Social Studies HS Guide

movements ● Political reform movements LEARNING PROGRESSIONS

● Identify social, economic, and political reform movements between 1880-1920. ○ Social reform movements could include: ■ Women’s suffrage ■ Temperance ○ Economic reform movements could include: ■ Labor Movement

■ Progressive Movement ■ Conservation Movement ○ Political reform movements could include:

■ Progressive Movement ■ Civil Rights (early stages) ■ Populist MOvement ● Analyze what are possible short-term vs long-term accomplishments of social, economic, and political reform movements. ● Evaluate the short and long term accomplishments and effectiveness of social, economic, and political reform movements. VOCABULARY ● Social reform movement

● Economic reform movements ● Political reform movements DIFFERENTIATION IN ACTION

● Inquiry

Skill Building

● Themes and Lenses


STRAND3: America on the Global Stage 1890-1920




● See US History II Year at aGlance

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