Figure 1: Age of respondents

Since only university students are included in the sample, a restricted range with regards to the difference between maximum and minimum age has resulted. It is worth noting that we may imagine that relatively younger students, ‘compliant’ and probably finalising in a shorter time, for the most, have a different attitude to deal with multicultural issues as they are more focused on their career. Concerning the gender of the respondents, a slight majority of those interviewed were male. In Figure 2, the gender distribution of the interviewees is shown. 12 male and 8 female respondents participated in the survey. The sample size does not allow for the drawing of any conclusion from this, but there could be a reason for the prevalence of males, either dependent – again – on a different attitude, availability to be interviewed, or on a different interest in the issues stemming from the multicultural context.

Figure 2: Gender of respondents

Most respondents to the questionnaire consider the context in which they study to be multicultural to some extent. Eighty per cent of the respondents gave a rating of more than 7 on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 represents a low level of multiculturality, and 10 is the highest level (figure 3).


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