Figure 3: Level of multiculturality perceived

Of those who participated in the survey, 13 respondents feel belonging to an ethnic minority in the context in which they study. In contrast, the remaining seven participants in the survey see themselves as part of the ethnic majority group (Figure 4). This roughly reflects, more or less, the reality of situation.

Figure 4: Ethnic categories (minority of majority) of respondents

Most of the respondents do not identify with their fellow students. Almost 70% of respondents gave a value of 1 to 5 on a scale of 10. On this rating scale, 1 represents the lowest level, and 10 is the highest. These responses indicate that the respondents have a low average degree of integration within their study group (Figure 5a), and that the cluster shows a high fragmentation degree.

Figure 5a: Identification with classmates


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