unwished outcome, capable of slowing down or interrupting daily business activities – are quite frequent (Figure 6). Only 25% of the respondents stated that they had never been involved in any critical incident and in any of the above-mentioned contexts. Most respondents indicated they had been in a critical incident during a group activity at university (40%). The remainder of the respondents indicated the student residence or flat where they live as situations in which they had been directly involved in critical incidents (15%). The answers “dealing with the governmental institutions or university” and “both at learning and social/leisure contexts” were the least frequent. Only 10% of the respondents from each of the categories indicated these answers.

Figure 6: Circumstances when critical incidents occurred

The vast majority of respondents stated that they found themselves in the critical incident situation concerning cultural issues (35% of responses). Figure 7 shows that religious and ethnic issues are the most frequent among the respondents. On the other hand, gender issues were only mentioned by two respondents.


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