NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes

8 March 2018

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Robison seawall P/C Carroll discussed the poor condition of the angled seawall behind the boutique (112 feet). It’s rusted out badly. Power lines run along here as well. Kahl proposed a new seawall in front of the existing wall and backfill. Originally quoted at $32368 for 112 feet. Lots of broken tiebacks. Will repair this spring at spring work party. Can do a section every year without having to take out a loan and eventually work our way around the harbor. We got a price for galvanized seawall. Recommend we get this as it never has to be painted. Seawall in east harbor is galvanized and still looks good - maintenance free. P/C Carroll recommends we pay the $32368 plus $2693 for the galvanize sheets to start replacing sections each year. Permit is $500 for 5 years. Can start this December. Commodore Pagel stated we need to look at the financials to do this to present to membership for their approval. Need to be transparent. Ron Draper suggested taking photos to show membership how bad it is. Putting together a presentation for membership is recommended. Dale asked if we are getting other quotes? Randy mention about how much Kahl does for us and it’s best we keep him supporting NCYC with work. P/C Carroll made a motion to move forward and present to membership in May and give Kahl $500 for permit. Ron Draper seconded. Motion carries . Tom asked how many sections and phases? P/C Carroll estimated about 5 phases total. R/C Blackburn asked if it takes 5 or 6 years do we have the revenues to do this? Brian says yes. Tom mentioned replacing the walk ways while we’re at it. Brian ask if we would consider not doing it in phases? In phases is $32K per year and we have the risk of the costs increasing each year of the phase. He thinks we have enough cash to do it in less than 5 phases. Darryl Campbell – first work party need help to remove old mattresses in the rooms upstairs. Member of the month: Scott Green Felder nominated Ron Kemp, Ed Romatz and Brian Malik for making the Commodore’s Ball center pieces. MOTION: Moved by Brian Fringer, seconded by Bill Calihan. Motion Carried Good of the Order Meeting location. Commodore Pagel got a call from North 42 restaurant in Mac Rays Harbor asking if we were going to be using their facility for the board meetings. Does the team want to move to there? All agreed if Commodore Pagel can secure the place. MOTION: Moved to move meeting to North 42 by Tom Altobelli and seconded by Debbie Siwek. Motion Carried Debbie has yacht club cards for members reciprocity if they’re going to Florida. Debbie wanted to clarify if perspective members can split their $1100 initiation fee? Discussion took place on whether this is now needed? See Debbie for additional information. Also, next year don’t wait until March to do interviews!!!


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