All The Men 1967



"In the beginning

was the beanie

and the beanie

was with books . . .


SULLIVAN Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages


FREITAS Professor of Foreign Languages

MacMURRAUGH Instructor of Foreign Languages

CREOGLIO Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages



SANDERS Instructor in Speech


M C DONNELL Assistant Professor of Theology

MYHAN Assistant Professor of Theology



From left to right: Seated: Paul Tuomainen, ASB Social Chairman, Dennis Vice, ASB Secretary, Steph DeSales, ASB President, Ed Ostermeyer, ASB Vice President, Richard Dittbenner, Student Court justice. Standing: Bob Beers, Sophomore Class President, Jesse Nunez, Junior Class President, Bob Healy, IFC President, Jim Persons, Freshman Class President, Steve Wojdowski, ASB Treasurer.

This year the A.S.B. has taken several bold steps for the development of a more effective student govern­ ment. For the first time, the decision-making process of the A.S.B. was expanded to include representatives of the classes, the resident students, the fraternities and the seminaries. These representatives, with the A.S.B. offi­ cers, form the Legislative Council. The Legi-Council acts with and upon the recom­ mendations of the A.S.B. Among the innovations initi­ ated by the Legi-Council were a well-organized regis­

tration process, an effective freshman orientation pro­ gram and the first annual Parents' Day—Open House. The organization also aided the A.S.B. in the publication of a Student Handbook explaining school procedures, clubs and the social calendar; in the sponsoring of the first successful major cultural event in several years—the Monterey Jazz Festival; and in the opening of a Student Lounge. The Legi-Council, as its main function, acts in an advisory position to the A.S.B.



From left to right: David Zupan, Tony Sinclitico, Dr. Wheeler, Richard Scherer, Tom LaPuzza, Dennis Sinclitico, Dr. Gerlach, moderator.

partment, and Dr. Wilm Pelters of the University of California at Irvine. Another form of Peqoud's contribution to the cul­ tural life of the College was to be seen in the two graphic arts shows, "For Collectors," which were arranged for and hung in the library by the magazine staff. The opportunity for students, faculty, and friends of the College to see and purchase original works by artists such as Baskins, Chagall, Bonnard, Renoir, Rouault, Matisse and many others was obviously appreciated. As a further gesture in support of the arts on campus, the Peqoud staff purchased and gave to the College a fine lithograph by the Swiss artist, Alberto Giacometti.

The literary magazine of the College for Men ap­ peared in the spring and featured a group of poems by John Ridland, a contemporary American poet, and a special article on Fra. Junipero Serra by Professor Brandes of the History Department. Also included were poems and stories by a representative group of students from the College for Men, the College for Women, and elsewhere. Pequoud also sponsored a series of literary readings. These were given during the noon hour throughout the year by members of the English Department and by special guests such as Mr. Sanders of the Speech De­ partment, Fr. Sullivan of the Foreign Languages De­



The Student Advisory Council is an organization formed for the purpose of communicating student problems and grievances to the Administration. The Council has been actively engaged in improving library facilities and hours and has worked out several modifications in the procedures of events surrounding Graduation. One of the organization's major accom­ plishments was its collaboration with the Resident Student Association in obtaining relaxation of restrictions on the resident stu­ dents, including the lifting of nightly checks.

From left to right: Bill Youmans, Bill Sink, Tony Sinclitico. Not pictured: Ed Ostermeyer, Mike Maher

The purpose of the Stu­ dent Court is to regulate student conduct on campus and in the apartments. The Court is the outstanding example of the new Admin­ istration policy of allowing students an increased share in regulating their own activities. The Court's major objec­ tives were enforcement of traffic regulations and the maintenance of proper student attire on the campus.


From left to right: Neal Schram, Bob Mollison, John McCoy, Richard Dittbenner, Chief Justice, Glen Foreman, Jack Muecke



Davidson, Rich Marque, Rick Valdez, Peggy Carr, tz, Tim Treadwell, Helen Scott, Bob Mollison, Pat lary Searcy, Greg Bettencourt, Editor, Maryanne

From left to right: Belita Taylor, Bill Bachofner, J: Sean Hughes, Dennis Dunne, Liz Sutton, Tom G( McCartney, Anne Dougherty, Daniel McLinden, Morrow, Tom LaPuzza.

1966-67 stands out as the finest year yet for the Vista, the recognized campus newspaper. For the first time a paper appeared at regular monthly intervals. It was also the first time in the history of the school that students from both the College for Men and the College for Women combined their skills in a joint project. The experiment proved a success, as evidenced by the quality of this year s newspapers. The men and women of the Vista staff believe that their mutual success will provide the beginnings of a true university spirit which will gradually pervade all the other organizations on campus.

Richard Iri Photographer



The blue-blazered Glee Club sang the hymns at the opening Mass of the school year. After an arid few months they reached a vertex in the vertigo of pre- Christmas gala. From the Bahia Inn, from the Hanalei, from the Lark and lobby, rang carols for the USD Auxiliary, the Alcala Guild, the ASB Snow Party, The Boarders' Party, and the staff. They added a few light notes to the Parents' Day convocation. Their annual appearance on TV/radio was made in Lajolla, over KDIG-FM. The year closed with the melodies of "Song of Peace" and "The Impossible Dream" combined with the Chorale of the Women's College for "Holy God. Their favorites still are the Fight Song, the Alma Mater, the Winter Song, and the Sailors' Chorus from "The Flying Dutchman."

Father Sullivan Director

From Left to Right: Herb Baker, Larry Lacombe, Dennis Vice, Tim Gardner, Steve Melvin, John Briskey, Tim O'Keefe, Dave Schmelzle, Bill Hall, Bob Woods, Jim Shrove, Bill Ziefle, Jeff Stamper, Phil Pirio, Mike Windle Tom Brown, Rick Calderon, Bill Feree, Dominic Parlatore, Rus Schember.



From Left to Right: Bill Feree, President, Jack Muecke, Vice-President, Dennis O'Neil, Secretary, Brian Riley, Trea­ surer, Gus McGee, Sergeant at Arms.

pus, compared to one or two in past years. The Resident Student Association points with pride to the success it has had in conjunction with the Student Advisory Council in liberalizing restric­ tions on the hours kept by the resident students.

The principal achievement of the Resident Student Association was the gaining of a more influential voice in student government as the Boarders were represented for the first time on the Legislative Council. For the first time, there are five men representing the students living'on cam­



From Left to Right: Dave Duncan, Dennis Smith, Jim Cerniglia, Bill Bachofner, Rick Ford, Brian Riley, Tom Blake.





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