• Who was driving this decision? • What could have made the action more effective They also supply a framework for interpreting collected observations as outlined in Table 1. Thanks to the CIT method, the authors conclude that in some instances they can validate aspects of transformational leadership theory, but in others the theory is unable to explain the relationships between organisational actors. Despite these limitations, they find the CIT a tool particularly useful in theory building. Table 1: Bott and Tourish (2016) framework for interpreting collected observations Assessment criteria Level of analysis Questions to ask of the text 1. Frequency of occurrence Basic interpretation What emotions do they report as being associated with the interpretation event?

What attributes/characteristics do they display? What kinds of people are involved with the event? What kinds of outcomes are associated with the event? Are the events typical, atypical, prototypical or archetypal of the questions under investigation? How salient are the events to the actors involved? Does the researcher reflexively consider their own position, beliefs and commitments? What do the events in question tell us about regimes of truth and power? How credible are the interpretations being offered in terms of existing frames of reference adopted by organisational actors? Do they fundamentally challenge existing world views? What are the perceptions of actors at different organisational levels? Do dialectics, tensions, contradictions exist? How do the events challenge, confound or refute established theories? How do the events suggest new ways of looking at the phenomenon in question? What aspects of the phenomenon are left unexplained by existing theory? What fresh theoretical insights can be derived from the events?

2. Critical engagement


3. Theory development

Problematisation What understanding of the events can be derived from established theories?


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