6. Conclusion The two concepts presented in this chapter, namely the HEAD Wheel and the DIVE Strategy, may have the potential to evaluate critical incidents in a more holistic and systematic manner. The accompanying videos can be used in tertiary intercultural training lessons to approach both diversity and implicit bias more comprehensively. So far, more than five hundred students watched the videos and assessed their own learning curves by providing qualitative feedback. After in-depth analysis of the statements provided by the students, it can be said that the chosen didactic design is rated as highly effective to encourage a deep reflection of diversity-related biases and stereotypes. It was also found to be beneficial for engaging in a sound reflective practice that leads to more informed decisions about diversity-sensitive and contextualised situations. In addition, it was stated that the marriage of both concepts (HEAD Wheel and DIVE Strategy) has the potential to provide a cognitive basis for a diversity-related shift of reference as well as an affective emotional framework that allows for a behavioural change of internalised patterns. While the HEAD Wheel is regarded as a useful tool that helps to adopt a broader range of perspectives related to diversity, the DIVE Strategy is considered as a timely strategy for (intercultural) learning that results in a reflection of one’ own biases. In sum, it can be reiterated that the use and application of the HEAD Wheel and DIVE Strategy in intercultural learning allows for the mitigation of negative stereotypes based on age, gender, religion, ethnicity, ability/disability and additional background factors.


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