FBINAA Associate Q1 Magazine
Continued from "Stability and Security", on page 13
RETURN ON INVESTMENT AT HOME “Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) works to keep Americans safe by countering crime, illegal drugs, and instability abroad.” The INL motto reflects the return on investment for the U.S. when deploying police officers abroad. Many countries could use a similar commitment when deploying police officers abroad. Countries that are missing basic police capacities are countries where terrorists and criminals could operate with a great impu - nity. The consequence is spilling over their borders. Terrorists can use their territories to plan and organize attacks on distant objectives. Criminals can manage all kinds of trafficking activities, from drugs and weapons to human beings and looted materials. Local warlords and corrupt politicians can seize and hold power, consequently destabilizing a whole region. Such instability would be an obstacle for any sustainable devel - opment and a shelter for terrorist and criminal activities that could spread across borders all over the world. Any effort that can help to contain and reduce these activities would prevent their negative impact abroad and contribute to overall security. The lack of effective police capacities and the development of terrorist and criminal activities can not only harm the area’s residents, but it can also force them to escape and look for bet- ter and safer places. Refugees and immigrants on the move will knock on our door and look for a hypothetical integration. The challenge of illegal immigration and of its associated criminal and terrorist threats lays in these places where police do not exist and/or must be rebuilt and strengthened. The lack of appropriate police capacities is a root cause for many security problems at home in the United States, Europe and most West - ern countries. Building and strengthening these capacities is a key preventive measure for our own security. A NEW INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL COMMUNITY Policing abroad strengthens the international police com- munity through different channels that are worth investing in. At the individual level, this is a tough sell. Being able to op- erate in a hostile and demanding environment requires a strong character. The dramatic situation local fellow police officers are facing emphasizes the leadership role of the international police officer who is expected to provide answers to everything. Indeed, the elaboration of these answers asks international police of - ficer to take a bet on himself or herself. He/she has to mobilize all of their knowledge and skills and rely of their memory and experiences as the core techniques and values of policing. They should be able to share this and express it clearly to their local partners. This is something they will do more often than at home and will give them a new feeling of their police role, and may be something not have perceived for a long time. When they come back home, they will have a new vision of their duty, and more focused on critical matters. Most of the time, international police officers are not alone. They are part of a team wherever they are, whether a police mis - sion or police assistance program. They will have to rely on the experience and expertise with other international police officers. Together they will have to adapt different and new practices the
ties organize to keep these jihadi at bay as we do at home with criminals. What these communities need is a policing system that will ensure their daily security once the military has pushed out the armed fighters. It is to ensure some form of social order that will prevent these same fighters from coming back. This need has been well identified. Most military missions are accompanied by a paralleled blue police mission. The U.S. and NATO have integrated the Afghan National Police (ANP) in the build-up of internal security forces in Afghanistan by Afghan National Security Forces. Everywhere the U.N. has deployed a huge military Force (Mali, Congo, etc.) it has deployed in parallel with the United Nations Police (UNPOL). Along with the French lead Barkhane military operation in the Sahel region, the Eu- ropean Union has deployed European Union Capacity Building Mission (EUCAP) Sahel police assistance missions in Mali and Niger. There is now no major military operation without a strong civilian police component. The police commitment can be either a police mission or a police assistance program. The former is a self-standing military styled organization that could either advise and train. It can take a more executive role by providing directly police services such as patrol, investigations, crowd control when the local capacity is missing. This is what was done in Kosovo (1999-2008) and in Timor Leste (2002-2015). The latter is more like a consultancy activity. It is usually implemented when local capacities already exists and just needs to be improved. A MAJOR COMMITMENT FOR PEACE AND SECURITY Outside of military operations, pure police missions and assistance programs are also implemented and requested for the deployment of police advisors either as trainers, advisors, mentors, or tutors. Through the Bureau of International Narcot- ics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) the U.S. government is committed to support the development of police capacities worldwide. The U.N., through the UNPOL and United Nations Development Program (UNDP), dedicated assistance projects, the EU with European Union Police Mission (EUPOL) and EU as - sistance program, “instrument for peace and stability” (IfSP) are committed in a similar endeavor. These different commitments are reflected in impressive figures. As of January 2021, 11,530 police officers coming from 90 different countries are participating in 17 U.N. police missions. Since 2003, the EU has deployed 30 police missions. The Organi- zation for Security and Cooperation in Europe deals mostly with Eastern Europe and Central Asia and currently provides police activities in nine countries. All of these efforts aim to strengthen the capacities of law enforcement agencies that provide security for their citizens and ensure the rule of law and the protection of human rights. This is a prerequisite both for peace and sustain- able development. Deploying police officers abroad is a triple commitment. It is a commitment from the officers’ home country, which has dedicated key human resources for peace and security abroad. It is a commitment from the international organization that is go- ing to carry on the police mission or program and is exposing its legitimacy. Finally, it is a personal commitment for the individual who is putting his/her life at risk to ensure that human beings who have suffered much harm can enjoy peace and security.
continued on page 37
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