PLD catalogue 2018

Early Years


PLD is dedicated to Promoting Literacy Development through our resources which deliver outcomes across 3 core areas; Literacy, Oral Language and Movement & Motor. This specialised approach, derived from the disciplines of education, speech pathology and occupational therapy, helps teachers develop the whole child so students 3 - 11 years of age reach their academic potential.

Literacy resources for Kindergarten (WA, QLD, SA, TAS) and Preschool (ACT, NT, NSW, VIC)

PLD’s Three Key Areas maximise primary school literacy achievement


The hallmark of literacy proficiency is comprehension and written expression ability and these areas are influenced by oral language and motor skills. PLD’s structured synthetic phonics range has been identified by AUSPELD as an evidence based ‘wave 1’ (whole class) and wave 2 (small group) program.

‘Word Attack’ or spelling and decoding skills are derived from: • Phonemic (and phonological) awareness • Alphabet and phonic sound knowledge • Sight word knowledge

Oral Language Oral language refers to the act of speaking and listening. The main components include: • Word knowledge - vocabulary • Sentence structure - grammar • Language understanding - semantic and comprehension ability • Structured thinking - the ability to elaborate, organise and sequence thoughts Students need to be able to process information heard (or read) and explain this information orally (or in writing) in order to be successful within the curriculum.

Movement & Motor


The way a student organises and uses their body is a significant part of literacy-based learning. In schools, students are constantly required to complete curriculum activities which involve physical movements. Perceptual motor refers to the ability to hear something, interpret the meaning and form an appropriate motor response. • Perceptual - input or receiving the message • Motor - output or the response

Movement & Motor

Oral Language

Phone: (08) 9227 0846

Professional Learning for teaching staff and support staff

Courses can be viewed by individuals or as a group. Courses include unlimited access to all content for 90 days. A certificate is awarded upon completion.

Courses are short in nature: between 1 hour and 4 hours in length.

Course information can be viewed at

Online Courses

• This course focuses upon preparing the ‘essential’ skills for later literacy learning. (i.e. oral language, phonological awareness and alphabet skills). • Video 1 Outlines processes to establish within Term 1. • Video 2 outlines the teaching, screening and small group work required within Term 2. • Video 3 outlines Term 3 teaching, screening and small group work. • Video 4 outlines how to finalise the school year and a handover process.

PLD is a provider of training, delivering seminars across Australia designed for teachers and support staff. Each seminar targets a specific age range and incorporates explicit instruction of literacy, oral language and motor for that age range. Professional learning is a great facilitator of more effective instruction within schools and these all-day seminars are perfect for experienced teachers and graduates alike.


Literacy and Learning in the Early Years

Western Australia Dates Christmas School Holiday Session 2018 - Monday 22 January 2018 Term 1 - Tuesday 6 March

School Holiday Session - Monday 23 April School Holiday Session - Tuesday 10 July

Term 2 - Monday 28 May Term 3 - Thursday 30 August

School Holiday Session - Wednesday 3 October Term 4 - Monday 29 November School Holiday Session - Monday 21 January 2019

For seminar dates across Australia, please visit

School based training sessions For booking information, direct all enquiries to or

School Based Training


Best Selling Resources

Movement & Motor

Oral Language

Phonological Awareness & Vocabulary


• These flip books develop the pre-literacy skill of syllable segmentation and blending, while extending children’s vocabulary. • Vocabulary is organised into semantic groups: clothing, transport, fruit, shapes, food, Australian animals, sea creatures, zoo animals, salad and vegetables and in the garden. • Preparing for the alphabet facilitates a child’s ability to verbalise the beginning sound in words. This program is designed to prepare children for alphabet learning. • Blending is a vital pre-reading skill. The scripted tasks take only minutes to present. Quick and simple to present to the whole class or small groups.

• This multisensory approach to teaching the alphabet typically produces rapid results. • The alphabet is divided into 4 groups. • Children see a mouth, feel their mouth, while engaging in a body movement and while hearing the alphabet sounds. • The program also integrates some letter formation learning.

Website Order Code: VST1 Price: $59 +GST

Website Order Code: VST1 Price: $59 +GST

Website Order Code: CCal (or CCalc for cursive version) Price: $59 +GST

Phonological Awareness

Prewriting Patterns

• Designed to prepare children for letter formation. • Pre-writing patterns form the basis of alphabet letters. • The manual includes big body movements, verbal cues, art activities and worksheets. • Handy information on positive pencil grip, position of hand and paper.

