Alcala Yearbook 1997

fILM fOQUM Megan Peter The Associated 8tudents fi lm r orum Director is responsible for presentin8 current blockbusters to the student population as well as films for campus or8anizations. With the help of a motivated colillD.1ttee, we've planned and advertised the showin8 of several

movies incluc:line Twi ter, The 8hining, Mission Impossible, Independence Day and a preview of Jerry Maguire.

CULTUQAL AQT8 Kimberly ford 0 Lauren Peslinger --~IIW:~

A.0. Cu ltural Arts i about creati n8 and maintainin8 an artistic culture in lhe U8D coIDillunity. i\s d irectors, our job is to faci litate tudents in expressin8 and experiencin8 culture throu8h art. We can al o help students to 8et involved with the processes that 80 into creatin8 find pro8ralillil.1n8 artislic events. We upport and involve students in theater, music, museums, student art shows and many other areas within the artistic culture. We only hope that when we leave, i\.8. Cultural i\rt.s is stron8er, richer and more alive than when we were students, till searchin8 for an arti lie culture that we could call our own!


The Multicultural Pro8ralillD.1n8 c:lirectorship attempts to provide cultural activities to the U8D coIDillunity. Diversity is c:lisplayed throu8h various educational and social pro8rams which introduce students to worldly cultures. Throu8h the multicultural c:lirectorship the U8D student body has had the opportunity to experience Latin dances, cultural music, and various foods. Exposure to different cultures can only broaden an individuals horizon and in till appreciation for diversity.


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