Trafika Europe 11 - Swiss Delights

of poetry, fiction, essays, feuilletons, and commentary on art and photography. Merz has won numerous important prizes, including the Hermann Hesse Prize , the Basler Lyric Prize , and the Friedrich Hölderlin Prize . His volume of poetry, Out of the Dust, (tr. Marc Vincenz) was published in 2014 and a collection of three novellas, Stigmata of Bliss (tr. Tess Lewis) appeared in 2017. Noëlle Revaz NOËLLE REVAZ (born in Vernayaz in the canton of Valais, 1968) is a novelist and author of radio plays. She has been teaching at the Swiss Literature Institute since 2007 and is a member of the spoken word ensemble ‘Bern ist überall’. She lives in Biel/Bienne. Although her style changes with each novel, her incisive examinations of society and her humor are constant. She has been awarded many prizes including the Schiller Prize , the Michel Dantan Prize , and most recently the Swiss Literature Prize for The Infinite Book.


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