Training

This Leadership Forum is brought to you by the FBINAA and the School Safety Advocacy Council.





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Chapter Member of Distinction

I was recently approached by Past National Academy President Doug Muldoon who told me of an article he wrote for the Florida Chapter about a member of distinction who had passed away in 1999 but whose legacy endures. I offered to publish this recap in the National Associate magazine. It occurred to me that each chapter can name one or more members who have made a difference in their history. It is my hope that there is someone in your chapter who is recording this chapter history for the future. If you would like to share that

story with the entire membership, I would be honored to include it in my next article. Pictures are always appreciated to make that person’s story “come alive”. Charles and Vita Snowden Scholarship History Submitted by Doug Muldoon 153rd Session Charles C. Snowden Sr. was a graduate of the 84th Session (11/5/1969) and was an active member of the Florida Chapter of the FBI National Academy Associates. During his career as a sworn officer, he was a captain for the Gainesville Police Department until his retirement in 1981. He later worked for Alachua County Sheriff's Office until 1996. Charlie was the Executive Secretary/ Treasurer for the Florida Chapter of the FBINAA starting in 1978. He was the back- bone of the Florida Chapter handling the day to day operations of the organization. He handled all the annual renewals for mem- bership which was done in conjunction with the Jacksonville, Tampa and Miami FBI Field Offices. All communications were handled by mail in those days. We tend to forget the extra work and how labor intensive this was in the current electronic communica- tions world we live in today. As an example, 1998 Florida President 2013 FBINAA President

they are the same colors as the University of Florida Gators. Apparently no coincidence that Charlie just happened to be a charter member and past president of both the Fightin' Gator Touchdown Club and the Gator Dugout Club. It appears he was able to com- bine two of his passions in one simple shirt that all the members of his chapter received. I can recall that after my graduation in June 1988 from the 153rd Session I received a phone call from Charlie. He heard I wanted to get involved with the Chapter. He must have spoken with the incoming 1989 Chapter President Dale Croy, Chief Investigator with the Leon County State Attorney’s Office, as I was appointed as the fourth Area Repre- sentative. Prior to this appointment there were only three Area Representatives, one for each FBI Field Office area. Because of this appointment, I was fortunate to get to know and work with Charlie. I think I often gave him grief asking questions about why we do things the way we do or how can we do things differently, but he patiently handled all my questions. In 1994 I was elected as 3rd Vice President for the Florida Chapter thanks to this mentorship by Charlie. During the annual Chapter Officers meeting held in early January 1998 at the FBI Academy, Charlie handed me an enve- lope stating that after 21 years of service,

Charles Snowden.

(L-R) Vita Snowden, Charles Snowden.

Charlie printed, folded and mailed out over 1000 envelopes to update each member, including the annual membership form and a newsletter from the incoming President and Charlie. Once the renewal was processed, he would then mail out the annual membership card from the Florida Chapter to each member. (Note from Doug: Does anyone still remember those days besides me?) Back in those days, a new member was also sent an official Florida FBINAA Chapter shirt which was Orange with Blue let- tering. For those of you who are not familiar with those colors,

he was going to “retire” as the Executive Secretary Treasurer. I was stunned before finishing reading the entire letter. The “retirement” was to take place December 31, 1998. I breathed a sigh of relief at least for my term, but I had the thought: What we would do without Charlie leading the Florida FBINAA??? It was an honor when Charlie recommended that I apply for the position of Executive Secretary Treasurer. I recall Charlie laugh- ing during my first conference as I made sure I had everything

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THE FBINAA CHARITABLE FOUNDATION YOUR GIFT MAKES A DIFFERENCE A s we leave the Thanksgiving holiday behind us with so much to be thankful for, our families look forward to