Website Order Code: Mpw Price: $75 +GST

Website Order Code: CCpfa Price: $75 +GST

Website Order Code: L2B1 Price: $59 +GST

Small Group Oral Language

Letter Formation

• This manual outlines letter formation in an early childhood manner; big body movements, verbal cues, differentiated templates for each letter (A3 and students standing, A4 and students seated), before multiple smaller letters are presented. • Assessment points at the base of the template.

Website Order Code: Sem4 Price: $75 +GST

Website Order Code: AR35 Price: $75 +GST

Website Order Code: 10m4 Price: $75 +GST

Website Order Code: Mlff (or Mlfc for cursive version) Price: $75 +GST

Whole Class Oral Language

Picture Book Comprehension Questions

• This pack includes lists of recommended picture books with scripted question cards. • An excellent resource for schools to set up a home program in which parents receive a picture book and a question card • The program will support later reading comprehension ability. • Two time efficient progress checks are also included.

• The early years are critical in the development of oral language and narrative skills. • These programs break down news and narrative skills into simple sequential steps. • Simple activities and the visual cues form the basis of structured teaching of these crucial areas.

Website Order Code: Mn4 Price: $75 +GST

Website Order Code: PBr4 Price: $75 +GST

Website Order Code: Mc3 and Mc4 Price: $75 +GST

To preview resources in full, view demonstration videos or to order, enter product codes at

Developing Cutting Skills Key Area: Movement and Motor Skills

Children benefit when home and school work together.

Children shouldprogress through the following Stages 1 to4 inorder todevelopgoodcutting skills. Stage 1 Children learn tohold scissorsappropriatelyand to openandclose scissors. Children learn to place their thumb in the top ring of the scissorsand their twoor three fingers in thebottom ring. At thisearly stage it is recommended thatadultspromptchil- dren to produce the ‘thumbs up’ sign before taking hold of the scissors. If students requiremuscle strengthening or hand coordinationpractice,playagameof “Open Shut Them!”

DevelopmentalNorms ForChildren Learning ToCut With Scissors Atage2 - 2½years... Child isable toopenand shut scissorswith twohands.

PLD offers an extensive range of parent education resources. Our download sheets provide milestone information and the specific YouTube playlist provides a range of short educational video clips. This information can be disseminated to parents and the wider community through newsletters, websites and general communication.

Thumb in the top ring of the scissors.

Parent Education

Twoor three fingers in thebottom ring of the scissors.

‘ThumbsUp’ Promptchildren to produce the ‘thumbsup’ sign before takinghold of the scissors.

Stage 2 Children learn toholdand snippaper.

DevelopmentalNorm Atage2½ - 3years... Child isable to snippaper.Childholds scissors inonehand (dominanthand isnot likelyestablishedat this stage). Thepaper maybeheldbyanadult.

Children learn to hold the paper in their non-cutting hand and toopen the scissors,push theblade forwardand shut the scissors resulting in snips topaper. Remember ‘ThumpsUp’.

ToMake Snips... “Open the scissors.” “Push theblades forward.” “Shut the scissors.” ANoteAboutDominance

Theadultmayhold thepaper ifneeded.

Research suggests that the majority of children show a dominant preference by 3 years and most by school age, however some actually establish dominance as late as 8 or 9 yearsold. Making apreference is importantas itallows the child todevelop skillandendurancewith thathand. Ifachild has not yetmadeapreference, it is suggested that thechildbeencouraged toparticipate inactivities:

Thumb in the top ring.

• that involvecrossing themidline, • thatusebothhands together, • wherebothareactiveand

Thumbup onpaper.

• whereonehanddoes theworkand theotheroneassists. Don’t try to choose the dominant hand but observe which hand is used themost often or ismore skilful. Itmay also be helpful to refer the child toanOccupational Therapist foran assessment,prior tocommencing yearone.

Option 1 Milestone sheets and downloads at Option 2 Foundation parent education playlist at

PLDOrganisationPty. Ltd.


PLD’s structured synthetic phonics program is a recommended AUSPELD Wave 1 (whole class) and Wave 2 (small group) additional intervention program.

