Alcala Yearbook 1997

COMMUNITY 8EI2VICE Gerald Acuna 0 Ke ndall Gaspar

The co-direclor of commun.ily service are A.8. represenlalivu\3 for U8D corn.rnunily service opporluniliu13. A rep~nlalivu\3 of the ludenl body, the community service co-directors advise a corn.millee of project coordinators who plan and or8anize sixteen on8oin8 projects. We maintain a8ency conlacts, facilitate public relaLions, and act as a liai on lo oLher A.8. and U8D individuals and 8roups. We empower Lhe coordinalors lhrou8h lhe abil ily lo recruil volunleers, clubs and or8anizalions lo parlicipale in service projects. Tar8elil18 diversily lhrou8h our leadership, we provide a variely of pro8rfillls lo meel Lhe inleru13L of all volunleer from all differenl culluru\3. As ludenl leaders, we conlinue Lo promole Lhe Office for Communily &rvice Learnin8 as a ru\30urce for Lhe enlire U8D communily.


Wilh lhe help of a dedicated and hard workin8 commillee, as A ocialed 8Ludents 8pecial Projecls and 8.M.l.L.E. Direclor, I have worked Lo puL on pro8rams and raise money for Lhe 8.M.l.L.E. 8cholar hip fund and lo beneftL Lhe 8an Die8o communily. 8ome events from lhe year include 8in81ed Oul, Lhe Civin8 Tree, and 8prin8fu13L.


The &crelary of 8ludenl Or8anizalions acts as a link beLween A.8. and all of lhe club and or8an.izalions on campu . As director, I chair Lhe lnlerclub Council (ICC), which is made up of represenlalivu\3 from each club and or8anizalion. I help new club 8el larled and represenl Lhemal &nale, as well a ยท advise exislin8 club on how lo receive fond from A.8. and how lo pro8ram lheir acLiviLies. In lhe sprin8, l work closely wilh Lhe Director of 8pecial Projects in plann.in8 8prin8fesl.


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