The Outlined Interlinear Red Letter Edition Panin Bible

Rev 21:23-22:1

the Almighty is its sanctuary, and the Lamb. ho pan-toKRAtor naOS auTES es-tin, kai to arNIon.

m. 21:23 ITS LIGHT: GOD'S GLORY AND THE LAMB And the city has no need of the sun, neither of the moon, kai he POlis ou CHREIan Echei tou heLIou, ouDE tes seLEnes, to shine upon it: for the glory HIna PHAIno-sin auTE: he gar DOxa of :God did lighten it, and the Lamb is its :lamp. tou TheOU ePHOti-sen auTEN, kai ho LUCHnos auTES to arNIon. kai pe-ri-paTEsou-sin ta ETHne diA tou phoTOS auTES: and the kings of the earth bring their :glory into it. kai hoi ba-siLEIS tes ges PHErou-sin ten DOxan auTON eis auTEN. o. 21:25-27 ITS HONOR AND INHABITANTS And its :gates shall in no wise be shut by day kai hoi puLOnes auTES ou me kleisTHOsin heMEras (for no night shall be there): (nux gar ouk EStai eKEI): 26 and they shall bring the glory and the honor of the nations kai OIsou-sin ten DOxan kai ten tiMEN ton ethNON into it: 27 and in no wise shall enter into it anything unclean, eis auTEN: kai ou me eiSELthe eis auTEN pan koiNON, or who makes an abomination and a lie: kai ho poiON BDElug-ma kai PSEUdos: but only th os e written in the Lamb's :book of :life. ei me hoi ge-gramMEnoi en to bibLIo tes zo-ES tou arNIou. n. 21:24 A TWO-FOLD ENLIGHTENMENT And the nations shall walk by its :light:

p. 22:1 ITS RIVER AND THE SOURCE OF THE RIVER And he showed me a river of water of life, kai E-deiXEN moi po-taMON HUda-tos zo-ES, bright as crystal, lamPRON hos KRUstal-lon,


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