FBINAA Associate Q1 Magazine
Continued from "Stability and Security", on page 36
ones that are the most suitable in the country where they oper - ate. This will give them a different vision of their own practice. It will show them that there is not one single way but many solu - tions that work better according to the circumstances. In that sense, policing abroad teaches pragmatism. The consequence is that there is a professional community spirit among internation- al police officers. The strength of this community is reflected by the number of police officers who renew or extend their commit - ment to international police missions once they have completed their initial deployments. Lastly, it is also the aim of the international police mission or program to integrate local police officers into the international professional community. Therefore, socialization and working together to introduce new techniques and practices are key fac - tors of integration. Ultimately, the local beneficiary and the inter - national provider will share a common professional culture. This will not only help to strengthen the local capacities if will also help facilitate international cooperation. When you know each other, when you understand yourself mutually, use the same vernacular and techniques, you can then communicate and cooperate more effectively. Therefore, the basis for international cooperation happens when police officers across the world work together to cooperate against organized crime, terrorism and illegal immigration. FBI NA GRADUATES AND POLICING ABROAD As leaders by nature, because they have met and worked with officers from different backgrounds when at the National Academy, and may often have their first international contacts, FBI NA graduates have the capacity and leadership skills to play an active role in policing abroad. IN MEMORIAM No research has been done so far about NA graduates’ roles in police missions and programs. However, one strong leader has to be mentioned when connecting the FBI NA and international police missions. On Sept. 19, 1997, a U.N. helicopter crashed in the Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Among the fatalities were seven American police officers committed to rebuilding Bosnia’s civilian police forces. One of them was the former Quantico FBI NA unit chief, FBI SA Al Beccaccio . Many FBI NA graduates will remember him for his leadership on tank trails in the early 1990s. One can be sure he was serving in Bosnia with the same charis - matic enthusiasm. Al Beccaccio was honored during a memorial ceremony in the presence of his son during the FBI NA National Convention in Orlando in July 2005.
F B I N A A . O R G | Q 1 2 0 2 2
Top-Bottom: An international team; Local and international (Myanmar); the local police (Somalia).
About the Author: As an independent consultant, Domi- nique Lapprand has committed himself to reorganizing security systems in 26 countries from former Soviet Bloc to African-failed states and now teaches interna - tional security cooperation (HEIP-Paris). A father of two and grandfather of seven, he is a private pilot, flight instructor/examiner, and owner of a Swift aircraft.
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