Wilhelmsen and Ostrom (2019) in the broad context of risk assessment techniques report an application of the CIT to develop process maps of aviation maintenance and inspection tasks. Participants were asked to share their own experience of discovering potential damage to a structure. The research process included a visual component where participants were shown a flow chart of the inspection process and are asked to comment on the flow of events. They were also allowed to rearrange the order of events to provide a complete picture of the process. This procedure has 5 steps. 1 Toporek et al. (2004) apply the CIT method in multicultural supervision. The study participants are supervisees, students at the master’s level, and supervisors, students at the doctoral level, in counselling psychology at a large mid-Atlantic university. The study extended the definition of multiculturalism beyond race and ethnicity to include sex, religion, sexual orientation and disabilities. The CIT is applied by means of questionnaires, at the end of a semester-long practicum course, to volunteer supervisees and supervisors. The first level of analysis revealed that the critical incidents could be divided into 10 types of categories: theoretical discussions, interpersonal discomfort between supervisor and supervisee or between supervisees and clients, insight-oriented interventions, issues raised due to course material, self-disclosure, contact, reaction, positive communication, negative communication, and supervisor- or supervisee initiated discussion. The influences of multicultural supervision as reported by the participants and the corresponding cultural variables are reported in Table 2.

1 Further details can be found in the cited article Wilhelmsen and Ostrom (2019).


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