Paris Vous Aime Magazine - n° 1

1 Square Trousseau 1, rue Antoine-Vollon, Paris 12 e (01 43 43 06 00). 2 Le marché Beauvau

Place d’Aligre, Paris 12 e . 3 Paris Pêche

17, rue d’Aligre, Paris 12 e (01 43 43 12 11). 4 Au cœur du marché 28, rue d'Aligre, Paris 12 e (01 43 41 50 64). 5 La Graineterie 8, place d’Aligre, Paris 12 e (01 43 43 22 64). 6 Penty 11, rue de Cotte, Paris 12 e .




Here, everything revolves around the market. “Because it’s open six days a week, it attracts a lot of people. The vendors, who mount and dismount their stalls every day, have given the neighbourhood a “foodie” reputation”, says an ap- preciative Marcelo, who g s here when he needs to cook. The mar- ket is divided into three sections: Place d’Aligre and its ea mar- ket, with vintage dishes and sil- verware and second-hand books; the more upscale Halles Beauvau 2 , a covered market where older stalls rub shoulders with tren- dier sellers; and the rue d’Aligre, with fruit, vegetable, and ower stalls and food shops. Marcelo is comfortable everywhere, happy to chat with the vendors and always ready with good advice. For the freshest sh, for example, head to Paris Pêche 3 . On weekends, the line in front of this narrow shop at- tests to its popularity. For cheese, Marcelo crosses the street to Au C ur du Marché 4 , where the sharp aromas attest to the quality

Here, everything revolves around the market


of their cheeses. When Marcelo needs spices, he g s to La Graine- terie 5 , a Paris institution where nothing seems to have changed since it opened 80 years ago. José, a local stalwart, sells rice, semoli- na, dried beans, and ower seeds in bulk. “Over the last 15 years, our merchandise has evolved to adapt to customers who want more and more organic products,” explains the merchant. But you don’t come to Aligre just to ll your fridge: it’s also a place for socialising. After themarket, Marce- lo takes a break at Penty 6 , a popu- lar café known for its delicious mint tea. A stone’s throw away, Le Baron Rouge 7 is another neighbourhood standout, one of the rst bistros to offer oysters on market days

çants, qui montent et démontent tous les jours, donnent une conno- tation très “food” au quartier » , apprécie Marcelo qui s’y rend à chaque fois qu’il doit cuisiner. Le marché se divise en trois parties : la place d’Aligre avec ses puces où l’on chine vaisselle, couverts en argent et livres d’occasion ; les halles Beau- vau 2 , plus chères, où d’anciennes maisons côtoient des concepts plus branchés, et la rue d’Aligre, avec les étals de fruits, de légumes, de eurs et ses commerces de bouche. Marcelo est à l’aise partout, il dis- cute avec les commerçants et n’est pas avare en bons conseils. Pour le poisson, direction Paris Pêche 3 où il apprécie la fraîcheur




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