Appendix I – Corpus Leaving a team member / team leader

In the project, we personally experienced that at first we were ignored by a girl who was enrolled in the project but was obviously not interested and did not want to continue communicating with us. It was uncomfortable for us and we had to divide the work among fewer people from the beginning. Harassment I was on my way to town one early morning, suddenly I hear a man yawning at a black woman. I made my way to the place. There I see the man shouting at the woman and telling her, go back to your homeland, we do not want you here. the woman did not say a word and the man went on. it was a rather tragic event and something I hope will not be repeated again in the future. Happy Ending At the beginning of our project, I and another group member have started working on the project, and no one was replying to the group. We thought, because the Microsoft team is not a faster and more user-friendly platform to stay connected with each other, it could be a problem. So, we made a WhatsApp group and tried to get everyone in the WhatsApp group. But it was also a failure because no one was joined in the group. Then we contacted our coordinator of the project and explained the problem. she told us, that, that is not a problem, and she suggested, that the other group members just need a push, and to do so, she suggested, to remind the other group members about their tasks and what should they contribute to the group. And surprisingly the suggestion worked and since then, we worked in the group till the end of our presentation. So it was a happy ending for everyone in our group. Prejudices I often feel left out when I’m around people who speak a language I don’t know. It is easier for them to communicate because it is their own language, but it is not very comfortable because I cannot understand it. Friendly criticism As a group leader of an international project I had the task to distribute the tasks among the members of the group equally. Therefore I made up my mind which tasks may fit best for whom and asked everyone if he/she is fine with the task he/she received. I asked one team member to give us a short overview about his country and home university, because it was important for our international team to gain some first-hand experience of one student studying at this specific university. When the student uploaded his task all the information was just copied from the universities’ website, I send him a link in advance. I thanked him for his contribution and


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