The Outlined Interlinear Red Letter Edition Panin Bible

Mat 26:49-52

from the chief priests and elders of the people. aPO ton ar-chi-eREon kai pres-buTEron tou laOU.

b. 26:48 THE SIGN ARRANGED BY JUDAS Now who delivered him up gave them a sign, saying, ho de pa-ra-diDOUS auTON Edo-ken auTOIS seMEIon, LEgon, Whoever I shall kiss, HE it is: take him. Hon an phiLEso, auTOS es-tin: kraTEsa-te auTON. c. 26:49 And straightway he came to :Jesus, and said, kai euTHEos pro-selTHON to IeSOU, EIpen, Hail, Rabbi; and kissed him much. CHAIre, 'rabBEI; kai ka-tePHIle-sen auTON. d. 26:50a And :Jesus said to him, ho de IeSOUS EIpen auTO, Friend, do for what you are come. HeTAIre, eph' ho PArei. e. 26:50b Then they came and laid :hands on :Jesus, TOte pro-selTHONtes ePEba-lon tas CHEIras ePI ton IeSOUN, and took him. kai eKRAte-san auTON. f. 26:51 PETER'S REACTION And lo, one of th os e with Jesus stretched out his :hand, kai iDOU, heis ton meTA IeSOU ekTEInas ten CHEIra, and drew his :sword, and struck the bondman aPESpa-sen ten MAchai-ran auTOU, kai paTAxas ton DOUlon

of the high priest, and struck off his :ear. tou ar-chi-eREos, aPHEIlen auTOU to oTIon.

g. 26:52 JESUS CORRECTS PETER Then says :Jesus to him, TOte LEgei auTO ho IeSOUS, Turn back your :sword into its :place: A-POstrePSON ten MAchaiRAN sou eis ton TOpon auTES:


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