Education Officers Job Details

Education Officer

Background to the post.

Job Title : Education Officer.

Accountability: Ultimate accountability through the General Secretary to the GFTU Educational Trust Trustees and the GFTU Executive Committee.

Line Manager: GFTU Operations Manager.

Line Managing: Education Administrator/s.

Key Terms and Conditions: £36,000 per annum, plus pension linked to the percentage employee’s contribution chosen, free access to gym, free parking at Quorn, mobile phone, 37 hour week, some evening and weekend working expected. Place of work: The GFTU Office and hotel is in Quorn Leicestershire, it would be preferred that the successful candidate lived within reasonable travelling distance of Quorn. There is no re location allowance but the possibility of interest free loans and other assistance. We are also building new rental properties on the site. Key work relationships: The post-holder will work closely with the General Secretary, with the hotel General Manager with regards to bookings and so on, and with the Head of Finance in relation to all aspects of education finance. Tutors are contracted in for education provision on a contract for services basis. The GFTU established a Charity, the GFTU Educational Trust, in 1970. Since then it has entirely subsidised this charity to deliver a trade union education programme. It has a strong group of active Trustees. The current Trustees have been charged with diversifying income to support trade union education. At the heart of this work was the purchase of Quorn Grange Hotel and Nursery which are run commercially to create new income streams and be a location for education provision. There are other income generating streams in development including the establishment of a trade union publishing house. We have many partners in education delivery and a good record of funded partnership projects. A two year review of education has led to the development of the current programme which introduces some new elements alongside the conventional skills and knowledge based work. We are seeking to build on a very strong legacy and adapt to new demands and circumstances. There is a commitment to new ways of learning drawing on the traditions of popular education and of deepening the curriculum and expanding the learning opportunities more flexibly. Our main commitment is to face to face learning experiences, but we have an online learning platform. The GFTU is an internationalist organisation and draws on the experience of educationalists overseas.

The backgrounds of the GFTU General Secretary and Operations Manager are in education.

The GFTU has a strong commitment to developing arts and cultural work as key parts of the work of unions in organising, campaigning and education.

The new work of the GFTU in education will require strong promotion and a plan for this is in place.

There is considerable scope within the new programme to make an impact from this role.

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