Recommended SSP Program

High performing primary schools: What do they have in common? Professor William Louden (2015) Research commissioned by the Education Department of WA, explored the similarities and differences among high performing West Australian Government primary schools. All of the schools used explicit teaching strategies for teaching phonological awareness and phonics. Common across all schools was a synthetic phonics approach. The following is a direct quote from the research paper. “Synthetic phonics is a systematic approach to teaching reading by beginning with sounds (phonemes) and blending (synthesising) these sounds to make words. All of the case study schools have implemented synthetic phonics programs in the early years... PLD Literacy and Learning .... teach[es] phonemes (letter and digraph sounds), letter formation, blending of sounds together to form new words, segmenting sounds in read and write new words, and teaching ‘tricky words’ with irregular spelling.” (Page 20-21) To read the full research paper go to

Independent Research



PLD is dedicated to Promoting Literacy Development through our resources which deliver outcomes across 3 core areas; Literacy, Oral Language and Movement & Motor. This specialised approach, derived from the disciplines of education, speech pathology and occupational therapy, helps teachers develop the whole child so students 3 - 11 years of age reach their academic potential.

Literacy resources for Pre-Primary (WA),

Kindergarten (NSW, ACT), Preparatory (QLD, VIC, TAS), Reception (SA) & Transition (NT)

PLD’s Three Key Areas maximise primary school literacy achievement


The hallmark of literacy proficiency is comprehension and written expression ability and these areas are influenced by oral language and motor skills. PLD’s structured synthetic phonics range has been identified by AUSPELD as an evidence based ‘wave 1’ (whole class) and wave 2 (small group) program.

‘Word Attack’ or spelling and decoding skills are derived from: • Phonemic (and phonological) awareness • Alphabet and phonic sound knowledge • Sight word knowledge

Oral Language Oral language refers to the act of speaking and listening. The main components include: • Word knowledge - vocabulary • Sentence structure - grammar • Language understanding - semantic and comprehension ability • Structured thinking - the ability to elaborate, organise and sequence thoughts Students need to be able to process information heard (or read) and explain this information orally (or in writing) in order to be successful within the curriculum.

Movement & Motor


The way a student organises and uses their body is a significant part of literacy-based learning. In schools, students are constantly required to complete curriculum activities which involve physical movements. Perceptual motor refers to the ability to hear something, interpret the meaning and form an appropriate motor response. • Perceptual - input or receiving the message • Motor - output or the response

Movement & Motor

Oral Language

Phone: (08) 9227 0846

Professional Learning for teaching staff and support staff

Courses can be viewed by individuals or as a group. Courses include unlimited access to all content for 90 days. A certificate is awarded upon completion .

Courses are short in nature: between 1 hour and 4 hours in length.

Course information can be viewed at

Online Courses

• This course outlines how to teach students to read, spell and write. • Typically students start to read 1st, spell 2nd and write 3rd. • This course demonstrates instruction that is explicit and time efficient. • Videos 1 & 2 outline the teaching, screening and small group work required within term 1 & 2. • Video 3 outlines how to cater for the range in ability as students begin to progress at different levels. • Video 4 focuses upon the teaching of writing and also how to finalise the school year.

PLD is a provider of training, delivering seminars across Australia designed for teachers and support staff. Each seminar targets a specific age range and incorporates explicit instruction of literacy, oral language and motor for that age range. Professional learning is a great facilitator of more effective instruction within schools and these all-day seminars are perfect for experienced teachers and graduates alike.


Literacy and Learning in the Foundation Years

Western Australia Dates Christmas School Holiday Session 2018 - Tuesday 23 January 2018 Term 1 - Wednesday 7 March School Holiday Session - Tuesday 24 April Term 2 - Tuesday 29 May School Holiday Session - Wednesday 11 July Term 3 - Wednesday 29 August School Holiday Session - Tuesday 2 October Term 4 - Tuesday 30 November School Holiday Session - Tuesday 22 January 2019

For seminar dates across Australia, please visit

School based training sessions For booking information, direct all enquiries to or

School Based Training


Best Selling Resources

Movement & Motor

Oral Language

Phonemic Awareness: Blending and segmentation

Alphabet and Early Phonics

• Blending is an important pre-reading skill. • Segmenting is important before spelling & writing tasks can be completed independently. • The scripted blending sets of tasks take no more than 3 minutes to present. • Short assessments are included to review progress.

• Alphabet

in 4 groups starting with s, a, t, p, i, n.

• Followed

by stage 1 phonics sh, ch, th etc.

Website Order Code: L2B1 Price: $59 +GST

Website Order Code: L2B2 Price: $59 +GST

Website Order Code: L2S Price: $59 +GST

Website Order Code: CCal (or CCalc for cursive version) Price: $59 +GST

Phonic Sight Word Sequence

Early CVC Reading Material

Reading and Spelling Games

• A whole school scope and sequence. • Word lists, stage 1-6

• Cards in set 1 target the introduction of spelling CVC words while set 2 targets stage 1 phonic concepts like sh, ch, th etc. • The tasks are ideal to be integrated with Wikki Stix early in the year, as letter formation is still being developed. • When students start to read, the reading material needs to be tightly designed. • Single word reading tasks are initially based upon 6 sounds, then 12 sounds, then 18 sounds before incorporating the whole alphabet. • The above progression is then applied to sentences.

