Words to Understand

epiphyte— a plant with no roots in the soil that grows on another plant, but with- out taking nourishment from its host as parasites do. fungi— the plural of “fungus”; any of a group of organisms that absorb food through a network of fine threads, reproducing by spores often carried in fruiting bodies that include mushrooms. liana— any of a variety of climbing or hanging plants rooted in the ground, and often found in rainforests. secondary-growth forest— the jumble of vegetation that grows when primary, or first-growth forest is cut down, allowing the sun’s rays to reach the forest floor. slash-and-burn cultivation— a farming technique that involves clearing an area of forest and burning the vegetation to release the nutrients it contains, mak- ing the soil beneath fertile for a time. symbiotic relationship— a mutual-assistance relationship between two different animal or plant species, that benefits both. tree canopy— the roof of leaves that the highest trees extend over undisturbed rainforest. understorey— the lower level of smaller trees and shrubs that lies below the for- est canopy.

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