Annex 1 – Questionnaires addressed to banking students SHORT REFERENCE LEGEND (definitions)  Multicultural context:

a context where ideas, beliefs or people from many different countries and cultural backgrounds match, possibly generating virtuous or problematic effects  Diversity (social, cultural, ethnic, religious): the identity of an individual defined in terms of the distance from the group s/he belongs to; it can be because political, social, cultural, ethnic and/or religious in nature)  Critical Incident: an event out of the range of normal experience, caused by diversity (see the above definition), and resulting in an unexpected, mostly undesired outcome, capable of slowing down or interrupting – in this context – daily business activities. a) What is your age? b) What is your gender? c) To what extent do you consider the learning environment where you study multicultural? (scale from 1 – not at all to 10 – very strongly) d) Do you belong to an ethnic minority or majority in your group at the university? • On a scale from 1 to 10, please indicate how strongly you identify with your classmates (scale from 1 – not at all to 10 – very strongly) • Do you feel your context is multicultural (effective or potential) and capable of recognising your diversity and treating it as a value-added? • Is your diversity perceived as a problem in your educational environment? (YES or NO … why) e) In which circumstance did you face a critical incident? (team group activity, leisure activity, at the student dormitory/common flat or other) f) Which of the following areas best describe the critical incident? • gender issue • cultural issue • religious issue • ethnic issue g) How can the consequences of these critical incidents or diversity be described?

(mark one or more) • Discrimination • Poor academic performances • Relations deteriorated with other students/professors


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