• Designed for small groups of students or home programs

and for students who require repeated skill rehearsal. approach facilitates fun while engaging in repeated practice.

overviews, spelling rules, morphology,

• This manual outlines explicit letter formation incorporating big body movements, verbal cues and differentiated templates for each letter. • Handy information on reading assessments and sight word lists. • Pre-Literacy and Early Literacy screening designed for transitioning students into reading and spelling.

• The game based

• Designed to

accompany whole class programs.

Website Order Code: Bpsw Price: $65 +GST

Website Order Code: CCfrw Price: $75 +GST

Website Order Code: Bsw1 Price: $65 +GST

Letter Formation

Early Spelling

Early Writing

• As writing incorporates so many individual literacy, language and motor skills, this program provides three differentiated levels for each task. • A range of genres are presented e.g. reports, recounts, narrative, poetry, dictation. • Marking rubrics at the base of each template.

positive pencil grip, position of hand and paper.

Website Order Code: Mlff (or Mlfc for cursive version) Price: $75 +GST

Website Order Code: CCfsw and CCfsw2 Price: $75 +GST

Website Order Code: Mfwa Price: $75 +GST

Comprehension Questions

Oral Language Programs

• An excellent resource for schools to set up a home program in which parents receive a picture book and a question card • The program will support later reading comprehension ability.

• Two time efficient

progress checks are also included.

Website Order Code: Mc5 Price: $75 +GST

Website Order Code: Mn5 Price: $75 +GST

Website Order Code: 10m5 Price: $75 +GST

Website Order Code: Sem4 Price: $75 +GST

Website Order Code: PBr5 Price: $75 +GST

To preview resources in full, view demonstration videos or to order, enter product codes at

KeyArea:Oral Language Skills

Children benefit when home and school work together.

Understanding/Listening •Follow3-step instructions,eg: “Get yourbook,put it in your bagand thenput yourbagby thedoor.” •Follow instructionscontaining thewords ‘first’, ‘last’ and ‘after’ •Understandeverything said tome (ageappropriate) •Answer ‘when’, ‘why’and ‘what’questions •Understandopposites (hotandcold), locationwords (next to,between, in front) •Understandhumourand laughat jokes Speaking •Speak intelligiblywitha few speech immaturities remaining •Usebasicallyadult likegrammar •Tellnewsor storieswithoutanyassistance •Retella storyaccurately •Participate in longdetailedconversationswitha range ofpeople •Explainwhy somethinghappened Speechand LanguageDevelopmentalMilestones Now that I am 5 years old... I should be able to;

Tips ForHome •Read storiesandaskquestions about thebook. •Encourage yourchild to retell stories using theirownwords. •Makeup storiesusing thepictures in textlessbooks. •Talkaboutpast,presentand future eventswith yourchild. •Give yourchild themeaningof words theydon’t know.

PLD offers an extensive range of parent education resources. Our download sheets provide milestone information and the specific YouTube playlist provides a range of short educational video clips. This information can be disseminated to parents and the wider community through newsletters, websites and general communication.

Parent Education

•Planand rehearse yourchild’snews prior to the schoolnews tellingday. Causes ForConcern •A small vocabulary. •Onlyuses short sentencesor sentenceswithgrammaticalerrors. •Cannot retellaneventor simple storyevenwith support. •Difficulty following instructionswith twoormore steps. •Difficultyansweringhow,whenand whyquestions. •Child’s speech isdifficult to understand.

Playand Social Skills •Enjoy socialcommunicationwithavarietyofpeople •Make friendsandengageeasilywithpeers •Play fairly in simplegameswith rules •Engage incomplex imaginaryplay •Join inand startconversations •Useanextensive vocabulary toexpress ideasand request information

•Poorconversationand social skills. •Doesnotenjoy listening to stories. •Shortattention span.

Shouldyouhaveanyconcerns aboutyourchild’sdevelopment, consulta SpeechPathologist.

116Parry Street PerthWA6000 Australia

Option 1 Milestone sheets and downloads at Option 2 Foundation parent education playlist at

T:+61 (08) 9227 0846 F:+61 (08)92270865

PLD Organisation Pty. Ltd.. This information sheet can be downloaded and distributed providingPLD’s logoandcontactdetailsarenot removed. PLD’sprograms thatdevelop theabove skillscanbeviewedby searching thecodes: Mc5,Mc5a, AR35,10m5, Pbr5, Sem5 on

PLD’s structured synthetic phonics program is a recommended AUSPELD Wave 1 (whole class) and Wave 2 (small group) additional intervention program.

