Stepping into Management Knowledge

Food Safety Training


Managing Team Member Illness

 Any team member or Manager that is feeling unwell with stomach cramps/pain, vomiting, diarrhoea must report these symptoms to their Line Manager immediately and be excluded from work for until they have been symptom free for 2 days without medication.  For any absence from work due to illness an Absence (illness) Self Certification/ Return to Work Interview form must be completed and filed in the personal file of the team member  Only allow team members back to work if fully fit and clear from any symptoms  This form must be completed for any illness, but is crucial in a Norovirus outbreak for our due diligence in managing the outbreak.

ASK QUESTION TO GROUP: Why is it important to have evidence of all extra cleaning and sanitisation when there is a suspected outbreak? CONFIRM CORRECT ANSWER: It provides a due diligence defence if needed with a timeline of our additional actions.

What chemicals should be used for sanitising all surfaces? CONFIRM CORRECT ANSWER: Milton Sterilising Fluid or Oxivir

Why is it important to complete a Return to Work Form for all team members? CONFIRM CORRECT ANSWER: Provides a due diligence defence to prove that we have managed the situation and taken every reasonable precaution to keep the business safe. WHEN IS AN OUTBREAK CONSIDERED TO BE OVER? Outbreaks are considered to be over if no new cases arise after SEVEN DAYS after the last case was considered to be symptom free. The Safety Team will work with you to manage the situation at every stage.

Safety Assurance December 2015 Food Safety Training 3.35

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