Alcala Yearbook 1997

On October 16th U8D became part of "fiistory in the Makin8" as it was placed in the national and world spotli8ht, hostifi8 the second and final 1996 Presidenlial Debate. The debate between President Bill Cunton and &nator Bob Dole was held in 8hiley Theatre. The town hall meetin8 format was moderated by PB&' Jim Lehere. The candidates were quesLioned by an audience selected by the Gallup Poll Or8anization. Besides famous individuals, such as California Governor Pete Wilson and &an Die8o Mayor 8usan Coldin8, selected U8D students, administrators, and trustees were also able to watch the debate in 8hiley. Mother 2000 U8D sludents received a surprise visit by &n. Dole, his wife Elizabeth, dau8hter Qobin and former president Gerald ford followin8 a student debate viewin8 in the &ports Center. This event, planned by a student subcoillillitlee of the Presidential Debate Tusk force, was intended to involve students in the debale and election process. Better than Ezra performed an hour before the debate, and XBallot was present, allowin8 students to request absentee ballots via the intemet. Debate Watch '96 was held on West Point field. There, debate sponsors, community leaders, students and other individuals from the University community were able to watch the debate. Overall, the U8D coillillunity enjoyed the thrill and excitement of bein8 in the spolli8ht. Many learned much about the election procecc,s and U1e media in this memorable, historical and educational experience.

By Elizabeth Jiimchak

Pictured Above: Presdent Clinton gives USD "thumbs up" for a job well done on debate preparation. Pictured Right The Rev. Jesse Jackson takes time to speak with students Aerie Flagg and Dung Hoang.


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