Recommended SSP Program

High performing primary schools: What do they have in common? Professor William Louden (2015) Research commissioned by the Education Department of WA, explored the similarities and differences among high performing West Australian Government primary schools. All of the schools used explicit teaching strategies for teaching phonological awareness and phonics. Common across all schools was a synthetic phonics approach. The following is a direct quote from the research paper. “Synthetic phonics is a systematic approach to teaching reading by beginning with sounds (phonemes) and blending (synthesising) these sounds to make words. All of the case study schools have implemented synthetic phonics programs in the early years... PLD Literacy and Learning .... teach[es] phonemes (letter and digraph sounds), letter formation, blending of sounds together to form new words, segmenting sounds in read and write new words, and teaching ‘tricky words’ with irregular spelling.” (Page 20-21) To read the full research paper go to

Independent Research

Year 1and 2 2018

PLD is dedicated to Promoting Literacy Development through our resources which deliver outcomes across 3 core areas; Literacy, Oral Language and Movement & Motor. This specialised approach, derived from the disciplines of education, speech pathology and occupational therapy, helps teachers develop the whole child so students 3 - 11 years of age reach their academic potential.

PLD’s Three Key Areas maximise primary school literacy achievement


The hallmark of literacy proficiency is comprehension and written expression ability and these areas are influenced by oral language and motor skills. PLD’s structured synthetic phonics range has been identified by AUSPELD as an evidence based ‘wave 1’ (whole class) and wave 2 (small group) program.

‘Word Attack’ or spelling and decoding skills are derived from: • Phonemic (and phonological) awareness • Alphabet and phonic sound knowledge • Sight word knowledge

Oral Language Oral language refers to the act of speaking and listening. The main components include: • Word knowledge - vocabulary • Sentence structure - grammar • Language understanding - semantic and comprehension ability • Structured thinking - the ability to elaborate, organise and sequence thoughts Students need to be able to process information heard (or read) and explain this information orally (or in writing) in order to be successful within the curriculum.

Movement & Motor


The way a student organises and uses their body is a significant part of literacy-based learning. In schools, students are constantly required to complete curriculum activities which involve physical movements. Perceptual motor refers to the ability to hear something, interpret the meaning and form an appropriate motor response. • Perceptual - input or receiving the message • Motor - output or the response

Movement & Motor

Oral Language

Phone: (08) 9227 0846

Professional Learning for teaching staff and support staff

Courses can be viewed by individuals or as a group. Courses include unlimited access to all content for 90 days. A certificate is awarded upon completion.

Courses are short in nature: between 1 hour and 4 hours in length.

Course information can be viewed at

Online Courses

Note: If the Year 1 class has particularly weak students, the following online course is also relevant.

PLD is a provider of training, delivering seminars across Australia designed for teachers and support staff. Each seminar targets a specific age range and incorporates explicit instruction of literacy, oral language and motor for that age range. Professional learning is a great facilitator of more effective instruction within schools and these all-day seminars are perfect for experienced teachers and graduates alike.


Literacy and Learning in Year 1 and 2

Western Australia Dates Christmas School Holiday Session 2018 - Wednesday 24 January 2018 Term 1 - Thursday 8 March

School Holiday Session - Thursday 26 April School Holiday Session - Thursday 12 July

Term 2 - Wednesday 30 May Term 3 - Tuesday 28 August

School Holiday Session - Monday 1 October Term 4 - Wednesday 31 November School Holiday Session - Wednesday 23 January 2019

For seminar dates across Australia, please visit

School based training sessions For booking information, direct all enquiries to or

School Based Training


Best Selling Resources

Movement & Motor

Oral Language

Structured Synthetic Phonics

Comprehension Questions

Oral Language

• A whole school scope and sequence document. • Word lists, stage 1-6

• Designed for small groups of students or home programs. • Designed for students who require repeated skill rehearsal. • The game based approach facilitates enjoyment and targeted repeated practice. • Designed to accompany whole class programs. • Remember, single word spelling skills require significant consolidation before they can transfer into writing. • The phonic dictation tasks facilitate the ability to transfer phonic spelling skills into extended reading and writing tasks. • Regular 5 or 10 minute sessions typically produce significant gains. • A time efficient addition to literacy blocks. • A range of rubrics outline a simple way of marking the dictation passages. • Two options outlined Option 1 - Reading, editing and writing practice Option 2 - Dictation only up a home program in which parents receive a picture book and a question card • The program supports reading comprehension ability. • Two time efficient progress checks are also included. • A recommended compliment to early reading books. Small Group Programs Dictation - Spelling into Writing • This pack includes lists of recommended picture books with scripted question cards. • An excellent resource for schools to set

overviews, spelling rules, morphology, reading assessments and sight word lists.

