HK039-Silver Yuan


4063 1949 A double registered cover from Yilung to Chungking, bearing SYS Hwa Nan print 4c x 2, with local overprinted ‘YILING’ and SYS Hwa Nan print 10c x 2, matching the domestic registration rate 28c, tied by ‘YILUNG/30.7.49’ cds and ‘CHUNGKING/6.8.49’ arrival cds. Instead of reaching the Supreme Court in Chungking this letter was sent to Canton, with ‘CANTON/32.8.49’ arrival cds. The cover was later sent back to Supreme Court, Chungking, with ‘CHUNGKING/20.9.49’ transit and ‘SHAPINGBA/22.9.49’ arrival cds. This is evidence of the chaos in the postal system during the China Civil War. Photo 1949年儀隴寄重慶雙掛號銀元地方加蓋封:中式封貼孫像華南版銀元4分加蓋儀隴2枚,孫像華南版銀元10分2 枚,郵資共計銀元28分,符合國內雙掛號郵資,銷儀隴卅八.七月三十戳雙掛號寄重慶,有重慶卅八.八月 六日落地戳,因收件局誤解最高法院搬遷到廣州,於是將信件轉寄廣州,銷廣州卅八.八月卅一落地戳,廣 州局收到後,又寄回重慶最高法院,經重慶銷卅八.九月二十戳,有沙坪壩卅八.九月廿二落地戳,反應了 國共內戰末期,國民黨政府機構持續搬遷導致的郵寄混亂案例。 HK$ 3,000 - 4,000


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