
From the President

Welcome to the first issue of Speak Out for 2014. I hope that everyone has had an enjoyable festive season and a happy New Year.

engage in our Australian campaign, Nation for Communication, during the ICP2014. Each year, we seek to recognise the preeminent achievements of our members through the Fellowship and Life member awards of the Association. Please consider nominating colleagues who have demonstrated sustained and outstanding professional careers for these awards. One such example of excellence is Associate Professor Dimity Dornan, Hear and Say Centre, who was recently awarded an Officer of the Order of Australia in the Australia Day awards. On behalf of the profession, I would like to congratulate Dimity on this prestigious award and for her remarkable achievements which have raised awareness of our profession in the community. This issue of Speak Out highlights the upcoming National Conference – Connections: client. clinician.context in May which will once again showcase a wide variety of research and clinical activities in speech pathology. Our international keynote speakers, Dr Sue Roulstone and Dr Susan Langmore, will spearhead the conference in two important areas of practice, paediatric speech and language impairment, and dysphagia, respectively. Associate Professor Jacinta Douglas will present the Elizabeth Usher Memorial Lecture and receive this award. The National Conference is the peak event of the Association each year and provides an excellent opportunity for members to update their knowledge, and network with colleagues. Registration for the conference is now open. A busy year ahead, but one that will provide numerous opportunities for all members to engage in professional activities.

This is the first issue of Speak Out to be offered to members in a digital format. I hope that members who have elected to receive Speak Out electronically are enjoying the freedom of reading this magazine when and wherever they choose on their mobile devices. As we begin a new year, it is gratifying to reflect upon the achievements of the Association over the past 12 months – a new constitution and Board structure and governance, very successful lobbying activities, and the drafting of a new strategic plan, to name just a few worthy accomplishments. A major achievement for the Association after tenacious lobbying has been the decision by the Senate Community Affairs Reference Committee to undertake a National Inquiry into the social and economic impact of communication and swallowing disorders in the Australian community in 2014. By the time you receive this Speak Out , the Association, members, clients, affiliated professionals, and members of the community will have provided submissions to the Inquiry for their deliberations. An inquiry such as this is a significant milestone for the profession and I thank all of you who have contributed to having our voice heard in this prominent forum. This year sees the official launch of the International Communication Project 2014 on 21 February during a global interactive forum in which interested persons discussed communication and swallowing issues with six leaders of speech pathology associations around the world. The ICP2014 together with the National Inquiry provide an unprecedented opportunity for members to showcase our profession, influence policy, and highlight unmet service needs. I encourage all of you to

DEBORAH THEODOROS National President

Speak Out February 2014



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