The Outlined Interlinear Red Letter Edition Panin Bible

Rev 22:10-13 I am fellow-bondman of you and your :brethren the prophets, SUNdouLOS sou eiMI kai ton a-delPHON sou ton pro-pheTON, and them that keep the words of this :booklet: kai ton teROUNton tous LOgous tou bibLIou TOUtou: to worship :God. TheO prosKUne-son . 3. 22:10-15 BE PROPERLY PREPARED FOR THE SOON COMING OF CHRIST a. 22:10 NOTE THE IMMEDIACY OF FULFILLMENT BY LACK OF SEALING And he says to me, Seal not the words of the prophecy Kai LEgei moi, Me sphraGIses tous LOgous tes pro-pheTEIas of this :booklet; for the season is nigh. tou bibLIous TOUtou; ho kaiROS gar egGUS es-tin. b. 22:11 WE SETTLE OUR ETERNAL DESTINY IN THIS LIFE! Who is unrighteous, ho a-diKON, let him be unrighteous still: and who is filthy, a-di-keSAto; kai ho 'ru-paROS, let him be made filthy still: and who is righteous, 'ru-panTHEto Eti: kai ho DIkai-os, let him do righteousness still: and who is holy, di-kai-oSUne poi-eSAto Eti: kai ho HAgi-os, let him be made holy still. ha-gi-asTHEto Eti. c. 22:12 OUR PRESENT WORKS: DETERMINE REWARD AT CHRIST'S COMING Lo, I come speedily; and my :reward is with me, I-DOU, ERcho-mai taCHU; kai ho misTHOS mou met' eMOU, to render to each according as his :work is. a-poDOUnai heKAsto hos to ERgon esTIN auTOU. d. 22:13 I am the Alpha and the O, the first and the last, eGO to ALpha kai to O, ho PROtos kai ho EScha-tos, the beginning and the end. he arCHE kai to TElos.


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