study shared demonstrate how unconscious biases withhold synergies, innovation and progress. This study based on data from the company management training sessions highlighted the importance of leaders. First, it showed that to optimise the way to more diversity, it is the managers who need to be well-informed and trained in diversity management, including a sound understanding of the mechanism of unconscious biases and how they affect their practices. Starting to overcome their own implicit prejudices, they need to be able to regulate biased behaviours, or their teams, to prevent creating tensions among specific groups and utilise the full potential of human resources. Second, the data analysed above disclosed individual qualities managers need to fulfil the DEI principles. For example, companies need strong, independent, self-confident and autonomous leaders who can resist the pressures from the so-called ‘mainstream thinking’, confident to implement the ideals of a diverse workplace. They also need diplomatic, respectful and empathetic professionals capable of leading their teams. In doing so, they need to be respectful to each individual and stand as role models able to unite and mediate social cohesion rather than divide. This includes strong interpersonal, communication and facilitation skills leading toward cultivated dialogue within their teams. Finally, they also need to be flexible and dynamic and be able to make proper decisions in the turbulent times of the VUCA world. This study also showed the significance of experience from abroad. Seeing varied types of leadership facing different cultures with distinctive behavioural patterns and cognitive styles makes them more informed as well as resilient in diverse environments. Their expertise, expanded views and wise humility gained from experience from varied environments is also a valuable resource to share with junior managers and other colleagues. Working abroad thus helps them better draw on the advantages of diversity when making decisions for their teams and creating visions for the company’s future. While all managers across the company structure proved to be important as leaders, motivators and role models to all the employees, the structure of the participants in each of the training sessions highlighted the different roles of leaders from the top management as compared to managers from the lower ranks. While top leaders define the company visions and are responsible for their progress and success within the competition on a global scale need to direct the company toward a meaningful future, it is the middle and lower-rank managers who are key to implementing the visions and ideals into practice. This leads the discussion toward the role of training. Sustainable leadership skills need continuous efforts in self-development and life-long learning. Targeted training is one of the examples of how to expand the managers’ views and enrich their managerial skills while keeping pace with the modern trends and newly discovered knowledge in the field of management and diversity. The Diversity Wins @ VW training showed that self-development is not alien to most of the managers in ŠA. Nonetheless, the training sessions, as reflected in the participant feedback, helped the managers to set the direction for progress in their job performance as professionals. Besides helping them understand the principles of unconscious biases, they were provided practical methodology and tools for implementing them into practice, fully in line with the


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