
About this Food Guide

Thank you for picking up our second annual food guide. We hope you will enjoy it. SustainFloyd has assembled this guide, with the accompanying online listings, in response to a call from the community of Floyd to help get out the word about the rich food system of Floyd County and the great benefits of choosing locally grown and produced foods. Please let us know if you would like to be listed in the next guide or if there is information you would like to see included. Also, let us know if you would like to volunteer to help with assembly of the guide or with other SustainFloyd projects. And, of course, we will be looking for funding for our next printing!

Check out the online version at The Guide to Floyd Food Team: Jackie Crenshaw, Jen Hendrix, Nancy Manley, Will May, Tim Smith, Alison Wroblewski

For more information or to make a donation: or contact us at 540 745 7333

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