October 2019 FC Life

BOBBE WIENER is thrilled to announce the engagement of her oldest grandson, Michael Alexander Wiener to Allison (Alli) Sarfatti. They both reside and work in the Washington, D.C. area. They both also like the out- doors, especially hiking and rock climbing, soo it was natural for Michael to propose this summer while hik- ing in Yosemite National Park. A June wedding in New Paltz, New York is planned.

If you have not seen Minx Boren around Frenchman’s lately it is because she has just

finished writing her 16th book! It is titled “Decades of Gratitude, Gusto, Grit & Grace.”

The core theme revolves around the quest to see each new day as a gift and an opportunity to live in a way that is meaningful, purposeful, joyful, and fulfilling. Written from the perspective of a longtime life coach, it is meant to evoke curiosity and inspire clarity and commitment rather than offer prescriptive advice. Using a coach approach, there are also questions to ponder so that the reader can discover their own inspirational ideas about how to thrive through this time of life. Now more than ever, we each need to find quiet time to reflect on our circumstances and connect with our wise inner voice.


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