• End of term reviews

to report progress and determine levels for the subsequent term.

Website Order Code: Bpsw Price: $65 +GST

Website Order Code: Mc6 Price: $75 +GST

Website Order Code: Mn68 Price: $75 +GST

Stage 1 Phonics - Whole Class

Website Order Code: SP1 Price: $59 +GST

Website Order Code: Md2 Price: $75 +GST

Website Order Code: Chph1 Price: $35 +GST

Website Order Code: Md1 Price: $75 +GST

Stage 2 Phonics - Whole Class

Website Order Code: SP2 Price: $59 +GST

Website Order Code: Chph2 Price: $35 +GST

Website Order Code: Bsw1 Price: $65 +GST

Website Order Code: Bsw2 Price: $65 +GST

Stage 1 Apps

Decoding Real & Nonsense Words eBooks - to mirror on smartboards

• The apps develop Stage 1 reading and spelling ability. • The apps emphasize alphabet and

phonic sounds and phonemic awareness. • The words gradually increase in complexity

Website Order Code: RNW1 Price: $59.99

Website Order Code: RNW2 Price: $59.99

Website Order Code: RNW3 Price: $59.99

Website Order Code: RNW4 Price: $59.99

To preview resources in full, view demonstration videos or to order, enter product codes at

Children benefit when home and school work together.

Language Literacy Link Too often parents and educators associate early literacy sucesswith alphabetic and sightword knowledge.A little lateron inachild’sdevelopment literacy isoftenviewed in termsofphonics, spellinganddecodingability. This ignores the role of oral vocabulary, sentence structure, oral language and comprehension ability. For students to develop interpretative readingandwriting skills it isessential that both languagebased literacy (ororal language skills)andprint based literacy skills (i.e.alphabetic,phonic, spellinganddecodingability)are recognisedand targeted. DELAYED LANGUAGE=YEAR3+COMPLICATIONSAND “MiddleGrade Slump” when thecurriculumcontentkicks inand thecontentof readingmaterialalso increases.

PLD offers an extensive range of parent education resources. Our download sheets provide milestone information and the specific YouTube playlist provides a range of short educational video clips. This information can be disseminated to parents and the wider community through newsletters, websites and general communication.

Language-Based Literacy Skills

Parent Education

Print,WordOr “Code”- Based Literacy Skills

INCLUDES... •Comprehension •Vocabulary/semantics

INCLUDES... •PhonologicalAwareness – “sounding-out”ability •Sightword knowledge •Alphabetic letter sound knowledge •Phonic knowledge

•Sentence structure/grammar •Oral language (narrative skills) •Sequencingandorganization

These skills lead to: •Writtenexpressionability •Readingcomprehensionability

These skills lead to: •Spelling •Decoding (i.e. readingword attack) skills

Low language skillswill not prevent an individual from learning to read, but itwill heavily impact an individual’s reading achievementwhen textsdemands increaseandan individual is required to interpret,predict, reasonand infer information. • Fact: Children will havedifficultywithwritten tasks if theyhavedifficultyexpressing themselves. • Fact: Children will have reduced reading comprehension ability if they have difficulty following instructions and comprehending thedeeper themescontained inpicturebookswhichare read to them.

PLDOrganisationPty. Ltd.. This information sheetcanbedownloadedanddistributed providingPLD’s logoandcontactdetailsarenot removed. 116Parry Street,PerthWA 6000,Australia• T:+61 (08)9227 0846• F:+61 (08) 92270865•

Option 1 Milestone sheets and downloads at Option 2 Foundation parent education playlist at

PLD’s structured synthetic phonics program is a recommended AUSPELD Wave 1 (whole class) and Wave 2 (small group) additional intervention program.

