Trafika Europe 11 - Swiss Delights

About the Authors

Mariella Mehr MARIELLA MEHR (born in Zürich, 1947) is Swiss Yenish. As a child, she was removed from her family and held in 16 different orphanages and three reformatories, committed to a mental institution four times, and spent nineteen months in a women’s prison. Her work was recognized in 1998 with an honorary doctorate from the University of Basel. Because of her triumph over adversity and the unique and powerful literary forms which she forged from this, her work has been seminal in helping galvanize Yenish and Roma civil rights movements in Europe. She currently lives in Tuscany. Frédéric Pajak FRÉDÉRIC PAJAK (born in Suresnes, France, 1955), is a writer, artist and editor of dual Swiss and French nationality. In his books, he strikes a balance between prose and drawing to create a unique genre that has won numerous awards (the Michel-Dentan Prize , among others). He edits the ‘Cahiers dessinés’ revue


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