Feb 2019 - Cover

Feb 2019, Issue 2


Some of the major players in this market consists of several well-known companies such as Google, Waymo, Uber, Tesla, other major automotive companies, and AT&T. With our telecommunication expertise and history, we could be responsible for the platforms in which all these connected cars communicate through.

THE CHALLENGES AT HAND While technologies escalate rapidly, challenges do as well.

While this technology is a breakthrough, current US laws, the speed in which laws are adopted, infrastructure, and other issues, prevents this technology from being included in the US version of the 2019 Audi A8.  As a result, these challenges will need to be resolved before we can advance to Level 5 of vehicle autonomy. Among the legislative challenges, there are a few technological short comings that plague the advancements of AVs.  For cars to be classified under Level 5, sensors and radars would need to have the capability to quickly scan the car’s surrounding environment, interpret the data, and deciding the corrective action.

“internet access to gather, analyze, and communicate with each other are still being developed. Our infrastructures must also be redesigned to better suit AVs and make it easier to scan and interpret the signs and road layouts. Additionally, security will also be a challenge. With the increase in connectivity that the AVs are required to be successful, consumers are susceptible to cyber-attacks. Finally, We, consumers, must become more comfortable with relinquishing control to vehicles and the sight of a cars navigating our streets without a physical person behind the wheels.

Communication platform for a "connected" car, a vehicle that possesses

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