Recommended SSP Program

High performing primary schools: What do they have in common? Professor William Louden (2015) Research commissioned by the Education Department of WA, explored the similarities and differences among high performing West Australian Government primary schools. All of the schools used explicit teaching strategies for teaching phonological awareness and phonics. Common across all schools was a synthetic phonics approach. The following is a direct quote from the research paper. “Synthetic phonics is a systematic approach to teaching reading by beginning with sounds (phonemes) and blending (synthesising) these sounds to make words. All of the case study schools have implemented synthetic phonics programs in the early years... PLD Literacy and Learning .... teach[es] phonemes (letter and digraph sounds), letter formation, blending of sounds together to form new words, segmenting sounds in read and write new words, and teaching ‘tricky words’ with irregular spelling.” (Page 20-21) To read the full research paper go to

Independent Research

Year 3, 4, 5&6 2018

PLD is dedicated to Promoting Literacy Development through our resources which deliver outcomes across 3 core areas; Literacy, Oral Language and Movement & Motor. This specialised approach, derived from the disciplines of education, speech pathology and occupational therapy, helps teachers develop the whole child so students 3 - 11 years of age reach their academic potential.

PLD’s Three Key Areas maximise primary school literacy achievement


The hallmark of literacy proficiency is comprehension and written expression ability and these areas are influenced by oral language and motor skills. PLD’s structured synthetic phonics range has been identified by AUSPELD as an evidence based ‘wave 1’ (whole class) and wave 2 (small group) program.

‘Word Attack’ or spelling and decoding skills are derived from: • Phonemic (and phonological) awareness • Alphabet and phonic sound knowledge • Sight word knowledge

Oral Language Oral language refers to the act of speaking and listening. The main components include: • Word knowledge - vocabulary • Sentence structure - grammar • Language understanding - semantic and comprehension ability • Structured thinking - the ability to elaborate, organise and sequence thoughts Students need to be able to process information heard (or read) and explain this information orally (or in writing) in order to be successful within the curriculum.

Movement & Motor


The way a student organises and uses their body is a significant part of literacy-based learning. In schools, students are constantly required to complete curriculum activities which involve physical movements. Perceptual motor refers to the ability to hear something, interpret the meaning and form an appropriate motor response. • Perceptual - input or receiving the message • Motor - output or the response

Movement & Motor

Oral Language

Phone: (08) 9227 0846

Professional Learning for teaching staff and support staff

Courses can be viewed by individuals or as a group. Courses include unlimited access to all content for 90 days. A certificate is awarded upon completion.

Courses are short in nature: between 1 hour and 4 hours in length.

Course information can be viewed at

Online Courses

• This course outlines how to teach students to read, spell and write. • Typically students start to read 1st, spell 2nd and write 3rd. • This course demonstrates instruction that is explicit and time efficient. • Videos 1 & 2 outline the teaching, screening and small group work required within term 1 & 2. • Video 3 outlines how to cater for the range in ability as students begin to progress at different levels. • Video 4 focuses upon the teaching of writing and also how to finalise the school year.

PLD is a provider of training, delivering seminars across Australia designed for teachers and support staff. Each seminar targets a specific age range and incorporates explicit instruction of literacy, oral language and motor for that age range. Professional learning is a great facilitator of more effective instruction within schools and these all-day seminars are perfect for experienced teachers and graduates alike.


Literacy and Learning in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6

Western Australia Dates Christmas School Holiday Session 2018 - Thursday 25 January 2018 Term 1 - Friday 9 March School Holiday Session - Friday 27 April Term 2 - Thursday 31 May School Holiday Session - Friday 13 July Term 3 - Monday 27 August School Holiday Session - Thursday 4 October Term 4 - Thursday 1 November School Holiday Session - Thursday 24 January 2019

For seminar dates across Australia, please visit

School based training sessions For booking information, direct all enquiries to or

School Based Training


Best Selling Resources

Movement & Motor

Oral Language

Structured Synthetic Phonics

Spelling Activities

• By middle and upper primary, classes typically have a huge range in ability levels. • On the basis of the placement test, levels are quickly established and class specific content can be devised. • The ‘Phonic and Sight Word Sequence’ is a whole school scope and sequence. • Word lists, phonic concepts, spelling rules, morphology, reading and spelling assessments and sight words are outlined. • Termly reviews are provided for establishing the range in ability, for reviewing progress and for measurable data.

• Section 1 provides activities that require students to ‘sound-out’ as they spell. These tasks highlight the relationship of the sound structure and letters. • Section 2 outlines activities that focus students on word meaning and morphology, so they understand the words they have learned to spell. • Section 3 outlines tasks which require students to transfer their spelling tasks into writing.

Website Order Code: Bpsw Price: $65 +GST

Website Order Code: SAmup Price: $65 +GST

Spelling transferring into Writing

• Phonic dictation facilitates the ability to transfer phonic spelling skills into writing. • Regular 5 or 10 minute sessions typically produce significant gains. • A time efficient addition to literacy blocks. • A range of rubrics outline a simple way of marking the dictation passages. • Two options outlined within the programs: Option 1 - Reading, editing and writing practice. Option 2 - Dictation only.

