School of Nursing Scrapbook 1979


Application fee .. . .. . . . .. ... . . .. . . .. . . . . ... . ..$20 Tuition (per unit) 1-13 units . . . . . . . . . ... . ... . . . ..$74/Semester unit 14-17 units per Semester .. ... .. . . . . . ...... . ..$1150/Semester

ROOM and BOARD. . ..... .. . . ... . . . . . .... . .. . . . . ... $1400/year


Available through Financial Aid Office to qualified students Nursing Student Loan Program National Direct Student Loan Program Ai:lditional information on Financial Assistance available from: National League for Nursing 10 Columbus Circle New York, New York 10019 Tuition Payment Plans available. Information on Veteran's benefits available through the Veteran's Affairs Office at the University.

LOCATION San Diego, the second largest city in California, is a thriving metropolitan area and a rapidly growing cen– ter for health, medicine and science. Rich and varied clinical facilities are located within easy distance of the University. Cultural diversities existent in a bilingual community contribute to personal and professional growth . Multiple recreational , cultural and social facil – ities are available and within easy access. The University of San Diego , a dynamic, co– educational Catholic institution , was chartered in 1949. Its first unit, the San Diego College for Women, began classes in 1952. The College for Women was erected, financed and equipped by the Society of the Sacred Heart. The second unit of the University, the College for Men , sponsored and financed by the Diocese of San Diego, was opened in 1954. Its founder , the Most Reverend Charles F. Buddy, first Bishop of San Diego, envisioned the University 's increasingly influential posi– t ion in education, both for the Diocese and for the San Diego community. The first professional school on the Alcala Park campus, the School of Law, was inaugurated in 1954. Change and innovation have marked the educa– tional development of the University of San Diego in recent years. In 1967, there began an effort to provide HISTORICAL SKETCH

~icher educat_ional advantages to the students by shar– ing the curricula ·of the College for Men and the College for Women . This coordination led to the full legal unification of the separate colleges in July, 1972. Tod~y on ~he Alcala Park campus there is a single, co-educational , independent University, Catholic in the post-V~tican II sense, composed of a College of Arts and Sciences and four professional schools -- the School of Law, the School of Education , the School of Busi– iness Adm inistration , and the Philip Y. Hahn School of Nursing and Allied Health Science, designed especially for the R.N . student seeking a baccalaureate degree.


ing an olympic-size swimming pool, gymnasium, stad– ium, tennis courts and a baseball field.

Part-time or full -time study programs are possible. Pre-requisites to nursing major can be met by transfer credits, challenge exams or taking course(s). Validation credit given for previous education and ex– perience through review of individual record .


The University of San Diego is built on a campus occupying a 160-acre tableland at the western end of Kearny Mesa, high on a hill commanding inspiring views of the Pacific Ocean, Mission Bay, San Diego Harbor, and the surrounding mountains. The campus, named after the Spanish university city of Alcala -– scene of the labors of St. Didacus (San Diego), is superbly located in an urban area, ideally close to the business, cultural , residential and recreational areas of California's birthplace and second largest city. the Law and Copley Libraries, four administrative and classroom buildings (Serra, DeSales, Camino and Founders) which also in– clude the University dining hall, the Camino Theatre, and residence areas, graduate student resident apart– ments, and the University recreation center, compris- Alcala Park's ten buildings include the lmmaculata Church, the School of Law,



For further information, write to:

Dr. Irene S. Palmer Philip Y . Hahn School of Nursing Alcala Park San Diego , Cal iforn ia 92110



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