In this Season of Giving while reflecting on this past year, we hope you remember the FBINAA Charitable Foundation as one of your most treasured non-profits, assisting friends and colleagues who face financial challenges. Whether they suffer tragic loss of life, devastation from disaster, or costly medical issues, it is your Foundation's honor to be available to assist our members in such circumstances as well as through our college scholarship program. We know you have many choices in worthy law enforcement charities; however, we would ask you today to remember us with a donation. Your support goes a long way toward ensuring we have funding available to assist friends and colleagues in their time of need. Our ongoing needs continue to grow as our members face personal hardship and catastrophic events. Giving has made our Foundation what it is today, whether it be in volunteerism or donating necessary funds – THANK YOU! Please visit our website at www.FBINAAFoundation.org for additional information on the Foundation's great work or to donate to this very worthwhile charity. As a reminder, the Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) and your contributions are tax deductible to the extent of the law. If we could be of any assistance or you need specific infor- mation, please contact your Section's Representative on the board or your Chapter officers. It is truly an honor for all of us on the Foundation Board to volunteer on behalf of such an amazing and gracious family. If you would like to volunteer to aid us in the mission of the Foundation, PLEASE let us know! We are currently in need of Foundation Good Will Ambassadors or anyone who has a knack for grant writing. The Foundation wishes you all a very blessed and safe holiday season. May God continue to bless those who protect our communities and our freedoms.

celebrating December holidays in their own special way. While many of us celebrate the season, there are also NA families experiencing pain, suffering a loss, or facing other challenges affecting their lives. Other NA families are rejoicing because their child was awarded a college scholarship by the NAA Charitable Foundation. Whether in joy or sorrow, these families have one thing in common: they ALL belong to the FBI National Academy family and were assisted by YOUR Charitable Foundation. Still, the Foundation needs your help! In 2018, the Foundation provided in excess of $55,000 to assist our NA members, and we are nearing that amount for 2019. With generosity and support frommany of you and our corporate friends, these families received financial aid when they needed it most. One of the greatest benefits of being part of this internationally renowned organization is the assistance available should you find yourself facing an impactful event. For years, companies like 5.11 Tactical and Laguna Strategic Advisors have made large monetary donations, and many of you have participated in our fundraising efforts through contests. Marriott Corporation has been very generous in donating a week at a resort in Kauai for several years run- ning. The current prize, a week's stay in a private residence in the British Virgin Islands (BVI), was donated by Tom McKown , owner of Forum Direct . Ed and Michela Fuller have provided the flights for these island getaways! Ed is the Co Founder of Laguna Strategic Advisors and he serves as a Director on the FBINAA Foundation Board, providing incredible insight and business acumen. Of note, the Kauai contests have sold out and have generated $20,000 for the Foundation each year! The BVI contest is nearly sold out as well... there is still time to get your tickets – visit www.FBINAAFoundation.org . In addition to participating in our contests, NA members have assisted by donating directly to a program fund, contribut- ing scholarship funds in their name, and joining the Founda- tion's Angel Sustaining Partner program . Prior named scholar- ship contributors ($1000) have included Max (Session 214) and Marilyn Santiago and the Florida Chapter; and for 2020, our National President Kevin (Session 223) and Lori Wingerson have generously donated a scholarship. An additional 20+ members have already contributed to the 2019 Angel Sustaining Partner ($250+) program, raising over $15,000. All these funds go directly to benefit our members through our programs and associated expenses.

"We exist because there is a member in need"

Mitch Mueller, Session 210 FBINAA Charitable Foundation Board Member Texas Chapter Board Member MitchMueller@FBINAAFoundation.org 682.404.0636

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Elegant Waterfront Villa on Private Great Camanoe Island For full details on the property: https://www.vrbo.com/562796

Seven night stay includes roundtrip airfare for 2 Your $20 donation to the FBINAA Charitable Foundation: Only 1000 tickets will be sold at $20 each. You will receive one entry for or every online donation of $20 on the Foundation website: www.fbinaafoundation.org.

