U Magazine, Spring 1987


1961 Mary Dugan married John Ha n lon on August I 8 . 1986. Mary is director of development at the Center for Immi– gran ts Rights. New York. a nd co-chair of the Sanctuary & Refugee Interfa ith Coali– tion . Th ey love living in Greenwich Vil– lage, Manha tta n. Mary·s son. John Louie. wi ll receive h is Ph.D. in geophysics from CalTech in June. Da ughter Na ncy is studying dressage (a form of horsema n– s hip) in Los Angeles. and son Tom is majoring in Spanish at CalS tate Los Angeles... Sheila Busca's oldest son . Bria n . was married October 25 . 1986 at Holy Trinity Church. Sheila"s da ugh ter wi ll be marri ed in July 1987. 1962 Col. James Delaney has re tired from active duty after serving as the U.S . Air Force director of administra tion . He is now the assistant di rector of the Air Force·s emergency relief charity in Arling ton , Va. 1965 Beverlee Richardson owns GTC Travel. S he is on the advisory board of the Mus– cular Dys trophy Association. 1966 Michael Cihak a nd wife Susan (Bell '67) Cihak's oldest son. Raymond . is a freshma n a l No tre Dame. The couple·s oth er children include John . 17: Paul. 15: Mary. 8: a nd James. 6. Michael received his doc torate from Oregon Stale Univer– s ity in 1983 and is now direc tor of fin a n– cial a id a l Western Oregon Slate College. Susan leaches an early intervention class of ha ndicapped child ren ... Lois (Sugrue) Rumely h as a da ughter born April 3. 1986. 1967 Joseph Farias a nd his wife. Susan . a re the proud pa ren ts of Elizabeth Ann . born July 14. I986. .. Carole (Catalane) Farrell h as been married lo an attorney for 19 years a nd h as two teenagers. Carole recently sold h er garment ma nufacturing bus iness to begin a new service ven lu1·e - North Shore Limousine. She also owns a nd operates a n adverlisng spec ialty com– pa ny whi ch she h as direc ted for the past seven years. S he a nd her family live in Wiscons in. 1970 Janet (Schweitzer) Youmans will ma rry D. Kirk La Pla nte on April 25 in Phoenix. where they both res ide. They work for CIGNA Health Plan - J a ne t is the ma n– age r for th e internal audit depa rtment a nd Kirk is ass istant vice president-con– lroller...Richard Haines , Jr. says ··a teaching a nd windsurfing career on Maui is ha rd to beat.·· He lives 3.000 feet a bove sea leve l on Halea Kala on a n acre of la nd

with an ocean view... Maria Vattuone is now Mrs. Ma ria lraci. .. Michael McCor– mack a nd his wife, Marleen (Holik) McCormack '72, celebrated th e birth of their third child. Maria Kathleen . on February 17. 1987. Ma ria·s b irth was within one week of the McCormack·s first a nniversary of directing Kids of El Paso , a drug/a lcohol rehabilitation program. Their other children a re Ben . 10. a nd Ryan. 5. 1972 Darryl Curl has returned to school for a chiropractor·s degree. He intends to spe– cialize as a non-surgical specialist in h ead a nd neck pain. He is a ttending Los Angeles College of Chiropractic. 1973 Adria (Howatt) Lundquist a nd Greg Lundquist are th e proud parents of a second son. Galen Matthew. who weighed in at a whopping 9 lbs . 7 oz. on J a nuary 8. 1987. Adria returned to her job as di rec– tor ofgu ida nce at Holy Names Academy in Seattle in March... Brian Handley is director of marketi ng for Systems Spe– cialists Cons ultants in San Jose. Calif. 1974 Mary (Ciernak) Phillips has a da ughter born April 3. 1986. 1975 Angela (Keffala) Newman recently gave birth to h er second child. J essica Ma rie. She and husband. Paul. J a ren . 2. and J essica have moved from Juneau . Alaska to S t. Louis. Mo. where Paul is director of the Coast Guard Auxiliary in the western region of the 2nd Coast Gua rd dis- tri ct. . . Joe De Maestri is president of De Maestri Distributors in Marin County. Joe a nd Julie ha ve two boys. 2 years and fourth months .. . Gilbert Carrasco and his wife. Theresa. have two children. Micaela Keen a n , 3 . a nd Justin Paul, 2. Gilbert has been admitted to California a nd Washing ton D.C. ba rs. 1976 Lilly Rosa is a n a rtis t back from her fourth European tour. Her work is s hown in Portugal a t the Museum ofModern Art. She had a one-person s h ow in February a nd March in Mi ss ion Hills . .. David Bantz is ma naging director a t McKewon & Timmins, a n inves tment brokerage firm. He a nd his wife. Lori. h ave two children , J ennifer. 9. a nd David. 3.. . Alicia Brantley is a senior legal ass ista nt a t Fulbright & J aaworski. She a nd Ed are the paren ls of Ma risa. 2 ½ . a nd J a mes Andrew. I. 1977 Stephen Jones a nd his wife.Kath leen. have a five-month-old son . Stephen Anthony. Stephen works for Xerox as a cus tomer service engineer.

Michael Lawton 79. his wife D enise and Evan Michael 1978 Virginia (Austin) Fellows is th e proud mother of a baby boy. Jeffrey Michael Jr. . born October 2. 1986...According lo Jackson Muecke '71. the best sandwich in San Diego can be found at The Sandwich Club. owned and operated by Paul Misleh . Ask for the blue chip spec ial. . . Christine Hokans is currently employed as a software engineer at Grum– man-CTEC. Inc.. McLean . Va. She is a ttending John Hopkins University a nd will receive her M.S. in compu ter sc ience in May 1987... 0scar Rodriguez a nd his w ife. Rebecca. will celebrate their I0th wedding a nniversary th is year. They have one son . Oscar Alexander. 10. Oscar has carved for himself a career in municipal governmen t. He started as a senior accounta n l soon after graduation a nd has been progress ively promoted to assis– tant fina nce director. fin a nce director. ass istant city ma nager and city ma nager ofCalex ico. Cali f. in 1983 . Oscar was a lso elected a nd se rved as city treasurer of Calexico from 198 0 lo 1983. 1979 Vicki Hanson has started her own bus i– ness - C.D. Mate - offering compac t disc accessori es... Todd Handy was recently promoted to head the accounting depa rt– men t for Rose Medi cal Cen ter·s (of Denver) s ister corpora tion . Romed . a nd it's fou r s ubs idi aries a nd a ffiliated com, pa nies. Romed Corporation provides out– reach services fo r Rose Medical Cen ter throug h the use of outpatient clinics a nd innova tive h ealth programs s uch as WorkComp Plus and others . He spends some of his free lime running a volleyba ll league for a rea hos pitals a nd their assoc iate agencies ... Michael Lawton s tarted his own insurance agency. merged it with Coordina ted Benefits Cor– poration . Pittsbu rgh , Pa.. in 1982, a nd is now vice pres iden t a nd general partn er for Coordinated Group of Compa nies, Inc.. currently th e n inth largest commer– cial/benefits agency in Sa n Di ego... David and Penny Navarro '77 a nnounce the


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