
The Mail

We haul... Your Freight/Vehicles On/Off the island. ...20 Feet Long x 8 Feet Wide. ...Reasonable Rates. Island Electric As a new resident of Chebeague, I was told of the excellent response to medical emergencies on the island. I experienced this response recently when the Rescue team and CTC got me quickly to Cousins. I spent five days in the hospital and am now recovering nicely at home. Cards and warm wishes were appreciated. Great people on the island. Sincerely, Phil Soderstrom Thank You I am very grateful for the generous gift from my Chebeague Island community family. I am capturing images that I never thought I could. Fondly, Cathy MacNeill Thank you Chebeague Rescue and CTC

The Checks for 2015 Have Been Sent!!!! The Chebeague Island Council and the Chedemption “Bag Ladies” want to thank all the dedicated volunteers who support Chedemption. Without the community’s support and the many, many volunteers who spend countless hours helping sort, pack, and label bags and boxes, we would not be able to function. We plan to send the 2016 checks out in April 2017. Giving Thanks for a Great Neighbor We wish to extend our sincere thanks and gratitude to Doug Ross for his unfailing commitment to displaying the flags in the Island Center. Every Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Veterans’ Day, Doug can be seen diligently placing the flags on the poles for the week during these holidays and removing them at the end of the week. His efforts are well appreciated, and we want to recognize his stewardship in completing this task. A Grateful Neighborhood Personal Shopper Do you need someone to go get groceries for you? Are you looking for someone to pick up a

gift for a holiday or special occasion? Do you have children who want to go shopping to get their parents a gift? Megan Munroe will do

any of these things for you. For more information, call 846-4654 or 712-0650 .

GROOTHOFF , Ehrhardt & Grace 484 North Rd 846-0773 Ehrhardt ehrhardtg53@gmail.com 415 710-1203 Grace gracegroothoff@gmail.com 707 322-8077 Send corrections and additions to gulldirect@hotmail.com. 2016 Chebeague Island Directory Corrections

Please call Kim Boehm, 846.2468 or email islndelt@juno.com



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