Winner will be announced at 2020 Chapter Officer Meeting in Quantico



Jeff Kruithoff

Let's Take Action Now About Law Enforcement Suicide

T he purpose of the Chaplain article in each FBINAA Associ- ate magazine is to provide both an emotional and spiritual support message to our general membership and specifically to those members who are concerned about faith and emotional health. In the past two years, we have embarked on a “Quest for Excellence” in our lives by looking at a spiritual and emotional walk of deliberateness by spending time routinely in solitude, scripture, and service. In 2020 we will continue this journey with a study of delib- erate support of others and deliberate study of the significant events in our lives. However, for the last Associate magazine article of 2019, I wanted to deviate from this discussion and look at an issue that has been weighing heavy on my mind in 2019. That is the issue of suicide among the ranks of our agencies. On the date I am writing this article, American law enforcement has lost 201 of our officers to suicide in 2019. Although a staggering number on its own, some estimated the actual number to be as much as two or three times higher than this. My heart just breaks as I try to mentally and emo- tionally digest this information. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has tracked life expectancy for decades. For the first time in my lifetime (and I am old enough to collect Medicare) the CDC has lowered the life expectancy for American males. The cause for the decline in life expectancy is due to what they call “the diseases of despair”. Suicide is one of these diseases. Since the percentage of police officer suicides is higher than the general population, this dis- ease of despair is particularly disturbing. I have spent quite a few days in class studying suicide this past year and can easily roll out pages of statistics on suicide. Elderly suicides, military suicides, juvenile suicides etc. The reality is that police officers and our brothers and sisters in the fire service are suffering. As a Chaplain, I find this so frustrating because we find many references to the peace and comfort that is possible when you have a spiritual relationship with God. One of the most famous biblical verses in Psalm 23, promises that when we are going through the shadow of death, God is with us and his comfort can surround us. As members of the FBINAA, we all hold positions of influ- ence in our respective agencies. We are the people who must take action. We cannot leave it to anyone else. Many of us sup- port programs of officer wellness, and resiliency. The FBINAA is heavily invested in Officer Resiliency due to our partnership with Motorola to provide nationwide training to our membership. The IACP has its own program, and our State Chiefs Association in Ohio has a program. Clearly, we must do more because suicides continue to increase every year in law enforcement. We can no longer just sit and wait thinking this tragedy will not visit us sometime soon.

One thing we know helps is to talk about the topic of sui- cide. We need to encourage discussion about suicide in our line up roll calls. We need to place suicide discussions on the agenda in staff meetings. We need to encourage two officers meeting for a cup of coffee to discuss their thoughts through the police car window. In addition to encouraging discussions about suicide, we must ask ourselves what our own values and viewpoints are about suicide. Review the following questions or statements. There is no right or wrong answer, or side of the issue to stand on. However, a robust conversation on these ten points will cer- tainly provoke some great dialog about suicide in our agencies. It will also cause us to look deep into how we feel or what we believe about suicide.

1. Is suicide wrong? Morally?Legally? 2. Is suicide a sin? 3. Is suicide the act of a coward? 4. Is suicide justifiable in some cases? 5. Everyone should have the freedom to choose! 6. Suicide is irrational!

7. I will stop someone from completing suicide. 8. I failed if someone I helped completed suicide. 9. I would be ashamed if a family member completed suicide. 10. Suicide will never be the right choice for me. It is critically important for all of us to realize that how we personally and philosophically view suicide can have a dramatic and many times detrimental impact on how we may deal with the suicide of one of our staff, or how we may view their mental toughness when they express suicide idealizations. Our number one responsibility as police managers and executives is to keep our staff members safe and we must do better. We can do better. It is believed that April is the worst month for suicide completions in the general population; however, the holiday sea- son upon us is the worst for completed first responder suicides. If you have read this article, stop and think, “Is there a person I need to go check on?” “Is there a person who has had a rough 2019 and needs some encouragement?” I do not believe you will regret taking a step to talk to them. II Corinthians 1:3, 4 says, “All praise to God... He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us along someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us.” – MSG

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