friendly asked the student to add some of his own experience to the document. However, he just shortened the sentences of the first version of the document and put it into keynotes. Since the group already lost lots of time we decided to skip this part and do a questionnaire at the university in order to receive the information we were looking for and especially to gain some first-hand and own experiences of the students. I still don’t know if it was a lack of communication and the student just didn’t understand the task I was asking him to do or if my “criticism” was expressed too friendly and he didn’t understand it as criticism and more like just a comment from my behalf. Food part Im a exchange student staying at a dorm. In order to get to know each other in a better way I’ve decided to organize a typical dinner to get to know each other. After preparing our dinner and sat my dormmates in the kitchen Ive noticed a weird look in thier faces. At that moment I have realized that some students were Muslims or vegan. I had prepared a pork schnitzel curry. I have learned that I must not take for granted that what is normal for me, might not be normal for other people from another society Jízdenka v divadelní pokladně Můj známý ruský student chtěl jít na divadelní představení v ČR, ale kvůli tomu, že se v ruštině pro všechny druhy vstupenek a jízdenek stejné slovo “ Билет ” (ticket) řekl v pokladně, že si chce koupit “jízdenku” místo “vstupenky” a nerozuměli mu. English Translation: Ticket in the theatre box office A Russian student friend of mine wanted to go to a theatre performance in the Czech Republic, but because the same word “ Билет ” (ticket) is used in Russian for all kinds of tickets and passes, he told the box office that he wanted to buy a “ticket” instead of a “pass” and they did not understand him. Austrians and the master course I was enrolled in a course that was taken by master students in my exchange semester. Due to the fact that I did not have many international students with me in this course I had to randomly team up with regular master students who are specialized in the topic of this course. When I began working in the project with them, they always used terms that I did not understand and they used to work on their project in German and they had to switch after a while when I joined them because my main study language is English. We had always this struggle of linking information or describing tasks to each other. Also I took this course as an elective course outside of my specialization so I didn’t have the background knowledge enough to keep up with them. One other problem was that they already were together in other projects in their program so they can talk about our project while I am not around because


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