
Marty’s Memories by Marty Trower

Although much of these past these past months on the island have been gray and icy and generally unappealing, we knew, deep down, that eventually we’d feel the sun and see the result of its radiance emerge from the ground. It seemed to be a collective thing, our gloom. We’d stuck to our routines, riding the boat over to the mainland and back to scheduled appointments and grocery shopping. We’d chat about our ailments and our worries for others and our frustrations in getting things done. More often than not it would be dead low tide when we arrived at the stone pier, the ramp tilted up into the sky. We’d joke about that. We were in it together. It’s here now, the sun, and its nourishment is making branches blurry with soft, bright green and the earth underfoot is also green although still spongy. Each day there’s something new popping up out of the brown earth. Joan Robinson used to organize volunteers to take certain segments of the island and pick up trash and ugly, non-natural things that had escaped over the winter and remained clinging and flapping in the twiggy growth at the side of the road. I should bring a trash bag with me when I’m out walking the dog, I vow, remembering.

We have lost so many community member friends these last couple of years. The Chebeague I remember and continue to feel is the place made up of people like Joan. We all knew them. Always, there was Dick Calder, on his tractor, in his white t-shirt, waving, smiling and better yet telling a story in his clipped, bobbing speech; Diane close by, keeping him moving. Always there was Wayne Dyer, again on a big open vehicle with huge tires, his distinctive voice still in my ears, his smile behind his huge mustache, enjoying being where he was. We, our community, ache with the loss of these huge hearted, strong men. I will never forget, emerging from the loving service for Wayne Dyer in December- so many people feeding out through the church doors, and looking over to see that someone (Chuck Varney?) had rode Wayne’s tractor with its crane over to the church and placed it, bowing its shovel-head gracefully in respect, at the door.

May 2018 - 2019 Real Estate SALES as recorded at the Cumberland County Registry of Deeds and on file at the Town of Chebeague Island . . .

Provided as a public service by John Holt, Associate Broker, 207-370-4017 Anchor Realty • 361 US Route 1 • Falmouth ME 04105, 207-781-8524 Come for the property … Stay for the Community !



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