Alcala Yearbook 1997
i\lphs Kappa P6i i_1; a coed p1'0fe,l'iSional bu0iness fralernily Lhal was founded Lo inspire in ill; member~ a ,l',Cnc\k. or personal re pon ·iblily. prorc~'iionnk\.\m, 3nd Learuwork. 6ince iL1; toundin8 in l978, Lhe Iola Tau Chapler ha~ lif one')ored numerou,\.\
p1de · ional. communily and _>\()Cial ev nL;.;. The objediv~"> of Alpha Kappa P1-;i LJre Lo promole and adv:rnce Lhe educal.ion in busine~'>--"'> ond Io f o.\.\Ler inlc8rity in Lhe conduct ol busine~;.; ndiviLies.
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