School of Nursing Scrapbook 1979


should be nurtured and actualized, the faculty accepts the obligation to assist the R.N. student redefine and develop her capacities to assume the professional nurse role. Education for R.N. licensure prepares the person for first level nursing practice and can form part of the base upon which professional nursing can be built. Pro– fessional education prepares a practitioner by extend– ing her sphere of knowledge and developing her cogni– tive skills in resolving intricate and diverse problems. The faculty believes in providing the student with learning experiences which will enable her to function as a professional nurse in an ever-changing society and to realize her responsibility for meeting society's nurs– ing needs. PHILOSOPHY OF NURSING Man is a biophysical, psychosocial, spiritual being living in dynamic interaction with his environment. He strives to meet his basic needs and achieve self-actuali – zation. Man is guided by the values of his culture and interacts with people from his own and other cultures. Among the rights of man are the universals: the riyht to self-determination and the right to recognition of his own worth and dignity. The fundamental purpose of nursing is the care of human beings. Nursing assists individuals and their families to maintain, restore and improve their level of

wellness; to do for persons that which they are unable to do for t~emselves; to aid and comfort them is crises of a health-illness nature along the life continuum. . Nursing i~ a learned profession characterized by service to society through nursing practice . Profes– sional nursing is the translation of intellectual activi – ties into ~um~nistic interventions. As a learned profes– s10n, nursing 1s based upon knowledge drawn from the biophysical, psychosocial sciences and humanities. Such kno":'ledge is organized into concepts, hypotheses and theories from which nursing science is derived. Nursing science is the bedrock of nursing practice. Nursing practice .is the application of knowledge throug~ th~ formulation of nursing judgments based on pat1~nts needs; the design and implementation of approp:1ate nursing interventions; and the continual evaluation of the client's response . Nursing strives to ~xtend _,ts sph:re of practice and seeks more fruitful ~n'.eract1ons with oth~r health professionals. Nursing 1s inde~endent of and interdependent with other health profess1on_s and assumes an active role as consumer advocate in the delivery of health care . . Th~ professional nurse has a responsibility for the delineation and_ ~~tension of nursing science. She assumes ~espons1b11ity and is accountable for the nature a_nd quality o'. her nursing practice. She pursues con– tinued professional development.

spiritual, rational being and as a creation of God. The faculty believes that a Christian environment congruent with the teachings and values of the Roman Catholic Church provides a viable matrix for the learning of nursing. The faculty believes that there are different ave– nues to the achievement of professional goals. To this end, the faculty has provided the necessary flexibility for entry of the R.N . student into higher education and for facilitating her progress through the course of study. Each learner is entitled to pursue as much educa– tion as she believes she desires. Experiences, motiva– tions and abilities are factors in affecting the individ– ual's realization of her goals and purposes. The faculty accepts the belief that learning is an individualized endeavor and takes place in a variety of modes. The curriculum design will utilize and build upon the learner's existing knowledge and ski Ils. Coun– seling and guidance are provided in order to meet the unique needs of each student. Believing that the role of the professional nurse


The program of the Hahn School of Nursing is planned specifically for the R.N. who desi res to fur– ther her education . The School offers a B.S. program in nursing with an upper division professional major. The purpose of the nursing major is to prepare a liberally educated person who will be prepared to as– sume a nursing leadership role in the determination of the health care needs of society. A graduate of the pro– gram will be equipped for beginning clinica l practice as a family health nurse practitioner. She will have a foundation for graduate education in nursing and wi II be eligible for certification as a public health nurse. PHILOSOPHY OF THE HAHN SCHOOL OF NURSING As an academic unit of the university, the Hahn School of Nursing reflects the philosophy of the University of San Diego. The faculty believes that stu– dents benefit from a liberal education where emphasis is placed upon the potentialities of man as a physical,


The graduate will:

1. )den_tify, in_itiat~, implement and evaluate appropriate nursing care required by people in diverse s1tuat1ons and circumstances.

2. Synthesize knowledge from the humanities and behavioral and biolog·ical the design of nursing practice.

sciences in

3. Contribute to extending the boundaries of nursing science h nursing practice.

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4. Assume responsibility as consumer advocate in the provision of health care.

5. Be able to function as an independent and interdependent health team b · v·d · · · d . mem er in pro- 1 mg nursing services an in redesigning the health care system. 6. Identify her own learning needs and assume responsibility for professional repertoire. augmenting her own 7. Be accountable and responsible for her nursing practice .



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