Website Order Code: Md4 Price: $75 +GST

Website Order Code: Md6 Available 2018

Website Order Code: Md3 Price: $75 +GST

Website Order Code: Md5 Price: $75 +GST

Phonic Resources

Website Order Code: FCp Price: $45 +GST

Website Order Code: SP2 Price: $59 +GST

Website Order Code: SP3 Available 2018

Website Order Code: Chph2 Price: $35 +GST

Website Order Code: Chph3 Price: $35 +GST

Website Order Code: Chph4 Price: $35 +GST

Comprehension Questions

Narrative Programs

• Narrative programs are associated with producing increases in comprehension and written expression ability. • Narrative programs transition students from conversational language into formal, concise ‘book’ language.

• This pack includes lists of recommended picture books with scripted question cards. • An excellent resource for schools to set up a home program in which parents receive a picture book and a question card • The program will support later reading comprehension ability. • Two time efficient progress checks are also included.

Website Order Code: Mn912 Price: $75 +GST

Website Order Code: CCgn1 Price: $35 +GST

Website Order Code: CCgn2 Price: $35 +GST

Website Order Code: Mc8 Price: $75 +GST

To preview resources in full, view demonstration videos or to order, enter product codes at

Children benefit when home and school work together.

Language Literacy Link Too often parents and educators associate early literacy sucesswith alphabetic and sightword knowledge.A little lateron inachild’sdevelopment literacy isoftenviewed in termsofphonics, spellinganddecodingability. This ignores the role of oral vocabulary, sentence structure, oral language and comprehension ability. For students to develop interpretative readingandwriting skills it isessential that both languagebased literacy (ororal language skills)andprint based literacy skills (i.e.alphabetic,phonic, spellinganddecodingability)are recognisedand targeted. DELAYED LANGUAGE=YEAR3+COMPLICATIONSAND “MiddleGrade Slump” when thecurriculumcontentkicks inand thecontentof readingmaterialalso increases.

PLD offers an extensive range of parent education resources. Our download sheets provide milestone information and the specific YouTube playlist provides a range of short educational video clips. This information can be disseminated to parents and the wider community through newsletters, websites and general communication.

Language-Based Literacy Skills

Print,WordOr “Code”- Based Literacy Skills

Parent Education

INCLUDES... •Comprehension •Vocabulary/semantics

INCLUDES... •PhonologicalAwareness – “sounding-out”ability •Sightword knowledge •Alphabetic letter sound knowledge •Phonic knowledge

•Sentence structure/grammar •Oral language (narrative skills) •Sequencingandorganization

These skills lead to: •Writtenexpressionability •Readingcomprehensionability

These skills lead to: •Spelling •Decoding (i.e. readingword attack) skills

Low language skillswill not prevent an individual from learning to read, but itwill heavily impact an individual’s reading achievementwhen textsdemands increaseandan individual is required to interpret,predict, reasonand infer information. • Fact: Children will havedifficultywithwritten tasks if theyhavedifficultyexpressing themselves. • Fact: Children will have reduced reading comprehension ability if they have difficulty following instructions and comprehending thedeeper themescontained inpicturebookswhichare read to them.

PLDOrganisationPty. Ltd.. This information sheetcanbedownloadedanddistributed providingPLD’s logoandcontactdetailsarenot removed. 116Parry Street,PerthWA 6000,Australia• T:+61 (08) 9227 0846• F:+61 (08) 9227 0865•

Option 1 Milestone sheets and downloads at Option 2 Foundation parent education playlist at

PLD’s structured synthetic phonics program is a recommended AUSPELD Wave 1 (whole class) and Wave 2 (small group) additional intervention program.

Recommended SSP Program

High performing primary schools: What do they have in common? Professor William Louden (2015) Research commissioned by the Education Department of WA, explored the similarities and differences among high performing West Australian Government primary schools. All of the schools used explicit teaching strategies for teaching phonological awareness and phonics. Common across all schools was a synthetic phonics approach. The following is a direct quote from the research paper. “Synthetic phonics is a systematic approach to teaching reading by beginning with sounds (phonemes) and blending (synthesising) these sounds to make words. All of the case study schools have implemented synthetic phonics programs in the early years... PLD Literacy and Learning .... teach[es] phonemes (letter and digraph sounds), letter formation, blending of sounds together to form new words, segmenting sounds in read and write new words, and teaching ‘tricky words’ with irregular spelling.” (Page 20-21) To read the full research paper go to

Independent Research

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