School of Nursing Scrapbook 1979

ibt ian 1llit!lO Inion I

Tbe aractous parlors at Founders Hall, of San Diego, conceived 25 ago by the Rev. Mother Rosalie Hill, , gave the quality of a private party stately house to the second annual D President's Club dinner Saturday mpt. In all .its phases and appoint– llJ8ID-Cleeor, fashions, music and pro– gram- it was a dJstJnguished occasion liolted by Dr. Author E. Hughes, president of USD and Mrs Hughes. Gi.ii entering the handsome wrought iron doorway of Founders Hall were greet– ed by Dr. and Mrs Hughes. Mrs. Hughes choae a graceful dress of pastel saffron yellow and spring green accented with vivid pink and metallic threads. Bill Green's orchestra opened and closed tbe party, encouraging lively dancing as the qnaJ Orchestra members played dur– tog cocktail hour in the foyer. Mrs. Helen Mn Bunn, member of the President's ub Council, whose gift to the dinner was tbe music, ch a black velvet dinner suit, fox collared and combined with silver Jame overblouse The legant French Parlor, setting for the din , was a vtsual jpy of white on white, accented with stlver - white Jin n, white daJay chrysanthemum , silver foli– age, silver rvtce and stlver candelabra. Conversational round tables encircled the President's table at which were seated Mrs. PtJlllp Y Hahn, Thomas J. Fleming, . James S Copley, David Copley, Mr. and Mrs Leo Roon and Mr. and Mrs. John Landis Mr. and Mrs. Hahn, benefactors of the newly created post-RN degree program at the untverslty, will be honored with Dr. Irene S Palmer, also at the dinner, at a recepUon Jan 24 in the French Parlor, Founders Hall Dr. Palmer Is dean of the Habn School of Nursing and Allied Health Science At the dinner Dr. Hughes presented to Mr. and Mrs. Hahn a Cybis porcelain "Madonna With Bird.'' For the occasion Mrs. Halm chose an apricot and gold metallic skirt worn with apricot bl&use. Bilbop Leo T. Maher, cha.trman of the USD Board of Trustees, opened the dinner with prayer and introduced Dr. Hughes, who outlined the dreams and plans for USD's second 25 years. The dinner itself was memorable - shrimp de Jon served in coquelle shells, boneless breast of chicken with apricot brandy sauce and other dishes climaxed wtth the flaming of the lemon cheese crepes. Miss Goldie Sinegal and Prof. Robert Austin presented a musical program.



Hughes, USD President Hughes and Mrs. Philip Y Hahn. Mrs. and Mr. Hahn are the benefactors of the newly created post-RN degree program ilt the university. (Details in Straws in the Wind column at left.)

Chatting at tht University of San Diego President's Club dinner, held Saturday at Founders Hall on the campus, are, from the left: Mrs. Helen Anne Bunn, member of the Pre:;idcnt Club Council, Mrs. Author ---------~---·---~=~=~==--~

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