This example clearly shows that all persons are heavily influenced by their previous experiences in terms of societal, institutional, disciplinary and family socialisations. Therefore, it is only logical that we draw on these tacit assumptions, recurrent practices and conventions of appropriateness. When it comes to assessing specific classroom situations, educators have a tendency to immediately jump up the ladder of reference and make snap decisions based on their previously internalised value system and knowledge structures that are deeply rooted in their societal culture. When applying the DIVE Strategy, various factors most certainly also touch diversity aspects of the HEAD Wheel. First, it can be outlined that differences in demographic diversity are likely to affect the outcome and assessment of a situation. Age, gender sexual orientation, disabilities, race and religion may bring different perspectives on specific settings. Moreover, cognitive diversity will most probably bring different results, too. Differing value structures or prediction models influence the perception of the viewers and thus result in an information processing variety. In addition, the DIVE Strategy may also be affected by one’s disciplinary background and the cognitive style that is preferred in this field. Is objectivist knowledge with systematic rules and logical conclusion the goal of inquiry? Or, on the other hand, is knowledge rather actively constructed by learners while they interact with the world around them? Such questions will most likely drive issues of absolute truth, course design, interaction and evaluation. All those questions and rationales impact the outcome of previously internalised classroom practises. 5. Follow-up Material To comprehensively understand the complexity of the topics involved, the authors of this chapter have produced two videos that can be used as visual organisers for intercultural and diversity-related learning. The first contribution elaborates on the HEAD Wheel and the myriad of complex combinations of biographical backgrounds within higher education institutions.


The second one takes the concept of implicit bias as a starting point for an in-depth analysis of one’s internalised prejudices and uses the DIVE Strategy as a tool for further reflection and learning.


In international classroom settings that foreground intercultural learning both videos can be used as a discussion basis. They may serve as a frame of reference for the specific classroom composition and as such foster inspection and self-reflection of one’s own societal, cultural and institutional background, and other diversity-related issues. In this regard, the Extended Critical Incidents Analysis may also serve as a practically oriented and solid qualitative method. Contextualised intercultural or diversity specific encounters may be identified and fine-tuned.


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