Alcala Yearbook 1997
Alpha Epsilon Della is lhe pre-medical fralemily which prepares sludenls for enlry inlo lhe heallh professions. They provide 8U~">L speakers from Columbia Qeview, an orlhopedic. lhe pre-medical advisor, associates in physical Lherapy as well as U8D alumni pre~nlly aLLendin5 medical school. The 8oal is lo infot'm sLudenls of what is lo be expecled in lhe professional schools. Coaununily involvemenl is an imporlanl aspecl wilh membern parlicipali118 in 8pecial Olympicclli, Lulorin8, volunleerin8 in hospitals. or pa~ ยง"-lins oul ori3an donor c3rds. oocial evenl.s include 5-5-~. !or U1e pled8es and a.dive members Lo become belter acquainled, and the annual MC,\T party Lo end Lhe year.
1996-1997 Membership Alicia Atwood. 6lacy t>unlen. 031 an ClayLon, ~a, ah Dezurik. Mari [dwc1rd~, Abbey fil2palrick. Jill Corny. Gene lrvin8, Jill Jackson, Andrea Malchi1Jdi. Julie Mi.llchi<..)di. Karls Kill8ore, Cib~y Pence. Adrea Pinnick. Jennile1' Qe 6 azzo. Mic3lu Qome11...
Nalalie 6pruill. Erin Uyeda t\dvisor Daniel 6he lmn
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