School of Nursing Scrapbook 1979
The University of San Diego Auxiliary invites you to a reception honoring
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Y. Hahn and Irene S. Palmer, R.N., Ph.D. Dean, Philip Y. Hahn School of Nursing & Allied Health Science
French Parlor, Founders Hall
Friday, January twenty-fourth 5- 7 p.m.
Please reply to 291-6480, ext. 353 or 295-7222
· USD highlights Two important social dates are on the Unive. of San Diego's calendar early in the year. On Jan. 18 ttie second annual President's Club dinner for members only will be held in Founders ·Hall this year. Helen.Anne Bunn, a member of the President's Club Advisory Council, is acting as ·party coordinator. President and Mrs. Author "Hughes will host the black-tie event. Cocktails in the French Parlor will be followed by a gourmet dinner. Music will be played by Bill Greene. The President's Club membership is composed of donors of $1,0Qil or more annually to the university. On Jan. 24 the USD Auxiliary will host a reception in the.French Parlor to honor Mr. and Mrs. Philip Y. Hahn, benefactors of the Philip Y. Hahn School of Nursing and Allied Health Science, which was inaugurated as a post-RN program in the fall. The occasion will also serve to introduce Dr. Irene S. Parmer, dean of the. program, to persons involved in medical circles in the community. Mrs. James D. Casey Jr. of La Jolla is serving as/ chairman for the invitational event. .
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